Oprah Winfrey is recognized as one of the most successful black
celebrities the world has ever seen. She exploded onto our screens in the mid
eighties and has never look backed since. Known also as Oprah Gail Winfrey she is a
successful chat show host, an American media proprietor, actress, producer and
Oprah Winfrey runs her own foundation which is called the Angel
Network. She is an ambassador for children changing the world through education
and has played a crucial role in helping create schools in KwaZulu-Natal.
The other philanthropic work which the Angel Network in involved in
includes building homes 300 homes after hurricane Katrina, veterans helping veterans
and save a girl, save the world. Unfortunately Oprah does not have a direct
mailing address or an email address, the only way you can contact Oprah is
through the contact us form on her website which is on the link below.
Latest Free Money Offers from Oprah

The competition closes in December 2015 and the winner is announced in March 2015. Only one person per entry. You cannot enter with multiple email addresses. You must be over 13 to apply and resident in the United States of America. It is recommended that you read the full terms and conditions to avoid any problems in the future.
#3: How Do I Ask Oprah for Money?
#4: Can I Ask Ellen for Money?
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So many people in need and then the voice in my head say: who are you to asked? You do have food.. you do have a house.. you do have cars... your husband have a good work.... But we at a place where we met our 4 sons needs to. All 4 of them have had struggles to study. Learning diss-abilities. My eldest have Autism, my second son has Tourette syndrome, my 3th son has auditive perception problem, my 4th son have had meningitis as baby and have a shunt and costs us millions with the shunt. We try to let them all 4 have a normal life. My husband take on a work that keep him away to help with their needs. They cant get really good works with good salaries and my husband salary had to carries al four. The youngest try to study in collage for mechanic, in Namibia Oshikati, but he really do struggle. At the end all the carrying of all four son take its toll and we in financial despair. To look after all four, pay their house bills and keep their moral high it cost as N$ Namibia dollars 40 000 a month and still we had our normal bills to pay to. All I say if we just can built our home finished and pay the loans and overdrafts... then we can have a brake. We do budget good and I know their is not wrong with our coping with money, but the daily caring all four. Their salary is N$ Namibia Dollars 2000 but that can not handle even a house per month. They hard workers but only can get casual labors work. I pray to God for a brake. Still His grace is so amazing on us. Do I really need to cry? My head say only 3 million N$ Namibia dollars will really give us a brake to brake clean... But still we carry on. We love life and we do care. I am a pastoral counselor and work in community help people out with life skills and lift their moral so that they also feel their is better way of living. So do we really need that brake? Do I need to cry?
ReplyDeleteHello we want to make our own business,but have no place for work in reconditionig,no home or place our own,nor money to buy one.
DeleteWe tried to make one place for funding,no result.If you can fund us or can help us in this matter would be very grateful.
Hello! My name is Angelina and I am 13 years old. I live in Belarus. I have a younger sister, mom and dad. Recently we bought a dog! She's funny and fun. I love my parents, and I know that they dream of a big, beautiful and bright house, but they can not afford it. So I write here and ask us to help with money.
DeleteMy mom loves flowers, we would have had the most stunning garden. She also excellent cooks and likes to receive visitors, but now we have nowhere to invite them. Dad loves fishing, he would have dug a huge pond in the courtyard, it would be great!
Soon I'll go to another city to study, and so I would like to go into a warm and light house, and see the person radosno parents :)
Hi my name is Harry and i'm 33 years old with no job because i am disabled. I was once working until i have gout (arthritis) at age 20. I am very depress because i can't find a job with my health condition. I once was fired in my last job due to low performance because i was unable to work the same anymore that my fingers and foot are a matters of having gout. I really want to go back to work but i know i cant because i;m disable. i would love to have any help giving me money to set for the rest of my life. I am ready to be homeless real soon. may god bless you all for helping the poor. email shaolin858@yahoo.com
DeleteTo whom this concerns (Everywhere in the USA),
DeleteSubject: Funding request
Dear Mr./Mrs.,
I am doing this on behalf of my family. Over the last 25+/- years I have been a student and mother, I am struggling to find a job where I fit and get off the welfare merry-go-round. I am wanting to build my own business where "I FIT"!
This will be made possible through funds received (monetarily, tools, supplies) from those concerned and agree, welfare is not ment for a lifetime. See www.GoFundMe.com/5d2jfkga4 ...... My wish list is comprised of some basics: 1) Apple27 iMac computer, 2) Apple Super drive 8x external USB Double layer DVD-RW/CD-RW hard drive, 3) Canon Pixma printer MG8220, 4) Canon EOS Rebel T5 camera, 18MP DSLR EFS 18mm-55mm lense, EF 75mm-300mm lense, 5) Funds will be used for supplies to create from multiple artistic categories.
As an educated person like yourself would understand, working is of extreme importance to any family!
I hope you can find it to fund my project. Any support will be greatly appreciated by me and my family. If you have any questions please email: GOW Project at (gow.project.2015@gmail.com). The products I will offer can be found at: ( www.zazzle.com/gow_project_plus ). Please copy and paste link in address block above.
Yours Faithfully,
Kara Poole 116 E Ohio Street Sibley, IL 61773
P.S. You are welcome to visit via FaceBook: Kara Poole (gow project) and also visit links provided to see products and order what you like.
I have a pressing matter for which I am asking all my friends, acquaintances and family to assist me with. I need to cover the retainer fee of $7,500.00 for my attorney by JUNE 25TH to get started defending my case. I was involved in a terrible accident last summer. I have a witness that was driving directly behind me that has verified the light being green. And two witnesses, including the 911 caller verifying that the other driver had been drinking. The police did not conduct a toxicology exam. So, whatever you may offer will be of great assistance. I have exhausted all of my resources over the year covering the attorney's fee and hiring a private investigator against civil actions. I work for the federal government and we will be experiencing 11 furlough days consecutively in 3 weeks. PLEASE HELP!! I really appreciate any and all help available. Thank you for your compassion. As an author, I am willing to offer pdf and epub versions of my newly self published book: Branches from the Same Tree Whether Broken or Reaching to as many people as you like. It's what I have.
ReplyDeletePlease go to: http://www.gofundme.com/fundmarlo
Thank you. Respectfully, Marlo E. Ettien 770-990-6875
I am in an extremely desperate situation as I am unemployed, no savings unable to pay the mortgage and the house is on the sale. All I need is $2000 as a loan so that I can use my knowledge in Forex trading to build my financial freedom. I want this as a loan and ready to pay back with interest. Only $2000. Please try to help as this can change my horrible destiny and I will be forever grateful to anybody who is willing to help me in this.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much
May Buddha bless you
Hi my name is Wendy Tennant I have been disabled since 1998 for three years I raised my two daughters’ with little to no help from my ex husband. This is the same man that tried to kill me in 1995. Then I meet the man of my dreams and everything was going great until I started to remember what I buried for years. Being molested by my sister from the age of 3 until 11. I told my parents about it a number of time’s to make it stop and all I was told was that she would never do this to me. So I started thinking it was okay until I left at the age of 17 (1983). I moved in with my ex and that was when the abuse from him started until he almost killed me in 1995. From 1995 until 2001 I was raising my girls on my own this is when I meet the man of my dreams. He stepped in as dad for the girls and treats them like his own. We put them thru college and are still paying. Because we had little to no help from him. I just slowly start to shut down because in my past My family would say your not worth it and you mess everything up, because everyone in my family didn’t care I did care what happen to me. This is one of the reasons why we are in money problems because I just didn’t care, what happened to me. For years I just dealt with it until I couldn’t any more. I really care what happened now but it my be to late and now I am under doctors care. I suffer from PTSD and severe depression. I know with their help I am worth it. They also helped me thru the death of my Mom 12-13-12. But now we are going to lose our house if $16,500 isn’t paid by June 28 o our house will go out to auction on Aug 15th. for back taxes. I have let my family down and now if we lose the house I don’t know how my mental health is going to take it. Any amount would help out. PLEASE can you help. Thank you for your time, Wendy
ReplyDeleteMy email is mamawendy26@yahoo.com
DeleteI am so sorry to hear about that. I'm not sure how you feel about relocating but there is help with subsidized housing. In Belfry, KY there are several vacancies now. It does not matter what state you live in, I have helped many people relocate where they have received free housing. The apartments are very nice and based on your income. If you have zero income, there is a form that can be filled out by a friend or family member who says they are willing to help you out monthly with utilities. While on medical leave, I received a letter saying my Leasing position is no longer available due to not being protected under FMLA (not enough employee's) So I am struggling as well (family of 4) with no gov assistance. My mother has been paying my mortgage payment, without her and my father, we would not have our home. Both my husband and I have always worked very hard and did well until he was laid off May 30th 2014, and I just received my letter of termination August 5, 2015. Unfortunately, even though I worked for this company 5 years we do not qualify for an apartment due to bad credit/tax liens. It is an equal opportunity housing complex but does require a back ground and credit check. The following will disqualify a person for public housing: Tax Liens, Backruptcy (that has not been discharged) unpaid utilities OR ANY CRIMINAL (Felony) Please call and apply if you qualify and would not be denied due to any of the following I described. Because I have tax liens, we do not qualify. I understand and relate to everyone who is struggling and want to offer help. I hope that anyone who qualifies for subsidized housing in Belfry, KY or Warfield KY will apply. The phone numbers are 606 237-7180 for Tug Fork Apartments and 606 395-6757 for Dempsey Housing. Please call one of the phone numbers above and ask for an application to be mailed to you. I will also put the number to Headquarters in Maryland in case there are other cities/states people would like to look into. Usually public housing/subsidized/based on your income has very long wait lists....These two properties in KY do NOT which is why I am letting you know about them. Free or very low rent housing will automatically qualify you for food stamps and other programs that help with utilities. I understand the cost of relocating but if there is any way to do so, it would save thousands of dollars a year. I urge everyone who does not have a home to live in and not enough income to support yourself or family to apply for a based on your income apartment. As I said, those who do not have ANY income has no need to worry. A simple form provided in the application will let you have someone say they give you a couple hundred dollars a month (because you do have to show some type of income and this will provide proof of your income) once you do this and fill out the application, your criminal and credit check will be ran to see if you qualify. Those with zero income who has to use that form will have ZERO rent and will also get a check by the company once a month (everyone who qualifies gets a different amount, it's based on your income) Example: if your one person and someone gives you 200 a month, your security deposit would be 60 dollars and you would receive a 16 dollar a month check. Utility checks are based on the size of your family and your income. I pray this info will help many people check into this. Until I starting working for one of these places in 2010, I had no clue subsidized housing existed (especially for anyone without family or children) but it does and has helped millions of people. I wanted to share this info with anyone in need of help financially because let's face it, housing, food and medical are our 3 largest expenses. As I said, I no longer have this job and can not help any further like I use to.
DeletePls. Im just in. Need of some money. Like $900. That all
ReplyDeletehello my name is angel came to the usa to make a different in my family but nothing is different i have two kids single parents my mother take care off my kids with the little she have but its very hard cause i am not even working to help help with bills and my two kids back home cause i cannot even help myself someone please help me have no money have nothing please someone feel my hurt i really would like to do it for myself but cannot right now 201 887 4082. thank you.
ReplyDeleteI lived happy family, helping out where they could. But one of problem and the economic crisis, it all went wrong. Presently I live in great poverty. I can not pay for things. I has long been looking for help. Only was promise. And always asked for money in advance. Sometimes I feel like giving up already. I need help fast. It would be help for some little money. I'd like to work to get out as quickly as possible from this bad period. There would two very good jobs. I need get started loan. I beg you who can help. This solution would be for me. Would be more money every month. I can pay your bills and live normally. It would not be a problem to repay. remeny28@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear about that. I'm not sure how you feel about relocating but there is help with subsidized housing. In Belfry, KY there are several vacancies now. It does not matter what state you live in, I have helped many people relocate where they have received free housing. The apartments are very nice and based on your income. If you have zero income, there is a form that can be filled out by a friend or family member who says they are willing to help you out monthly with utilities. While on medical leave, I received a letter saying my Leasing position is no longer available due to not being protected under FMLA (not enough employee's) So I am struggling as well (family of 4) with no gov assistance. My mother has been paying my mortgage payment, without her and my father, we would not have our home. Both my husband and I have always worked very hard and did well until he was laid off May 30th 2014, and I just received my letter of termination August 5, 2015. Unfortunately, even though I worked for this company 5 years we do not qualify for an apartment due to bad credit/tax liens. It is an equal opportunity housing complex but does require a back ground and credit check. The following will disqualify a person for public housing: Tax Liens, Backruptcy (that has not been discharged) unpaid utilities OR ANY CRIMINAL (Felony) Please call and apply if you qualify and would not be denied due to any of the following I described. Because I have tax liens, we do not qualify. I understand and relate to everyone who is struggling and want to offer help. I hope that anyone who qualifies for subsidized housing in Belfry, KY or Warfield KY will apply. The phone numbers are 606 237-7180 for Tug Fork Apartments and 606 395-6757 for Dempsey Housing. Please call one of the phone numbers above and ask for an application to be mailed to you. I will also put the number to Headquarters in Maryland in case there are other cities/states people would like to look into. Usually public housing/subsidized/based on your income has very long wait lists....These two properties in KY do NOT which is why I am letting you know about them. Free or very low rent housing will automatically qualify you for food stamps and other programs that help with utilities. I understand the cost of relocating but if there is any way to do so, it would save thousands of dollars a year. I urge everyone who does not have a home to live in and not enough income to support yourself or family to apply for a based on your income apartment. As I said, those who do not have ANY income has no need to worry. A simple form provided in the application will let you have someone say they give you a couple hundred dollars a month (because you do have to show some type of income and this will provide proof of your income) once you do this and fill out the application, your criminal and credit check will be ran to see if you qualify. Those with zero income who has to use that form will have ZERO rent and will also get a check by the company once a month (everyone who qualifies gets a different amount, it's based on your income) Example: if your one person and someone gives you 200 a month, your security deposit would be 60 dollars and you would receive a 16 dollar a month check. Utility checks are based on the size of your family and your income. I pray this info will help many people check into this. Until I starting working for one of these places in 2010, I had no clue subsidized housing existed (especially for anyone without family or children) but it does and has helped millions of people. I wanted to share this info with anyone in need of help financially because let's face it, housing, food and medical are our 3 largest expenses. As I said, I no longer have this job and can not help any further like I use to.
ReplyDeletePlease donate!!!!! Im a faith believer that this will touch your heart and I will accept anything you donate
Please believe me !. I am a GOD fearing person and religious too. So I swear in the name of GOD that whatever I narrate below is all true . May GOD punish me and my family if I am lying to you all. To begin with …., my husband is a businessman. We used to be the happiest family with 5 children. My elder two daughters finished their studies but 3 others are still studying .Since last three years our business did not run well and my husband is in great debts and very difficult to support the family and children education and right now he is in great depression. My husband is desperately in need of some money to pay back the debts and give education to our children. My husband owes about US$ 850000 (interest is increasing every day) to Bank and private lenders. Initially, he took some loans from Bank and private lenders to do some business and build our house but for last three years his business didn't run well and in great debts. Bank Authority and private lenders are pressing him to pay back the loan with interest and threaten to take him to Court. It is really devastating! Your small donation of US$ 850000 will uplift us and bring back the happiness in our family. Right now my family is in great tension and great trouble. Our family is also a very religious person and love to do charity works. When we were financially sound we used to do charity works. We will continue to do if GOD HELP us ! Please kindly help us. Please contact us at email - twang349@gmail.com.
ReplyDeleteI studia teologiczne w Instytucie Teologii Systematycznej w Katedrze Teologii Biblijnej we Wrocławiu (http://www.pwt.wroc.pl/). jestem studentem. Byłem bezrobotny przez ostatnie 10 lat (w latach 2007, 2010, 2011 pracował jako katecheta w Szkole Podstawowej w Wałbrzychu). Jestem przeżywa trudności finansowe.
ReplyDeleteNie jestem oszustem i złodziejem. Mówię prawdę. Wiem przykazań. Jednym z nich jest Nie kradnij. Mogę wysłać do Ciebie mój dyplom mistrza teologii na e-mail jako dowód. I nie wyrzucać pieniądze w błoto
Telefon: +48 79 664 40 49
E-mail: NiemasG@gmail.com
I'm Nidhal, 27 years old and I’m in love with the most amazing gorgeous girl ever, every time I see her I go crazy, her gorgeous smile makes my heart beat so badly. I love the way she hugs me, I love the way she talks to me, I love her passions, I love her thoughts … I love everything about her .Every time i look into her eyes I thank god for this lovely gift. I have a wonderful girlfriend, and she means the world for me.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is that neither one of us have great credit, which is no one fault but our own, I could give you all kinds of reason why it isn't our fault and come up with excuses for everything, but in the end it all boils down to the decisions we made, good or bad.
I need someone who can help me and give me and some money; we just want to get married. I love my girlfriend and I don’t want to disappoint her. I’m not asking for a lot, anything will make a difference and would make my life bearable.
I thank you for your time and I pray that you would be blessed for being willing to help others.
Bank account: TN 5 9 0 4 0 6 9 1 5 4 0 0 2 5 5 5 9 4 5 1 4 4
Swift code: BSTUTNTT
Thank you.
Email: dallalinidhal@gmail.com
I need someone to help me pay my bills that is €970..AM going back to school when my girl joins kindergarten.Please i real need these help..
ReplyDeletemy mail is
I am Prophet Leo Joshua
I am highly gifted by God Almighty the creator of the whole universe.. i have a small church but am not known in this world at all but i am gifted with many powers from God, i have the gift of deliverance of any type, maybe you are a wealthy man and you have so many spiritual problems confronting you at all time physically and spiritual. as we can see in this world that some woman live with there husband for so many years and have no kids, if you have this kind of problem contact me any type of problem you have at all maybe you are in your dreams having night mares and all that ask me a question about the kind of problems you have currently contact me and believe that God will see you trough right this moment.
I know there are so many wealthy man and woman on this earth and the lord have blessed you. i would like you to sow a seed now i need help from you all to build my church and we need buses to run the ministry, i also have a project to build all the churches and beautify the place of worship for our lord Jesus Christ . if you know what you can offer to the lord through me his servant kindly contact me on my private email below" ( prophetandrew249@yahoo.com ) consider your problems solved and tell those who have different kind of deseas and sickness to contact me immediately for the lord will visit you at the point of your need immediately. we also have poor people and little children here not going to school because of lack of money to send them to school even for there feeding too. i also have orphans and orphanages here in my church please we need your help here. work to the glory of God and he will come to your point of needs and solve your problems spiritually. Remember he says givers never lack give and you will receive 1million folds in return and he will add long life to you and grant you all your heart desires.
awaiting to pray with you.
Prophet Leo Joshua GCO.
Hi there.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Mbuyiseli a South African born citizen. I am currently seeking for financial assistance from the giving hand. I live with my diabetic mother, my two unemployed sister and brother and I am the last born in the family. I worked in the Aviation Industry for a period of six difficult years supporting my family in the process, but even my wage was just not adequate to sustain me and my family until the contract ended.
Working in this industry made open my eyes and broadened my awareness in so many avenues and departments and one of them was the Pilots (flying profession). Part of me requesting for financial assistance is to not only empower myself but also give back to the underprivileged young children from poor communities who also have big dreams of working as pilots as this is a very expensive course to do in this country. there are few schools of pilots that offer this program but without any financial offer in hand it is impossible to even get off the ground. I therefore realized that if I could start a Pilot Learner-ship program, identify these potential young students around the world and engage with some of the experienced pilots, together we can change the world and make it a better place.
I am adamant that this is a life changing and an exciting career, without asking for your financiaI assistance i cannot do it alone.
Most kindly regards
M Petse
+27836719394 (South Africa)
email: mbupetse@gmail.com
I am so sorry to hear about that. I'm not sure how you feel about relocating but there is help with subsidized housing. In Belfry, KY there are several vacancies now. It does not matter what state you live in, I have helped many people relocate where they have received free housing. The apartments are very nice and based on your income. If you have zero income, there is a form that can be filled out by a friend or family member who says they are willing to help you out monthly with utilities. While on medical leave, I received a letter saying my Leasing position is no longer available due to not being protected under FMLA (not enough employee's) So I am struggling as well (family of 4) with no gov assistance. My mother has been paying my mortgage payment, without her and my father, we would not have our home. Both my husband and I have always worked very hard and did well until he was laid off May 30th 2014, and I just received my letter of termination August 5, 2015. Unfortunately, even though I worked for this company 5 years we do not qualify for an apartment due to bad credit/tax liens. It is an equal opportunity housing complex but does require a back ground and credit check. The following will disqualify a person for public housing: Tax Liens, Backruptcy (that has not been discharged) unpaid utilities OR ANY CRIMINAL (Felony) Please call and apply if you qualify and would not be denied due to any of the following I described. Because I have tax liens, we do not qualify. I understand and relate to everyone who is struggling and want to offer help. I hope that anyone who qualifies for subsidized housing in Belfry, KY or Warfield KY will apply. The phone numbers are 606 237-7180 for Tug Fork Apartments and 606 395-6757 for Dempsey Housing. Please call one of the phone numbers above and ask for an application to be mailed to you. I will also put the number to Headquarters in Maryland in case there are other cities/states people would like to look into. Usually public housing/subsidized/based on your income has very long wait lists....These two properties in KY do NOT which is why I am letting you know about them. Free or very low rent housing will automatically qualify you for food stamps and other programs that help with utilities. I understand the cost of relocating but if there is any way to do so, it would save thousands of dollars a year. I urge everyone who does not have a home to live in and not enough income to support yourself or family to apply for a based on your income apartment. As I said, those who do not have ANY income has no need to worry. A simple form provided in the application will let you have someone say they give you a couple hundred dollars a month (because you do have to show some type of income and this will provide proof of your income) once you do this and fill out the application, your criminal and credit check will be ran to see if you qualify. Those with zero income who has to use that form will have ZERO rent and will also get a check by the company once a month (everyone who qualifies gets a different amount, it's based on your income) Example: if your one person and someone gives you 200 a month, your security deposit would be 60 dollars and you would receive a 16 dollar a month check. Utility checks are based on the size of your family and your income. I pray this info will help many people check into this. Until I starting working for one of these places in 2010, I had no clue subsidized housing existed (especially for anyone without family or children) but it does and has helped millions of people. I wanted to share this info with anyone in need of help financially because let's face it, housing, food and medical are our 3 largest expenses. As I said, I no longer have this job and can not help any further like I use to.
DeleteBy way of introduction my name is Michelle, a single mother of two girls 7&10. I normally work two jobs to keep us afloat. We have set up a website for donations that will be used to pay medical bills, hospital bills, doctor co~pays, back rent, and school expenses due to a financial hardship that has affected us drastically. For the first time in my life I am on state assistance, barely get enough food stamps to feed my girls. As their mother, I have been unable to return to my work due to a series of surgery(s) and need assitance in paying hospital bills, lab bills, medical, dental, and vision insurance. Both girls have also incurred medical/hospital expenses too. I know I will get back on my feet someday, so I pray for miracles every day. We have sold all of our furniture and most of our house hold belongings to pay for insurance premiums, copays, bills, hospital bills, as my youngest has a life threatening kidney condition that gets monitored at Vanderbilt. We expect nothing and appreciate anything anyone can do. Your kindness would be greatly appreciated, would touch our hearts, and change our lives. We are also facing eviction from our home, due to getting behind in our rent.
ReplyDeleteWe all sleep in one bed, an inflatable air mattress, with the youngest at the foot of our bed on the floor.Please help my girls and I, we can't do it alone! We need your assistance! "Please help us!" We don't want to be homeless.
With gratitude, Michelle, Taylor, & Paris
I am so sorry to hear about that. I'm not sure how you feel about relocating but there is help with subsidized housing. In Belfry, KY there are several vacancies now. It does not matter what state you live in, I have helped many people relocate where they have received free housing. The apartments are very nice and based on your income. If you have zero income, there is a form that can be filled out by a friend or family member who says they are willing to help you out monthly with utilities. While on medical leave, I received a letter saying my Leasing position is no longer available due to not being protected under FMLA (not enough employee's) So I am struggling as well (family of 4) with no gov assistance. My mother has been paying my mortgage payment, without her and my father, we would not have our home. Both my husband and I have always worked very hard and did well until he was laid off May 30th 2014, and I just received my letter of termination August 5, 2015. Unfortunately, even though I worked for this company 5 years we do not qualify for an apartment due to bad credit/tax liens. It is an equal opportunity housing complex but does require a back ground and credit check. The following will disqualify a person for public housing: Tax Liens, Backruptcy (that has not been discharged) unpaid utilities OR ANY CRIMINAL (Felony) Please call and apply if you qualify and would not be denied due to any of the following I described. Because I have tax liens, we do not qualify. I understand and relate to everyone who is struggling and want to offer help. I hope that anyone who qualifies for subsidized housing in Belfry, KY or Warfield KY will apply. The phone numbers are 606 237-7180 for Tug Fork Apartments and 606 395-6757 for Dempsey Housing. Please call one of the phone numbers above and ask for an application to be mailed to you. I will also put the number to Headquarters in Maryland in case there are other cities/states people would like to look into. Usually public housing/subsidized/based on your income has very long wait lists....These two properties in KY do NOT which is why I am letting you know about them. Free or very low rent housing will automatically qualify you for food stamps and other programs that help with utilities. I understand the cost of relocating but if there is any way to do so, it would save thousands of dollars a year. I urge everyone who does not have a home to live in and not enough income to support yourself or family to apply for a based on your income apartment. As I said, those who do not have ANY income has no need to worry. A simple form provided in the application will let you have someone say they give you a couple hundred dollars a month (because you do have to show some type of income and this will provide proof of your income) once you do this and fill out the application, your criminal and credit check will be ran to see if you qualify. Those with zero income who has to use that form will have ZERO rent and will also get a check by the company once a month (everyone who qualifies gets a different amount, it's based on your income) Example: if your one person and someone gives you 200 a month, your security deposit would be 60 dollars and you would receive a 16 dollar a month check. Utility checks are based on the size of your family and your income. I pray this info will help many people check into this. Until I starting working for one of these places in 2010, I had no clue subsidized housing existed (especially for anyone without family or children) but it does and has helped millions of people. I wanted to share this info with anyone in need of help financially because let's face it, housing, food and medical are our 3 largest expenses. As I said, I no longer have this job and can not help any further like I use to.
DeleteI am writing today because I am in hardship. Not only would like to finish my last 3 courses to get my degree and hopefully go on to a university. But I have hardly any funds and recently lost my job. My husband works hard but only makes min. wage. In this town, it's small and many job opportunities are not here. There are drug addicts everywhere, the schools for our children are bad, and there is no further education for me and my husband here. With the the money, I would just like to move somewhere where we can get a better life, have my daughter, husband, and I go to school, be safe, and survive. We struggle with every one of his pay checks to try to stretch it as much as we can. We don't qualify for assistance because we are only $2 over. I also have debt in medical bills that I am trying to pay off because of my frequent migraines and asthma. I have been applying to jobs around here and no one is hiring. If I just had enough to move, pay a bill, or anything to finish my education, that would be great. I do feel grateful for what I do have in life...a beautiful family, a roof over my head. But I really am hurting inside and praying every night for an opportunity to move forward with our lives. This whole town is full of poverty, and most are on food stamps. There is a nearby base that just layed off many people so they are now on assistance too. I know because my mom is one of them. I feel bad for what's going on around me. I wish I could help her too. I wish I could have a room to take in my husbands dad that is mentally disabled and is having issues in the home he is in now.
ReplyDeleteI believe other applicants need money just as bad too because they wouldn't be asking. The only thing that separates us is how we will spend it. Mine is a wide range of things I need to pay bills, and get a better life. I want to further our education for a better future. I think the things that would separate me is that it's happening not just to me, but all around me and in my family. So I wouldn't just help my daughter, husband, and my self. I would take in my father in law from his situation, and help my mother. Even If it's a small amount...I have learned recently how to stretch a dollar. Also, I have always had faith and stayed on the positive side of things. Thank you.
I am so sorry to hear about that. I'm not sure how you feel about relocating but there is help with subsidized housing. In Belfry, KY there are several vacancies now. It does not matter what state you live in, I have helped many people relocate where they have received free housing. The apartments are very nice and based on your income. If you have zero income, there is a form that can be filled out by a friend or family member who says they are willing to help you out monthly with utilities. While on medical leave, I received a letter saying my Leasing position is no longer available due to not being protected under FMLA (not enough employee's) So I am struggling as well (family of 4) with no gov assistance. My mother has been paying my mortgage payment, without her and my father, we would not have our home. Both my husband and I have always worked very hard and did well until he was laid off May 30th 2014, and I just received my letter of termination August 5, 2015. Unfortunately, even though I worked for this company 5 years we do not qualify for an apartment due to bad credit/tax liens. It is an equal opportunity housing complex but does require a back ground and credit check. The following will disqualify a person for public housing: Tax Liens, Backruptcy (that has not been discharged) unpaid utilities OR ANY CRIMINAL (Felony) Please call and apply if you qualify and would not be denied due to any of the following I described. Because I have tax liens, we do not qualify. I understand and relate to everyone who is struggling and want to offer help. I hope that anyone who qualifies for subsidized housing in Belfry, KY or Warfield KY will apply. The phone numbers are 606 237-7180 for Tug Fork Apartments and 606 395-6757 for Dempsey Housing. Please call one of the phone numbers above and ask for an application to be mailed to you. I will also put the number to Headquarters in Maryland in case there are other cities/states people would like to look into. Usually public housing/subsidized/based on your income has very long wait lists....These two properties in KY do NOT which is why I am letting you know about them. Free or very low rent housing will automatically qualify you for food stamps and other programs that help with utilities. I understand the cost of relocating but if there is any way to do so, it would save thousands of dollars a year. I urge everyone who does not have a home to live in and not enough income to support yourself or family to apply for a based on your income apartment. As I said, those who do not have ANY income has no need to worry. A simple form provided in the application will let you have someone say they give you a couple hundred dollars a month (because you do have to show some type of income and this will provide proof of your income) once you do this and fill out the application, your criminal and credit check will be ran to see if you qualify. Those with zero income who has to use that form will have ZERO rent and will also get a check by the company once a month (everyone who qualifies gets a different amount, it's based on your income) Example: if your one person and someone gives you 200 a month, your security deposit would be 60 dollars and you would receive a 16 dollar a month check. Utility checks are based on the size of your family and your income. I pray this info will help many people check into this. Until I starting working for one of these places in 2010, I had no clue subsidized housing existed (especially for anyone without family or children) but it does and has helped millions of people. I wanted to share this info with anyone in need of help financially because let's face it, housing, food and medical are our 3 largest expenses. As I said, I no longer have this job and can not help any further like I use to.
DeleteHi my name is Dawie Fourie, I am asking for some help. I want to go study to become an IT Technician, my father recently lost his business and they can't help me financially to study, they struggle to get through the months as this creates a lot of stress in the family and they feel guilty that they can't help me to go study. Information Technology is my passion and I love working with computer. I am asking for a Donation so I can study and buy a small car for transportation to get me from point A to B, where point A will be my house and point B will be the college. I live in South Africa, where work is scarce and you need qualifications to get a job. I would appreciate it if someone can help me to pursuit my dream and passion.
ReplyDeleteI will be so happy if someone can help me to pursue my dream.
+27 71 188 2423
Best Regards
Dawie Fourie
I am a single mother of three and I had a job up until three weeks ago. I was an independent contractor and she didn't let me know she had no work until almost a week later bills are pilling up and I just want another month to find a job. I have applied for 3 already and haven't heard anything. I will pay the money back when tax time comes around. I just don't like to stress about bills and usually don't need to. I realize this may never be read but if it is please take it into consideration. I don't need much just 2500 to catch me up and maybe get my children some school clothes. my number is 3175005285 and my email is Iloveaandz@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear about that. I'm not sure how you feel about relocating but there is help with subsidized housing. In Belfry, KY there are several vacancies now. It does not matter what state you live in, I have helped many people relocate where they have received free housing. The apartments are very nice and based on your income. If you have zero income, there is a form that can be filled out by a friend or family member who says they are willing to help you out monthly with utilities. While on medical leave, I received a letter saying my Leasing position is no longer available due to not being protected under FMLA (not enough employee's) So I am struggling as well (family of 4) with no gov assistance. My mother has been paying my mortgage payment, without her and my father, we would not have our home. Both my husband and I have always worked very hard and did well until he was laid off May 30th 2014, and I just received my letter of termination August 5, 2015. Unfortunately, even though I worked for this company 5 years we do not qualify for an apartment due to bad credit/tax liens. It is an equal opportunity housing complex but does require a back ground and credit check. The following will disqualify a person for public housing: Tax Liens, Backruptcy (that has not been discharged) unpaid utilities OR ANY CRIMINAL (Felony) Please call and apply if you qualify and would not be denied due to any of the following I described. Because I have tax liens, we do not qualify. I understand and relate to everyone who is struggling and want to offer help. I hope that anyone who qualifies for subsidized housing in Belfry, KY or Warfield KY will apply. The phone numbers are 606 237-7180 for Tug Fork Apartments and 606 395-6757 for Dempsey Housing. Please call one of the phone numbers above and ask for an application to be mailed to you. I will also put the number to Headquarters in Maryland in case there are other cities/states people would like to look into. Usually public housing/subsidized/based on your income has very long wait lists....These two properties in KY do NOT which is why I am letting you know about them. Free or very low rent housing will automatically qualify you for food stamps and other programs that help with utilities. I understand the cost of relocating but if there is any way to do so, it would save thousands of dollars a year. I urge everyone who does not have a home to live in and not enough income to support yourself or family to apply for a based on your income apartment. As I said, those who do not have ANY income has no need to worry. A simple form provided in the application will let you have someone say they give you a couple hundred dollars a month (because you do have to show some type of income and this will provide proof of your income) once you do this and fill out the application, your criminal and credit check will be ran to see if you qualify. Those with zero income who has to use that form will have ZERO rent and will also get a check by the company once a month (everyone who qualifies gets a different amount, it's based on your income) Example: if your one person and someone gives you 200 a month, your security deposit would be 60 dollars and you would receive a 16 dollar a month check. Utility checks are based on the size of your family and your income. I pray this info will help many people check into this. Until I starting working for one of these places in 2010, I had no clue subsidized housing existed (especially for anyone without family or children) but it does and has helped millions of people. I wanted to share this info with anyone in need of help financially because let's face it, housing, food and medical are our 3 largest expenses. As I said, I no longer have this job and can not help any further like I use to.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Gudeta Didi,from Ethiopia.Currently,I'm a medical student at Addis Ababa University.It was my childhood dream to be a doctor,and when I get the chance to join the medical school,I was really happey until I get in;where I learned that my poor,farmer families,who live on subsistence hand- to-mouth farming,can't provide me the learning materials(laptop,tabet pc and reference books) and can't pay me a monthly $100 fee.I have 3 younger brothers and 3 younger sisiters who are in elementary and highschool classes and who need my help after I graduate.I tried hard the first year and though I have good grades,now,I'm not in a psition to continue due to lack of financial support.Please,I need somebody out there who can really help me,whom I will always remember all my profession and all my life.This is not something fake,it is just a call from someone at a critical point of his life and his profession.Please,I really need your help in the name of GOD to continue my studies and to help my parents and younger siblings aho have no hope without me.
Thank you.
Phone=+251921681180(Ethiopia),Addis Ababa
With best regards,
Hello,I hope people on here take heed to what I’m writing on here and read closely.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Jeff McCarter and recently I have been struggling alot and sweating alot too,so here it goes.
I wrote a check to cover my rent and car payment in July and apparently the checks have bounced and I have until the 16th of August to pay the checks off or face jail time and on top of that my car might be repossessed as well if I can’t pay $500 towards the car by the 16th of August.I thought there were enough funds to cover the checks but just not enough.
The car is a 2003 Ford Mustang GT and it has sentimental value because I got the car the very same day my lovely mother passed away on March 30th 2012,and my dad,Harold Jerry McCarter passed away 3 weeks later.(you can google Judith Gail McCarters death from last year in S.C.)
I don’t know what else to do but keep believing that God will get me out of this mess and restore my life back to better than before.
Also the property taxes are past due on the car as well and need the funds to pay that.
So I need in total a round about figure of $2500 to $3500 to get back on my feet(I’m not suppose to be driving the Mustang but pray rhat the car is invisible to police)
I lost my job of 8 years in Sept. of 2012 and times are very tough,the little bit of inheritance from my parents death helped me this far.Jobs are hard to find but I feel as if I’m stranded without due to my vehicle not being totally legal.
My plan is to be a manager trainee at The Waffle House and go back to work,I’ve already spoke with a manager of The Waffle House and was told they need managers and are training.
Any help will be GREATLY APPRECIATED.May the Lord bless and prosper you. beacon1967@gmail.com
Jeff McCarter 864-237-5280
110 Village Park Drive Apt.57
Simpsonville S.C. 29681
I am a recently divorced mom of four little girls. I also have Systemic Lupus, Fibromialgia, and COPD. I work from home making a quarter a minute answering the phone for infomercials, and I use my child support to pay the monthly bills. We don't have any extra. This house is paid for and its all we have. Stability for my girls is critical. I have one daughter who is ADHD and Dyslexic and my littlest daughter Makayla has Aspergers, and is dyslexic as well I homeschool her and one of my older children who has apraxia of speech. A day or two ago I got a certified letter from the tax assessors office saying I owe all this money for taxes,
ReplyDeleteSome people asked if this was a scam you are welcome to see for yourself by going to the assessors office website and viewing my tax bills. simply go to http://in-lake-assessor.governmaxa.com/propertymax/rover30.asp?sid=16A19D06BF2441FDA3EAEE5DC1F2867D and click guest, then Type in Anna Malik you can see for yourself our family needs your help!
Usually use my tax check to pay them but it wasn't much this year, and we needed a car because we didn't have one.I didn't think this would happen so quickly. The Assessors office won't wait until March for the new Tax check.
Basically I am constantly in a race between keeping the lights on, internet on and food on the table and gas in the car. We don't even have Cable Television and havent for months.
Our family needs your help, I can't bare the thought of losing this house, I don't know where we would go, we have absolutely no family; and no friends.
I am really really really scared.
I don't know what else to do but to ask for help on this site. I figure if 1000 people donate just four dollars then we can pay this bill and the one that is coming up in a month or so.
I live in Lake county,In. You never know when the bills are coming; there is no rhyme or reason to it. Its just pay me. I hate to ask for help. I hate the position we are in. However, I need to swallow what little pride I have left to keep a roof over m girls head, that's all that matters right now. PLEASE Help us!
Ey my name is johann pieterse venter and from south-africa ,I'm 21 years old and live near rustenburg,my girlfrend is pregnanent and we basicly stresed out becouse there wil not be enouth money to seport our child ,my selery is so low after rent and everything we have nothing,I don't know what to do ,we are realy strackling and I'm despred ,to be a failer to my little family,al I ask its is not nesersry for money ,but for any donation,plz plz I beg of you,plz help us,my sel nr is 0794752786 en my email addres is johannpieterse.venter6@gmail.com
ReplyDeletehey millionaire
ReplyDeletePlease pay me a scooter to get around
because I have a broblem walk
thank you
Hi, my name is Kenneth Ellingburg. I am 25 and currently a husband and father of 2 daughters as well as a step daughter and step son. I am taking care of all of them with only my job alone and I LITERALLY came from nothing to what I have today. Most people would say, " well work hard and be proud and keep at it," but it is so hard in today's world. I am trying to just purchase my home that is $65,000 . I have been renting it until I can build my credit to get a loan. It is seeming impossible because I am paying for all of us so I don't have money to constantly buy things to build my credit just so I can get a loan and go into debt even longer. I ask for help..AT LEAST with my home...I live in Mississippi in a nice community and want only the best for my family..I know I am young but I chose to take care of my family instead of going out and doing worldly things and wasting time. Any help is appreciated..if not for me at least for my little ones. E-mail is souljahunk_88@yahoo.com and phone is 901-229-7025...Thanks and God bless you.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear about that. I'm not sure how you feel about relocating but there is help with subsidized housing. In Belfry, KY there are several vacancies now. It does not matter what state you live in, I have helped many people relocate where they have received free housing. The apartments are very nice and based on your income. If you have zero income, there is a form that can be filled out by a friend or family member who says they are willing to help you out monthly with utilities. While on medical leave, I received a letter saying my Leasing position is no longer available due to not being protected under FMLA (not enough employee's) So I am struggling as well (family of 4) with no gov assistance. My mother has been paying my mortgage payment, without her and my father, we would not have our home. Both my husband and I have always worked very hard and did well until he was laid off May 30th 2014, and I just received my letter of termination August 5, 2015. Unfortunately, even though I worked for this company 5 years we do not qualify for an apartment due to bad credit/tax liens. It is an equal opportunity housing complex but does require a back ground and credit check. The following will disqualify a person for public housing: Tax Liens, Backruptcy (that has not been discharged) unpaid utilities OR ANY CRIMINAL (Felony) Please call and apply if you qualify and would not be denied due to any of the following I described. Because I have tax liens, we do not qualify. I understand and relate to everyone who is struggling and want to offer help. I hope that anyone who qualifies for subsidized housing in Belfry, KY or Warfield KY will apply. The phone numbers are 606 237-7180 for Tug Fork Apartments and 606 395-6757 for Dempsey Housing. Please call one of the phone numbers above and ask for an application to be mailed to you. I will also put the number to Headquarters in Maryland in case there are other cities/states people would like to look into. Usually public housing/subsidized/based on your income has very long wait lists....These two properties in KY do NOT which is why I am letting you know about them. Free or very low rent housing will automatically qualify you for food stamps and other programs that help with utilities. I understand the cost of relocating but if there is any way to do so, it would save thousands of dollars a year. I urge everyone who does not have a home to live in and not enough income to support yourself or family to apply for a based on your income apartment. As I said, those who do not have ANY income has no need to worry. A simple form provided in the application will let you have someone say they give you a couple hundred dollars a month (because you do have to show some type of income and this will provide proof of your income) once you do this and fill out the application, your criminal and credit check will be ran to see if you qualify. Those with zero income who has to use that form will have ZERO rent and will also get a check by the company once a month (everyone who qualifies gets a different amount, it's based on your income) Example: if your one person and someone gives you 200 a month, your security deposit would be 60 dollars and you would receive a 16 dollar a month check. Utility checks are based on the size of your family and your income. I pray this info will help many people check into this. Until I starting working for one of these places in 2010, I had no clue subsidized housing existed (especially for anyone without family or children) but it does and has helped millions of people. I wanted to share this info with anyone in need of help financially because let's face it, housing, food and medical are our 3 largest expenses. As I said, I no longer have this job and can not help any further like I use to.
DeleteOh boy where do I start? And is someone going to be able to hear me. If not at least I would have some comfort in writing about it. As a little girl I was almost raped by our neighbour, luckily someone walked in and saved me. As far as I can remember I was a shy girl, scared of her own shadow, not social at school, getting bullied and never wanted to go to school. In high school I was also bullied due to my character. My mum has Bi-polar so I grew up trying to support her as I was the only one there. My brother was working and dad was out and about cheating on mum. After I completed High school I couldn't get into University which I really wanted. Straight after that mum had a manic episode, I had never seen anything like it, she asked me who I was....I was so scared. I though I had lost mum forever. They put her in a mental institute and when she had her manic phases she was locked up into a hospital cell with a dirty bed and a cup to pee in. She stayed 9 days and was discharged but my dad didn't stop his womanising habits, I don't know how someone can be so careless. After all this stress I had a nervous breakdown at 20 and was diagnosed with major depression and panic disorder. It took 5 months for the meds to work, within those 5 months I couldn't eat, sleep, get out of bed, basically I was just like a ghost. September 5 I felt really good, at last the meds were working. Behind mums, my brothers and my struggle there was something going on behind us, dad had another daughter from the woman he was having an affair with, and when he was working he was supporting them and stealing money from us, of course mum found out and there we go in the mental institute again. At a young age when you see your mum shackled to the bed and being drugged out by nurses you don't take it so well, I'm scarred for life. As time went by and mum and dad had their domestics and he tried to hit her, pull her hair me and my brother tried to stop him. To be honest I never had a day in my life where I looked up at the sky and said "Thank you God. I'm alive".
ReplyDeleteI didn't enjoy living I still don't. One day I decided to end my life, so I took a cocktail of medicine, anything and everything, I closed the fridge door, then reopened it and took some more just to make sure I wasn't coming back alive. I went walking to the park it was night, I wanted to pass out there and not at home. When I woke up I found myself in hospital. 2 days had passed, I was sleeping then I opened my eyes and though oh no, I'm such a failure. For those of you who think wanting to take your life is being selfish please don't judge me because you are reading my story but you have no idea the emotional and psychological pain I went through, and with my illness I was never able to keep a job. So now at 32 I have nothing, nothing. I'm looking for work. I have been out of work for more than a year and I am feeling worthless because I want to help my family but I cant because I cant even get an interview. If you can help me, I would be thankful for the rest of my life because no one has ever helped me. Thank you. mitral805@gmail.com
I am so sorry to hear about that. I'm not sure how you feel about relocating but there is help with subsidized housing. In Belfry, KY there are several vacancies now. It does not matter what state you live in, I have helped many people relocate where they have received free housing. The apartments are very nice and based on your income. If you have zero income, there is a form that can be filled out by a friend or family member who says they are willing to help you out monthly with utilities. While on medical leave, I received a letter saying my Leasing position is no longer available due to not being protected under FMLA (not enough employee's) So I am struggling as well (family of 4) with no gov assistance. My mother has been paying my mortgage payment, without her and my father, we would not have our home. Both my husband and I have always worked very hard and did well until he was laid off May 30th 2014, and I just received my letter of termination August 5, 2015. Unfortunately, even though I worked for this company 5 years we do not qualify for an apartment due to bad credit/tax liens. It is an equal opportunity housing complex but does require a back ground and credit check. The following will disqualify a person for public housing: Tax Liens, Backruptcy (that has not been discharged) unpaid utilities OR ANY CRIMINAL (Felony) Please call and apply if you qualify and would not be denied due to any of the following I described. Because I have tax liens, we do not qualify. I understand and relate to everyone who is struggling and want to offer help. I hope that anyone who qualifies for subsidized housing in Belfry, KY or Warfield KY will apply. The phone numbers are 606 237-7180 for Tug Fork Apartments and 606 395-6757 for Dempsey Housing. Please call one of the phone numbers above and ask for an application to be mailed to you. I will also put the number to Headquarters in Maryland in case there are other cities/states people would like to look into. Usually public housing/subsidized/based on your income has very long wait lists....These two properties in KY do NOT which is why I am letting you know about them. Free or very low rent housing will automatically qualify you for food stamps and other programs that help with utilities. I understand the cost of relocating but if there is any way to do so, it would save thousands of dollars a year. I urge everyone who does not have a home to live in and not enough income to support yourself or family to apply for a based on your income apartment. As I said, those who do not have ANY income has no need to worry. A simple form provided in the application will let you have someone say they give you a couple hundred dollars a month (because you do have to show some type of income and this will provide proof of your income) once you do this and fill out the application, your criminal and credit check will be ran to see if you qualify. Those with zero income who has to use that form will have ZERO rent and will also get a check by the company once a month (everyone who qualifies gets a different amount, it's based on your income) Example: if your one person and someone gives you 200 a month, your security deposit would be 60 dollars and you would receive a 16 dollar a month check. Utility checks are based on the size of your family and your income. I pray this info will help many people check into this. Until I starting working for one of these places in 2010, I had no clue subsidized housing existed (especially for anyone without family or children) but it does and has helped millions of people. I wanted to share this info with anyone in need of help financially because let's face it, housing, food and medical are our 3 largest expenses. As I said, I no longer have this job and can not help any further like I use to.
DeleteI am a single mother of three and need help to pay my rent, as my credit is messed up and both of my parents have passed away so I have no one else to turn to and ask for help. I'm all my kids have and hate to disappoint them. If given a chance I will pay back every dime that I borrow. At this time the amount I owe is $1622.00 which you can pay directly to my apartments, which is Town Parc Apts in Amarillo Texas
ReplyDeletetheir phone number is 806-358-1300. I have just had a rough few years and found myself in a very tight spot. In December 2009 my dad passed away and then my mother right behind him in February 2010. Things seemed ok for a while then last November on my Moms birthday my brother took his life in my house, where I and my kids found him. So we moved in March of this year only to be at the verge of being put out. At times I feel like giving up but by the Grace of God I keep pushing and praying that God send me a guardian angel. Not trying to scam anyone but this is how desperate I am at this time, that I would take a chance on a complete stranger helping me and my kids, because all that stood up at the funeral and said they would be there are gone. I do have three sisters but they are struggling just as bad as me and I hate to burden them. May God truly bless you regardless if you help me or not. Thanks for listening to my life complaints. If you need to contact me I can be reached at 806-881-1759 or by email at keshanadaja@yahoo.com.
Hi I am trying this way for the first time in my life. I am a hard working female holding down a full time who has made many financial mistakes. I am desperate to find someone who would lend me £5000 to get myself out of the bad debt that I am in. I cannot get a loan because my credit is bad. I am in this rut and do not seem to be able to get out of it. I have a lovely daughter and beautiful grandson who I love very much but sadly whilst this should be the happiest time of my life it cannot be with this debt on my shoulders.
ReplyDeleteI am hoping that someone might be able to give me the chance I need.
Thank you for your time.
Campuzano family...we have a mortage of 94000 and the owners are trying to take the home away from us..we are currently on payments. We want to payoff our Mortagage to keep this people away. They have done this to several families and found out the hard way. Please help us on demostrating them that they will Not always win like that. We will pay every cent back. We cant Refinance no Credit. And they went by their own rules. We are parents that Work snd dont want to loose our house just because of tjem.
ReplyDeleteDear Sir,Madam,
ReplyDeleteTo begin my name is Shayer Ramsanjhul ( 23 ) , living in Hoorn, the Netherlands. I am a professional theater artist / actor and choreographer for theater performing arts and TV shows ( Holland's Got Talent , Strictly Come Dancing ) .
I have achieved this status because of my high performance in my sport career ( Kung Fu - World , European and National Champion ) . Besides my sports and theater career I write my own movie concepts. Movie companies in South America and in Asia are interested in this concept of mine. It is based on a true story that happend here in Holland. A story that must bed told en surely not forgotten. I will do my best, everything I can to tell this tory to the world. But now I want to tell a story, that I think the whole world must know.
I'm writing this email for a very special person. After a tough situation she is now the love of my life. Her husband and parents in law kidnapped her kids, and manipulated all of her best friends. And left her alone at home and her husband asked a divorce. She has 3 children, the youngest has a heart problem. Now her husband has kicked her out of her house with the children, I was the only one who helped her. She is now 35 years old and has to take care of 3 children with only 60 Euros a week. Her whole life she has been abused by her father and stepmother, even now she is still scared. She was locked up in her house before, car keys were taken away. I love her so much, beacause the situation we fell in love. It is special because I am 23 yrs and she 35 , but she is the one for me. I'm not rich, and don't have a lot of money But I want to give her many things, like her dream house, suprise her with this, so she can live in freedom with her kids after 35 years of fear. I don't know how to get it. But my dream is to have one million dollars. I can give her a house and together we can do our dream, helping poor children in the world. And wrting a book of her life story and make a film about this..So I am very ashamed to ask for one million, but I really want to help her and her children. I can prove it that I am not lying. I lost my career and job for helping her, but i want the best for her. Please help me with this concept.
my email is amdshayer@hotmail.com
Thanks for reading, I hope you can help us.
I am so sorry to hear about that. I'm not sure how you feel about relocating but there is help with subsidized housing. In Belfry, KY there are several vacancies now. It does not matter what state you live in, I have helped many people relocate where they have received free housing. The apartments are very nice and based on your income. If you have zero income, there is a form that can be filled out by a friend or family member who says they are willing to help you out monthly with utilities. While on medical leave, I received a letter saying my Leasing position is no longer available due to not being protected under FMLA (not enough employee's) So I am struggling as well (family of 4) with no gov assistance. My mother has been paying my mortgage payment, without her and my father, we would not have our home. Both my husband and I have always worked very hard and did well until he was laid off May 30th 2014, and I just received my letter of termination August 5, 2015. Unfortunately, even though I worked for this company 5 years we do not qualify for an apartment due to bad credit/tax liens. It is an equal opportunity housing complex but does require a back ground and credit check. The following will disqualify a person for public housing: Tax Liens, Backruptcy (that has not been discharged) unpaid utilities OR ANY CRIMINAL (Felony) Please call and apply if you qualify and would not be denied due to any of the following I described. Because I have tax liens, we do not qualify. I understand and relate to everyone who is struggling and want to offer help. I hope that anyone who qualifies for subsidized housing in Belfry, KY or Warfield KY will apply. The phone numbers are 606 237-7180 for Tug Fork Apartments and 606 395-6757 for Dempsey Housing. Please call one of the phone numbers above and ask for an application to be mailed to you. I will also put the number to Headquarters in Maryland in case there are other cities/states people would like to look into. Usually public housing/subsidized/based on your income has very long wait lists....These two properties in KY do NOT which is why I am letting you know about them. Free or very low rent housing will automatically qualify you for food stamps and other programs that help with utilities. I understand the cost of relocating but if there is any way to do so, it would save thousands of dollars a year. I urge everyone who does not have a home to live in and not enough income to support yourself or family to apply for a based on your income apartment. As I said, those who do not have ANY income has no need to worry. A simple form provided in the application will let you have someone say they give you a couple hundred dollars a month (because you do have to show some type of income and this will provide proof of your income) once you do this and fill out the application, your criminal and credit check will be ran to see if you qualify. Those with zero income who has to use that form will have ZERO rent and will also get a check by the company once a month (everyone who qualifies gets a different amount, it's based on your income) Example: if your one person and someone gives you 200 a month, your security deposit would be 60 dollars and you would receive a 16 dollar a month check. Utility checks are based on the size of your family and your income. I pray this info will help many people check into this. Until I starting working for one of these places in 2010, I had no clue subsidized housing existed (especially for anyone without family or children) but it does and has helped millions of people. I wanted to share this info with anyone in need of help financially because let's face it, housing, food and medical are our 3 largest expenses. As I said, I no longer have this job and can not help any further like I use to.
Delete© Tears of Hope
ReplyDeleteWritten by : Shayer Ramsanjhul
the story
Based on a true story about Debby, al little girl that lost her mother when she was 5 years old. A few weeks before her mothers death her father escaped with her from home. He told Debby that her mother was crazy, and she was bad and dangerous for her. She never went to the funeral because her dad told that he didn't know about it. Debby's life was going to be a great hell. Her father gave her a new home together with her stepmother Janneke and stepsister Vanessa. A life full of hatred and jealousy, a stepmother whom she was abused , a stepsister who belittled her , and a father who did nothing about it. She always felt lonely and missed her mother who she never got to know very well. . She had no family and friends and was alone until she left the house at a age of 21. She married Martijn , and thought her terrible life at home was over and she can live on in freedom. Debby gave birth to 3 boys. She promised to herself that she would never give her kids the youth that she went trough. Besides her children and husband she had no family. Only a couple of friend, and one best friend.
Many years past by. With a marriage of 9 years Debby is still not happy. Her husband is never there for her, has no time for her, and burried himself in his work. Her husband promised to do better, to make more time for her and the children. Unfortunately this promise didn't happen and Debby was angry, and as always feeling very lonely again. Debby and Martijn had a good friend. Trough the years Debby had a couple of friends, but this friend was the only best friend for her and she talked with him about the situation many times and days. He could be there for here when she needed somone to talk and listen. After many times of talking, Debby started to get special feelings for him. She decided to end the marriage, not because she had feelings for her friend, but her husband let her alone again, and didn't make his promises come true. For her it was over, she gave her husband time to think about it. Then something strange happend.
One afternoon Debby was going to pick her children up at school, but her husband was waiting for her there. When she arrived her husband came to her and with a mean voice he said, 'your gonna come home right know, we have things to talk about'. Debby was really scared. Her parents in law were going to take care of the children.
At home her husband told Debby that she must go to see a doctor. Debby was really scared and was thinking why. Her husband was not himself, looks like he was manipulated by his parents. Her husband said that she was very sick and must go to a hospital. Debby went angry and keep asking why? She asked when will I see the children? Her husband said tommorow you will see them again. He kept on saying to her that she must go to see a doctor, Debby said no because there was nothing wrong with her. Martijn got angry and started yelling again and left. Debby was alone again en called her only best friend right away. She explained the situation. her friend said that he was on his way to her. In mean time Martijn came back, and said if you are not going to see a doctor, you will not see our children tommorow. Debby was sad and angry and escaped from her house. She was underway in her car and called her friend. Debby said she not wanted to go home today. So her best friend took her to a hotel just outside the city. The next day they were driving back home, Debby received a message from her husband that she must come home to talk things over. When she came home, her husband was home with his parents.
Her parents in law always were jalous on her. Because her mother in law didn't had a great conncetion with her son, that Debby got with her children. She always wanted to be the mother of Debby's children.
Debby asked to them what they want from her. The plan of her parents in law and her own husband was to get Debby into the hospital ,so she can not take care of the children, and at the end her mother in law has the children as she always wanted. Many weeks ago they planned this and called all of Debby's friends, and manipulated them to get her into the hospital. Her parents in law were yelling and screaming to Debby. Her husband did nothing, he all let this happen. Nothing was about the marriage anymore. Only that Debby was a bad mother, bad wife and a bad human being. this is what her parents in law said to her. After this her husband and her parents in law left the house, tooking away her car keys so she can't go anywhere. And she was told that every 30 minutes a neighbour will come and see if Debby is stil in her house, if not, she will never see her children again. They left and Debby was alone again. her mother in law called Debby's best friend and told that Debby was crazy, a bad mother an a bad human being, and that she must go to the hospital, because she cannot take care of herself. She was trying to manipulate him too, buthe was the only one who said 'I not going to fall for this, I don't believe you, how can you people do something like this'. Her mother in law was really angry and told Debby's friend that she wil going to kill him. Her friend had secretly a big crush on Debby, she was the love of his life. At night her best friend came to help her, but she was scared that someone will see her go away. Her friend waited for midnight in his car down the street. At midnight they met, her friend told her that she must go to the police, and she decided to go to the police station first thing in the morning. Her friend took her there. debby explained everything to the police, but was shocked that the police said they would not be able to help her without any proof. Debby cried, what does she have to do, she want to see her children again, so her best friend decided to go after the children, and bring them back to his love of his life.
ReplyDeleteWill it succeed to get the children back? Could she finally have a life in freedom after 35 years living in fear? Will her friend get his love of his life, and be part of his freedom?
my email is amdshaye@hotmail.com
rights can be sold by negotiation
2013 © All rights reserved and owned by Shayer Ramsanjhul & Debby Angelique van den Berg
CALL SHEIK HERBALIST HEALER +27604916822 WE DO ONLINE HEALING WORLD WIDE SAME DAY BRING BACK LOST LOVE, PENIS ENLARGEMENT CREAM FOR SALE , GAY AND LESBIAN LOVE PORTIONS FOR SALE ,LUCKY CHARMS TO WIN LOTTO,CASINO AND TENDERS IN STOCK ,GET ALL KIND OF HERB FOR ANY PROTECTION YOU NEED , I EVEN HEAL ONLINE ,I FINISH ALL UNFINISHED WORK FOR UR ANCESTORS OR DOCTORS WHICH ARE TAKING UR FOR A RAID ASKING MONEY EVERY TIME , I WILL FINISH THEM SAME DAY ,DO U WANT TO BOOST UR BUSINESS OR NEED ARE PROMOTION AT WORK JUST CALL SHEIK NOW He is a holistic healer, with extreme powers that guides all the spirits on earth, and his experience is in solving and eliminating all kinds of life problems. His healing methodologies have helped thousands of individuals worldwide to find greater order and happiness in their lives. He’s been practicing for more than 20 yrs refining the ancestral powers and knowledge passed on at an early age. He has helped numerous celebrities, giant company CEO`s, famous politicians, contractors, and well-known public figures to create more success in all areas of their lives. PROF NASSIF believes that, a human being’s problem and sickness can only become chronic if one under looks those with the solution to their problems. Doors of opportunities don’t just open, they have to be unlocked and it’s upon you to turn the knob. Do u experiencing setbacks? Have u failed to settle in a relationship, whoever comes and goes; what could be a problem with u? Have failed to get babies, (Barrenness). Cleansing charms for luck in whatever you do. Financial problems, Business boost charm to attract more customers and clients, any marriage problem, Court cases and any other life problem; come for help. Long distance healing is very possible. Results are guaranteed 100%. And EMAIL herbalistsouthafrica@yahoo.com For more information call +27604916822
DeleteI am so sorry to hear about that. I'm not sure how you feel about relocating but there is help with subsidized housing. In Belfry, KY there are several vacancies now. It does not matter what state you live in, I have helped many people relocate where they have received free housing. The apartments are very nice and based on your income. If you have zero income, there is a form that can be filled out by a friend or family member who says they are willing to help you out monthly with utilities. While on medical leave, I received a letter saying my Leasing position is no longer available due to not being protected under FMLA (not enough employee's) So I am struggling as well (family of 4) with no gov assistance. My mother has been paying my mortgage payment, without her and my father, we would not have our home. Both my husband and I have always worked very hard and did well until he was laid off May 30th 2014, and I just received my letter of termination August 5, 2015. Unfortunately, even though I worked for this company 5 years we do not qualify for an apartment due to bad credit/tax liens. It is an equal opportunity housing complex but does require a back ground and credit check. The following will disqualify a person for public housing: Tax Liens, Backruptcy (that has not been discharged) unpaid utilities OR ANY CRIMINAL (Felony) Please call and apply if you qualify and would not be denied due to any of the following I described. Because I have tax liens, we do not qualify. I understand and relate to everyone who is struggling and want to offer help. I hope that anyone who qualifies for subsidized housing in Belfry, KY or Warfield KY will apply. The phone numbers are 606 237-7180 for Tug Fork Apartments and 606 395-6757 for Dempsey Housing. Please call one of the phone numbers above and ask for an application to be mailed to you. I will also put the number to Headquarters in Maryland in case there are other cities/states people would like to look into. Usually public housing/subsidized/based on your income has very long wait lists....These two properties in KY do NOT which is why I am letting you know about them. Free or very low rent housing will automatically qualify you for food stamps and other programs that help with utilities. I understand the cost of relocating but if there is any way to do so, it would save thousands of dollars a year. I urge everyone who does not have a home to live in and not enough income to support yourself or family to apply for a based on your income apartment. As I said, those who do not have ANY income has no need to worry. A simple form provided in the application will let you have someone say they give you a couple hundred dollars a month (because you do have to show some type of income and this will provide proof of your income) once you do this and fill out the application, your criminal and credit check will be ran to see if you qualify. Those with zero income who has to use that form will have ZERO rent and will also get a check by the company once a month (everyone who qualifies gets a different amount, it's based on your income) Example: if your one person and someone gives you 200 a month, your security deposit would be 60 dollars and you would receive a 16 dollar a month check. Utility checks are based on the size of your family and your income. I pray this info will help many people check into this. Until I starting working for one of these places in 2010, I had no clue subsidized housing existed (especially for anyone without family or children) but it does and has helped millions of people. I wanted to share this info with anyone in need of help financially because let's face it, housing, food and medical are our 3 largest expenses. As I said, I no longer have this job and can not help any further like I use to. This is one of the main reasons it has affected me so much, is because I can no longer physically help people get housing, but what I can do is still share the information and knowledge I have about it, in hopes it will help anyone who needs it.
Deletehttps://www.giveforward.com/fundraiser/2w43/help-ken-and-gill<--- this is a very shocking story any help will change those life's forever, any donation will be appreciated
ReplyDeleteyes hello me and a friend are starting an up and coming graphic design company and help is greatly appreciate my email is echevarriajeyddan@yahoo.com and his is everton_gentles@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteHello, sir/madam i have some money for some persnal problems if anyone help me so please contact me on shaikh.ruqaiya2013@gmail.com or 918796840537 urgently please help me and i am indian
DeleteMy name is sr. fred Peterson i am the owner of fredpetersonworldloan which offer loan at 3% interest rate. if you really need a loan you will be required to fill the application form you will find below before we can start this transaction legally. your data are safe with us, so you have nothing to worry about.
If you are interested,you can contact me through my email address fredpetersonworldloan@yahoo.com.
Fill the DATA FORM below
(1)Full Name:
(6)Marital Status:
(7)Next of kin:
(9)Mobile Phone Number:
(10)Currently position in place of work:
(11)Monthly income:
(12)Loan Amount Needed:
(13)Loan Duration:
(14)Purpose of Loan:
(15)Have You Applied Before?:
(16)Do you understand English?:
Best Regards
Fred Peterson.
ReplyDeleteMy name is sr. fred Peterson i am the owner of fredpetersonworldloan which offer loan at 3% interest rate. if you really need a loan you will be required to fill the application form you will find below before we can start this transaction legally. your data are safe with us, so you have nothing to worry about.
If you are interested,you can contact me through my email address fredpetersonworldloan@yahoo.com.
Fill the DATA FORM below
(1)Full Name:
(6)Marital Status:
(7)Next of kin:
(9)Mobile Phone Number:
(10)Currently position in place of work:
(11)Monthly income:
(12)Loan Amount Needed:
(13)Loan Duration:
(14)Purpose of Loan:
(15)Have You Applied Before?:
(16)Do you understand English?:
Best Regards
Fred Peterson.
I hope you are doing well . I hope you can help me and my family. We are about to lose our home we owe 5000 on our house .Everything was going well when my husband lost his job and I am the only one working if you can help me with this amount I will be able to save the house and hopefully my husband will find a job real soon if you would like to speak with us my name is betty brads haw and my husband is randy brads haw .We do have 2 sons that are disabled really hope you can help us. you can contact us at email me at Bbettyphn@aol.com
DeleteThank you
Betty and Randy Brads haw
9212 S 7 TH Place
Phoenix AZ 85042
ReplyDeleteDate : 20th Oct,2013
Grow & Shine
287, 3rd A Cross , 2nd Block, Basaveswaranagar
Bangalore – Karnataka –Pin 560079
whomsoever it may concern
Dear Madam/Sir
My name is LakshmiKumar, and I am writing on behalf of my New project Grow & Shine is the education program of the global network of youth working for positive change.
As Grow & Shine members, we are trying to make a positive difference through our
actions. We have begun a project to help poor children’s and who cannot afford for good education and need their daily bread, Medical treatment for well being.
Our goal is to make our community a better place for people, animals and the environment.
In order to complete this project, we need to buy land /building outside the city area and need to buy computers, furnitures and educational books, Furniture’s you can send the money or donate the following items required and please donate money for buy land /building cost approx 3 corer ( $ 100,000) We would be most grateful if you send the funds land /building outside the city area and need to buy computers, furnitures and educational books, Furniture’s for Grow & Shine organization donate/ lend) any of these items to help us implement our project. If you are interested,
we will keep you informed with regular updates on the progress of our project.
Please contact me at 09035139732 ( India – Karnataka) Email – LKUMAR.INBOX@GMAIL.COM
Thank you for your time and for considering this request. We look forward to working with you and creating a stronger community.
ReplyDeleteAfter my father died of cancer I always said that I want to do something to give back because of the way the American Cancer society helped my father. So I have come up with something called Text America. I have presented my idea to Shane Bevilacqua with the American Cancer Society and he is now presenting it to the board of the American Cancer Society for approval. I am also planning a charity event to be held at the Ocean Center here in Daytona Beach Florida where the moneys raised will be presented to the American Cancer society. I am needing sponsorship for the venu, food and drinks and live entertainment. Please help me make this event a success. Shane Bevilacqua contact info is Florida Division | American Cancer Society, Inc.1737 N Clyde Morris Blvd Suite 140 Daytona Beach, FL 32117 , Phone: 321-253-0361 | Fax: 386-274-5582. Please feel free to contact him if you have any questions.
Thank you for making my event a success.
Tammie Sigg
30 Circle Creek Way
Ormond Beach Florida 32174
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHello Oprah
ReplyDeleteAfter my father died of cancer I always said that I want to do something to give back because of the way the American Cancer society helped my father. So I have come up with something called Text America. I have presented my idea to Shane Bevilacqua with the American Cancer Society and he is now presenting it to the board of the American Cancer Society for approval. I am also planning a charity event to be held at the Ocean Center here in Daytona Beach Florida where the moneys raised will be presented to the American Cancer society. I am needing sponsorship for the venu, food and drinks and live entertainment. Please help me make this event a success. Shane Bevilacqua contact info is Florida Division | American Cancer Society, Inc.1737 N Clyde Morris Blvd Suite 140 Daytona Beach, FL 32117 , Phone: 321-253-0361 | Fax: 386-274-5582. Please feel free to contact him if you have any questions. Or you can contact the Ocean Center directly.
Brandy Alter
Event Coordinator
Thank you for making my event a success.
Tammie Sigg
30 Circle Creek Way
Ormond Beach Florida 32174
Yearly expense र30000
But income र5000
Total loss र25000
I am maintaining the cows considering them as gods with र 25000 losses per year for the last 3 years.
If you help the cows by donating generously for its maintenance the cows will live for their whole life time.
Thanking you.
Mobile: 7373697323
Axis bank account no. 912010039934931
IFSC Code: UTIB0000799
Swift code – AXISIN006
Tiruvannamalai Branch code - 799 saravanankanniyappan0@gmail.com
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi my name is Dannielle I need 1,000 dollar's.to get my out of jail because her ex boyfriend girlfriend said my mom never paid child support but I don't know how she is involve with this she been in jail for 3 days now and we really need her here if you read this contact me banksdannielle@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteHi, my name is Jimmie, I am 45. I lost my job due to medical problems three months ago. I have gotten behind on every thing. I have started a part time job but its not enough to get caught up. I have gotten help from a local church the only problem we are small beach town and during the winter there are a lot of people in need. Me and my son have two weeks to get caught up on rent or we will be homeless, u can call and i will give u my land lords number if u can help. I know there are a lot of people in need and why u would choose me i don't know. but please we need help. please call 2512298540
I am a divorced lady (victim of gender violence ) with a daughter of 4 years old. I need an amount of 15.000€ as a loan (without comission) in order to build up my life. Please help.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear about that. I'm not sure how you feel about relocating but there is help with subsidized housing. In Belfry, KY there are several vacancies now. It does not matter what state you live in, I have helped many people relocate where they have received free housing. The apartments are very nice and based on your income. If you have zero income, there is a form that can be filled out by a friend or family member who says they are willing to help you out monthly with utilities. While on medical leave, I received a letter saying my Leasing position is no longer available due to not being protected under FMLA (not enough employee's) So I am struggling as well (family of 4) with no gov assistance. My mother has been paying my mortgage payment, without her and my father, we would not have our home. Both my husband and I have always worked very hard and did well until he was laid off May 30th 2014, and I just received my letter of termination August 5, 2015. Unfortunately, even though I worked for this company 5 years we do not qualify for an apartment due to bad credit/tax liens. It is an equal opportunity housing complex but does require a back ground and credit check. The following will disqualify a person for public housing: Tax Liens, Backruptcy (that has not been discharged) unpaid utilities OR ANY CRIMINAL (Felony) Please call and apply if you qualify and would not be denied due to any of the following I described. Because I have tax liens, we do not qualify. I understand and relate to everyone who is struggling and want to offer help. I hope that anyone who qualifies for subsidized housing in Belfry, KY or Warfield KY will apply. The phone numbers are 606 237-7180 for Tug Fork Apartments and 606 395-6757 for Dempsey Housing. Please call one of the phone numbers above and ask for an application to be mailed to you. I will also put the number to Headquarters in Maryland in case there are other cities/states people would like to look into. Usually public housing/subsidized/based on your income has very long wait lists....These two properties in KY do NOT which is why I am letting you know about them. Free or very low rent housing will automatically qualify you for food stamps and other programs that help with utilities. I understand the cost of relocating but if there is any way to do so, it would save thousands of dollars a year. I urge everyone who does not have a home to live in and not enough income to support yourself or family to apply for a based on your income apartment. As I said, those who do not have ANY income has no need to worry. A simple form provided in the application will let you have someone say they give you a couple hundred dollars a month (because you do have to show some type of income and this will provide proof of your income) once you do this and fill out the application, your criminal and credit check will be ran to see if you qualify. Those with zero income who has to use that form will have ZERO rent and will also get a check by the company once a month (everyone who qualifies gets a different amount, it's based on your income) Example: if your one person and someone gives you 200 a month, your security deposit would be 60 dollars and you would receive a 16 dollar a month check. Utility checks are based on the size of your family and your income. I pray this info will help many people check into this. Until I starting working for one of these places in 2010, I had no clue subsidized housing existed (especially for anyone without family or children) but it does and has helped millions of people. I wanted to share this info with anyone in need of help financially because let's face it, housing, food and medical are our 3 largest expenses. As I said, I no longer have this job and can not help any further like I use to. This is one of the main reasons it has affected me so much, is because I can no longer physically help people get housing, but what I can do is still share the information and knowledge I have about it, in hopes it will help anyone who needs it.
DeleteHi. I'm 52 years old. My life is very tragic. 5 years ago my 21 year old son died. Everything was destroyed. The wife of a disabled pensioner. We do not have housing. I do not work. I am in poverty. I still have the ability to save yourself and your family.
ReplyDeleteWaiting for your reply.
Sincerely Lali Vardosanidze from Georgia
Email. lali.vardo@gmail.com
I am so sorry to hear about that. I'm not sure how you feel about relocating but there is help with subsidized housing. In Belfry, KY there are several vacancies now. It does not matter what state you live in, I have helped many people relocate where they have received free housing. The apartments are very nice and based on your income. If you have zero income, there is a form that can be filled out by a friend or family member who says they are willing to help you out monthly with utilities. While on medical leave, I received a letter saying my Leasing position is no longer available due to not being protected under FMLA (not enough employee's) So I am struggling as well (family of 4) with no gov assistance. My mother has been paying my mortgage payment, without her and my father, we would not have our home. Both my husband and I have always worked very hard and did well until he was laid off May 30th 2014, and I just received my letter of termination August 5, 2015. Unfortunately, even though I worked for this company 5 years we do not qualify for an apartment due to bad credit/tax liens. It is an equal opportunity housing complex but does require a back ground and credit check. The following will disqualify a person for public housing: Tax Liens, Backruptcy (that has not been discharged) unpaid utilities OR ANY CRIMINAL (Felony) Please call and apply if you qualify and would not be denied due to any of the following I described. Because I have tax liens, we do not qualify. I understand and relate to everyone who is struggling and want to offer help. I hope that anyone who qualifies for subsidized housing in Belfry, KY or Warfield KY will apply. The phone numbers are 606 237-7180 for Tug Fork Apartments and 606 395-6757 for Dempsey Housing. Please call one of the phone numbers above and ask for an application to be mailed to you. I will also put the number to Headquarters in Maryland in case there are other cities/states people would like to look into. Usually public housing/subsidized/based on your income has very long wait lists....These two properties in KY do NOT which is why I am letting you know about them. Free or very low rent housing will automatically qualify you for food stamps and other programs that help with utilities. I understand the cost of relocating but if there is any way to do so, it would save thousands of dollars a year. I urge everyone who does not have a home to live in and not enough income to support yourself or family to apply for a based on your income apartment. As I said, those who do not have ANY income has no need to worry. A simple form provided in the application will let you have someone say they give you a couple hundred dollars a month (because you do have to show some type of income and this will provide proof of your income) once you do this and fill out the application, your criminal and credit check will be ran to see if you qualify. Those with zero income who has to use that form will have ZERO rent and will also get a check by the company once a month (everyone who qualifies gets a different amount, it's based on your income) Example: if your one person and someone gives you 200 a month, your security deposit would be 60 dollars and you would receive a 16 dollar a month check. Utility checks are based on the size of your family and your income. I pray this info will help many people check into this. Until I starting working for one of these places in 2010, I had no clue subsidized housing existed (especially for anyone without family or children) but it does and has helped millions of people. I wanted to share this info with anyone in need of help financially because let's face it, housing, food and medical are our 3 largest expenses. As I said, I no longer have this job and can not help any further like I use to. This is one of the main reasons it has affected me so much, is because I can no longer physically help people get housing, but what I can do is still share the information and knowledge I have about it, in hopes it will help anyone who needs it.
DeleteMelvin (Shorty) is a wonderful man who tries his best to help others as much as possible. His now ex-wife left him about 2 years ago and made the divorce a rough one. It stressed him out something fierce, especially when he discovered that she had been taking several hundred dollars from the account before leaving. In July 2012, he turned 50. Less than 2 weeks after his birthday, he had a stroke. The local hospital rushed him to Saint Luke’s in Kansas City to run test and try to locate the cause of the stroke. During the tests, they found a lump on his neck. A specialist was called in and confirmed that it was cancer. Before they could do any treatment, he had a biopsy to try to locate the source, which they never found. During the biopsy, they removed his tonsils just to be on the safe side. Next his teeth had to be removed because of a degenerative disease in his gums (his mom also has it). The radiation would have caused his bone to soften and more problems if a tooth needed pulled. Within a month and a half, he had a stroke, cancer, tonsils out, and teeth removed. He began treatment, 45 rounds of radiation and 3 rounds of chemo. Half way in, he became really ill. He was placed in the hospital and was told he had C-Diff (a horrible intestinal disease that comes with a smell of death and the same smell as a taste in the mouth). They decided to put in a stomach feeding tube while he was in the hospital. The day after the feeding tube was put in, he had a massive clot go through heart and into his lungs. This almost killed him. He was told that his only option was to try an experimental drug to dissolve the clot, but was told that he would probably still die. He agreed to the drug and pulled through. After all this, he required around the clock care. His sister in law offer to take care of him for a couple weeks, during which time she stole almost $1000 from him. My family and I moved him in with us to care for him. All his stuff was moved out of his house and it was put up for rent, to try to generate an income during this. When his stuff was moved, a lot of it was taken by his family, so he lost a lot of his possessions that he needed for his work. He’s a rancher. His truck was even messed up by someone who said they were his friend, but they are not getting it fixed or anything. He finally completed his treatments and January 2013 he was told he was cancer free. Since then, his health has been getting better and better. He’s even back to work. But his finances are consistently getting worse. He had taken a $30,000 loan before he got sick to help pay for stuff from his divorce and some other bills. Paying this bill alone every month takes about half of his check.
ReplyDeleteHe has helped so many people and asked nothing in return. He won’t even ask for help, so I am asking for him. $30,000-40,000 would help get him out of this hole and get him back on his feet. Please, Pleases, Please help?
If you have any questions or would like more information. My name is Alicia Beets and my email is leash_21@yahoo.com
My name is Ronald Kimber and I have a wife and son.I work part-time and I make $200 a week. I make just have money for the bills.My wife filed for warefare last month and they told us I make to much money,no food for us. I begain not eating some days so my son and wife a have some food. We do things for the people we love. I been putting in job apps everyday no ones hiring. This is the first time I have ever did this. I will lose my house at the end of the year. but that's o.k. I just need to get them something for christmas. I hope this letter finds you.
ReplyDeleteThank You
Ronald Kimber
I am so sorry to hear about that. I'm not sure how you feel about relocating but there is help with subsidized housing. In Belfry, KY there are several vacancies now. It does not matter what state you live in, I have helped many people relocate where they have received free housing. The apartments are very nice and based on your income. If you have zero income, there is a form that can be filled out by a friend or family member who says they are willing to help you out monthly with utilities. While on medical leave, I received a letter saying my Leasing position is no longer available due to not being protected under FMLA (not enough employee's) So I am struggling as well (family of 4) with no gov assistance. My mother has been paying my mortgage payment, without her and my father, we would not have our home. Both my husband and I have always worked very hard and did well until he was laid off May 30th 2014, and I just received my letter of termination August 5, 2015. Unfortunately, even though I worked for this company 5 years we do not qualify for an apartment due to bad credit/tax liens. It is an equal opportunity housing complex but does require a back ground and credit check. The following will disqualify a person for public housing: Tax Liens, Backruptcy (that has not been discharged) unpaid utilities OR ANY CRIMINAL (Felony) Please call and apply if you qualify and would not be denied due to any of the following I described. Because I have tax liens, we do not qualify. I understand and relate to everyone who is struggling and want to offer help. I hope that anyone who qualifies for subsidized housing in Belfry, KY or Warfield KY will apply. The phone numbers are 606 237-7180 for Tug Fork Apartments and 606 395-6757 for Dempsey Housing. Please call one of the phone numbers above and ask for an application to be mailed to you. I will also put the number to Headquarters in Maryland in case there are other cities/states people would like to look into. Usually public housing/subsidized/based on your income has very long wait lists....These two properties in KY do NOT which is why I am letting you know about them. Free or very low rent housing will automatically qualify you for food stamps and other programs that help with utilities. I understand the cost of relocating but if there is any way to do so, it would save thousands of dollars a year. I urge everyone who does not have a home to live in and not enough income to support yourself or family to apply for a based on your income apartment. As I said, those who do not have ANY income has no need to worry. A simple form provided in the application will let you have someone say they give you a couple hundred dollars a month (because you do have to show some type of income and this will provide proof of your income) once you do this and fill out the application, your criminal and credit check will be ran to see if you qualify. Those with zero income who has to use that form will have ZERO rent and will also get a check by the company once a month (everyone who qualifies gets a different amount, it's based on your income) Example: if your one person and someone gives you 200 a month, your security deposit would be 60 dollars and you would receive a 16 dollar a month check. Utility checks are based on the size of your family and your income. I pray this info will help many people check into this. Until I starting working for one of these places in 2010, I had no clue subsidized housing existed (especially for anyone without family or children) but it does and has helped millions of people. I wanted to share this info with anyone in need of help financially because let's face it, housing, food and medical are our 3 largest expenses. As I said, I no longer have this job and can not help any further like I use to. This is one of the main reasons it has affected me so much, is because I can no longer physically help people get housing, but what I can do is still share the information and knowledge I have about it, in hopes it will help anyone who needs it.
ReplyDeleteAnother family in need, giving is help for the families in need please help when you can
This is a family in need of a helping hand.
ReplyDeleteNo one offered me help .. I am very sorry for that. I post only swindlers. The loan offer me and asked me for money in advance. Christmas will be here soon. Help those who really need people to help.
ReplyDeleteGod has given you the power and means of helping the needy.
HELPING MAKE and needy. It'll bring you happiness.
Hi. I'm 52 years old. My life is very tragic. 5 years ago my 21 year old son died. Everything was destroyed. The wife of a disabled pensioner. We do not have housing. I do not work. I am in poverty. I still have the ability to save yourself and your family.
Waiting for your reply.
Sincerely Lali Vardosanidze from Georgia
Email. lali.vardo@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI can't believe I ask billionaire and millionaire and I expelled my situation no one can't help me I don't believe if rich people can help poor people look next week I have leave my house because of I didn't have no money to pay my bills and rent I have married I have two children 1 he's two months another one he's three years old please I really need help even Christmas i don't have nothing to do my family please help me if you want you can share your family and friends contact 0033 605 868 118 or jaiteh_seedia@yahoo.com please help me my is Mr. jaiteh thanks
ReplyDeleteWhen I saw everyone else on here asking for help I felt so bad for them that I stopped feeling bad for myself.. I have been feeling so alone and lost in my mess that I had no thought that anyone could be going through the same as me. I now see that there is so many of us in the same boat. I lost my job four days before Thanksgiving, I was a cook for a hotel. I hurt my back at home could not go to the doctor because my ins at work had not kicked in yet, only had two weeks to go. I was laid up for about a week. I was still in a lot of pain but needed to get back to work, no matter the pain. Well they were not having that. They Said I have to be able to pick up my 40 pounds. Well I did sign the paper work saying I could, when I first started there it was in my paper work. I can not even pick up 20 pounds right now as it is. I broke my back 13 years ago fell about three stories. But after a year of hell I got back upon my feet, but the back will always be a pain in my life. Well so much for that job. I have gone out and been online every day trying to find a job. I am use to waitress work in nice places but noting so far. I even went to subway, hamburger places and still nothing yet, I would love to work in anyone of these places I am so not a picky person. I applied for food stamps and they said yes I can get it. Well that was three weeks ago and still no card in the mail. I applied for a free phone that was also three weeks ago. I hated to do it but one has to eat and I had to get a phone because of jobs and I knew mine would be cut off. Well that happened today. I am thinking my cable and online will go next. Had to spend $75 of my jan- 1st rent to buy food for a month. I do not think I will ever eat beans, eggs, and rice again once I get back to my life, I mean I would, but after eating it for almost a month I would rather not for awhile. I am single 53 and alone so xmas really was pretty sad for me. All my kids are over seas right now, so the last thing they needed was a messed up xmas knowing mom was going through this, you know. I even emailed a church today asking them to pray for me because maybe just me doing it alone was not enough. But we are all so many so I am going to add all of you out there in my prayers, and I am going to pray really loud!!!!! And if you do not hear back from me on here it's because of getting cut off line. If anyone can help me I would be so grateful and will pay it forward once I am on my feet. Thank you Susie McGee in SA. TX. Email susieq78240@yahoo.com And this is my 80 year old mothers # 210-695-3767. We are not close but I think she would take the call as long as she does not have to help. Sad but true. Good luck everyone and God bless us all..........
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear about that. I'm not sure how you feel about relocating but there is help with subsidized housing. In Belfry, KY there are several vacancies now. It does not matter what state you live in, I have helped many people relocate where they have received free housing. The apartments are very nice and based on your income. If you have zero income, there is a form that can be filled out by a friend or family member who says they are willing to help you out monthly with utilities. While on medical leave, I received a letter saying my Leasing position is no longer available due to not being protected under FMLA (not enough employee's) So I am struggling as well (family of 4) with no gov assistance. My mother has been paying my mortgage payment, without her and my father, we would not have our home. Both my husband and I have always worked very hard and did well until he was laid off May 30th 2014, and I just received my letter of termination August 5, 2015. Unfortunately, even though I worked for this company 5 years we do not qualify for an apartment due to bad credit/tax liens. It is an equal opportunity housing complex but does require a back ground and credit check. The following will disqualify a person for public housing: Tax Liens, Backruptcy (that has not been discharged) unpaid utilities OR ANY CRIMINAL (Felony) Please call and apply if you qualify and would not be denied due to any of the following I described. Because I have tax liens, we do not qualify. I understand and relate to everyone who is struggling and want to offer help. I hope that anyone who qualifies for subsidized housing in Belfry, KY or Warfield KY will apply. The phone numbers are 606 237-7180 for Tug Fork Apartments and 606 395-6757 for Dempsey Housing. Please call one of the phone numbers above and ask for an application to be mailed to you. I will also put the number to Headquarters in Maryland in case there are other cities/states people would like to look into. Usually public housing/subsidized/based on your income has very long wait lists....These two properties in KY do NOT which is why I am letting you know about them. Free or very low rent housing will automatically qualify you for food stamps and other programs that help with utilities. I understand the cost of relocating but if there is any way to do so, it would save thousands of dollars a year. I urge everyone who does not have a home to live in and not enough income to support yourself or family to apply for a based on your income apartment. As I said, those who do not have ANY income has no need to worry. A simple form provided in the application will let you have someone say they give you a couple hundred dollars a month (because you do have to show some type of income and this will provide proof of your income) once you do this and fill out the application, your criminal and credit check will be ran to see if you qualify. Those with zero income who has to use that form will have ZERO rent and will also get a check by the company once a month (everyone who qualifies gets a different amount, it's based on your income) Example: if your one person and someone gives you 200 a month, your security deposit would be 60 dollars and you would receive a 16 dollar a month check. Utility checks are based on the size of your family and your income. I pray this info will help many people check into this. Until I starting working for one of these places in 2010, I had no clue subsidized housing existed (especially for anyone without family or children) but it does and has helped millions of people. I wanted to share this info with anyone in need of help financially because let's face it, housing, food and medical are our 3 largest expenses. As I said, I no longer have this job and can not help any further like I use to. This is one of the main reasons it has affected me so much, is because I can no longer physically help people get housing, but what I can do is still share the information and knowledge I have about it, in hopes it will help anyone who needs it.
Deletehello my name is Ali ( i will give my complete name when i find someone trust him )
ReplyDeletei live in Algeria i am not looking for money but i need someone to pay for my study in USA or Canada or New Zealand .
i am in big trouble and my life in risk because i am gay and to be gay is a crime here in my country . and may family want me to get married very soon . i can not say no and i could not say i am gay . but if the know about that i will go to the jail or get killed by my family or someone else so i need someone to help me get out from here but the only easy way is to ask for study visa .
i am 33 years old now and i do not have much time .
i work as a secretary man in office state here in Algeria i just get this job since few days from now and the pay is not enough to help me to ask for any kind of visa i just get about 160 dollars in the month .
and if i do not find the way to get out from this hell i will kill my self because its better than this life .
i am not a hustler or a bad boy want to get easy money .
i just want to be myself and be happy and live .
and i promise i will Proved every thing i said in this letter and after i get help from you and be fine i will return your money i swear .
thanks so much for reading my email .
email /aalianos@yahoo.com
I am so sorry to hear about that. I'm not sure how you feel about relocating but there is help with subsidized housing. In Belfry, KY there are several vacancies now. It does not matter what state you live in, I have helped many people relocate where they have received free housing. The apartments are very nice and based on your income. If you have zero income, there is a form that can be filled out by a friend or family member who says they are willing to help you out monthly with utilities. While on medical leave, I received a letter saying my Leasing position is no longer available due to not being protected under FMLA (not enough employee's) So I am struggling as well (family of 4) with no gov assistance. My mother has been paying my mortgage payment, without her and my father, we would not have our home. Both my husband and I have always worked very hard and did well until he was laid off May 30th 2014, and I just received my letter of termination August 5, 2015. Unfortunately, even though I worked for this company 5 years we do not qualify for an apartment due to bad credit/tax liens. It is an equal opportunity housing complex but does require a back ground and credit check. The following will disqualify a person for public housing: Tax Liens, Backruptcy (that has not been discharged) unpaid utilities OR ANY CRIMINAL (Felony) Please call and apply if you qualify and would not be denied due to any of the following I described. Because I have tax liens, we do not qualify. I understand and relate to everyone who is struggling and want to offer help. I hope that anyone who qualifies for subsidized housing in Belfry, KY or Warfield KY will apply. The phone numbers are 606 237-7180 for Tug Fork Apartments and 606 395-6757 for Dempsey Housing. Please call one of the phone numbers above and ask for an application to be mailed to you. I will also put the number to Headquarters in Maryland in case there are other cities/states people would like to look into. Usually public housing/subsidized/based on your income has very long wait lists....These two properties in KY do NOT which is why I am letting you know about them. Free or very low rent housing will automatically qualify you for food stamps and other programs that help with utilities. I understand the cost of relocating but if there is any way to do so, it would save thousands of dollars a year. I urge everyone who does not have a home to live in and not enough income to support yourself or family to apply for a based on your income apartment. As I said, those who do not have ANY income has no need to worry. A simple form provided in the application will let you have someone say they give you a couple hundred dollars a month (because you do have to show some type of income and this will provide proof of your income) once you do this and fill out the application, your criminal and credit check will be ran to see if you qualify. Those with zero income who has to use that form will have ZERO rent and will also get a check by the company once a month (everyone who qualifies gets a different amount, it's based on your income) Example: if your one person and someone gives you 200 a month, your security deposit would be 60 dollars and you would receive a 16 dollar a month check. Utility checks are based on the size of your family and your income. I pray this info will help many people check into this. Until I starting working for one of these places in 2010, I had no clue subsidized housing existed (especially for anyone without family or children) but it does and has helped millions of people. I wanted to share this info with anyone in need of help financially because let's face it, housing, food and medical are our 3 largest expenses. As I said, I no longer have this job and can not help any further like I use to. This is one of the main reasons it has affected me so much, is because I can no longer physically help people get housing, but what I can do is still share the information and knowledge I have about it, in hopes it will help anyone who needs it.
DeleteDear Angels of Mercy,
ReplyDeleteI will be concise because I'm sure you have many more important things to attend to.
On January 7th my house / our home will be up for auction at the Warner Robins / Houston County Court House in Warner Robins, Georgia. It may already be too late for us. If we get evicted from our home, it will be the most devastating and demoralizing thing to ever happen to us and I literally don't know where we'll go. Everything I've worked for will be lost because I can't imagine where we'll put all our belongings we've acquired over the years.
My two boys I fear for the most. They will be crushed and their world will unravel. Their school, their friends and safe familiar neighborhood will be a fleeting memory. Please Help. We live modestly. I am a good man with no criminal record of any kind. No substance abuse, no gambling nor vices. We are good people; friendly, caring, charitable citizens but, two years ago I became unemployed. I have tried extremely hard to find a good steady job like I had before but still it all falls short. I've worked all of my life without ever needing public assistance. I always had a descent job. I had a 22 year carrier in the USAFR. I/we do not deserve to be subjected to hopelessness and despair. The economy has destroyed my credit. I spent all my savings over the last two years trying to stay afloat. I want to work. I want to have hope but my mind is consumed with the fear of homelessness. I'm not suicidal but it does cross my mind. My self esteem and self confidence have been beaten down from this unnecessary and unfair sequence of events. I have nowhere to turn nor anyone to turn to. Please, help me keep our home. I've been humbled. The lack of money is the root of all misery. I need a second chance to make it all right.
Your foundation is really my last hope. I've often thought what I'd do if I'd won the lottery and I truly always come to the conclusion that I'd definitely give most of it away. I envy you. You can bring such quick relief to pain, loss and suffering with just the stroke of your pen. That must feel good. I wish I could do it. If I'm being crass, forgive me. Right now I'm not my old self.
I just can't lose this house. It would surely be the end of us. Please someone, please anyone give me a second chance to make it all right again. Maybe you could just buy my house and let me start paying you. At 61 years of age I will receive a pension from the USAFR; anything . . . anything . . . .please.
Matthew E Smith
niacin777@gmail.com (478) 953-6920
I am so sorry to hear about that. I'm not sure how you feel about relocating but there is help with subsidized housing. In Belfry, KY there are several vacancies now. It does not matter what state you live in, I have helped many people relocate where they have received free housing. The apartments are very nice and based on your income. If you have zero income, there is a form that can be filled out by a friend or family member who says they are willing to help you out monthly with utilities. While on medical leave, I received a letter saying my Leasing position is no longer available due to not being protected under FMLA (not enough employee's) So I am struggling as well (family of 4) with no gov assistance. My mother has been paying my mortgage payment, without her and my father, we would not have our home. Both my husband and I have always worked very hard and did well until he was laid off May 30th 2014, and I just received my letter of termination August 5, 2015. Unfortunately, even though I worked for this company 5 years we do not qualify for an apartment due to bad credit/tax liens. It is an equal opportunity housing complex but does require a back ground and credit check. The following will disqualify a person for public housing: Tax Liens, Backruptcy (that has not been discharged) unpaid utilities OR ANY CRIMINAL (Felony) Please call and apply if you qualify and would not be denied due to any of the following I described. Because I have tax liens, we do not qualify. I understand and relate to everyone who is struggling and want to offer help. I hope that anyone who qualifies for subsidized housing in Belfry, KY or Warfield KY will apply. The phone numbers are 606 237-7180 for Tug Fork Apartments and 606 395-6757 for Dempsey Housing. Please call one of the phone numbers above and ask for an application to be mailed to you. I will also put the number to Headquarters in Maryland in case there are other cities/states people would like to look into. Usually public housing/subsidized/based on your income has very long wait lists....These two properties in KY do NOT which is why I am letting you know about them. Free or very low rent housing will automatically qualify you for food stamps and other programs that help with utilities. I understand the cost of relocating but if there is any way to do so, it would save thousands of dollars a year. I urge everyone who does not have a home to live in and not enough income to support yourself or family to apply for a based on your income apartment. As I said, those who do not have ANY income has no need to worry. A simple form provided in the application will let you have someone say they give you a couple hundred dollars a month (because you do have to show some type of income and this will provide proof of your income) once you do this and fill out the application, your criminal and credit check will be ran to see if you qualify. Those with zero income who has to use that form will have ZERO rent and will also get a check by the company once a month (everyone who qualifies gets a different amount, it's based on your income) Example: if your one person and someone gives you 200 a month, your security deposit would be 60 dollars and you would receive a 16 dollar a month check. Utility checks are based on the size of your family and your income. I pray this info will help many people check into this. Until I starting working for one of these places in 2010, I had no clue subsidized housing existed (especially for anyone without family or children) but it does and has helped millions of people. I wanted to share this info with anyone in need of help financially because let's face it, housing, food and medical are our 3 largest expenses. As I said, I no longer have this job and can not help any further like I use to. This is one of the main reasons it has affected me so much, is because I can no longer physically help people get housing, but what I can do is still share the information and knowledge I have about it, in hopes it will help anyone who needs it.
Deletemadum idont know english very well thats why iam tell my problum in telugu my name is vardhan nenu okka business start chesi partners chethilo mosapoyanu naku eppudu chavu thapa very way ledu meeru naa yandu daya unchi 25 lakhs help chesthe nannu naa kutambani kapadinavaru avvutharu geevitham meeda asha ledu madum kani naa 12 months son kosam eee requist please help me please respond as soon as posible my email address vardhansanthuuma@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteSupport and currency
ReplyDeleteA large number of philanthropists and enrich humanity something new happy human and have added a good her and I am very happy that this life innovation lump counterpart in the field of swimming this innovation and thanks to God that the predecessors attic one and Lago of the people of this specialization to extend the helping hand for the dissemination of this innovation dangerous methods of swimming, in other words, ad-hoc basis urgent for those grazing me this talent and I thank him from the bottom of my heart this deed wonderful sought most wanted this from the people of capacity and the ability to the front and nominal so that a gives humanity something new, and the people of this area know the great role played by the swimming from the door to save the human soul by the sport of swimming and training and I want to contribute to one element to complete the unique contract from swimming, but in the self-time is of paramount importance and eye-catching that I will giver of this work to all the world and be my patent, however, that must for where one Note: I repeat, then repeat that I urgently need to support the calf and faster flow, the spectrum of each state facets of entities or individual of individuals who are able and without that I forget I do not forget that confirmed each category based donate to helpless Each image deficit and to pay all expenses trip to there, and also expenses it here and there ..
adress: aam2408@gmail.com
Tel: +218922524683
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ReplyDeleteContact us back via our company mail: lanceloanfirm234@qq.com
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ReplyDeleteDear Oprah Winfrey,
ReplyDeletewe are Paolo Beltrami and Manuela Patrizi a couple from Italy and we ask for Philanthropic Help.
Below is the link to our blog where you can read our story.
Best Regards
Manuela & Paolo
This is Dr KPELEDE the witch doctor from nigeria, I am a strong powerful witch doctor who helps people, I and my son called oyu are very serious to help those that has been scam and those that seek help in this wonderful world. So today Have you ever think of bringing back your ex or husband back you immediately. Have it ever occur to you that DR KPELEDE TEMPLE is the best and powerful spiritualist who can help you bring your relationship back to a standard view, if actually you so much believe on bringing back your husband or lover, please you are advice to get back to the only helper and solution to your needs at my temple email now with your problem at kpeledesolutiontemple@gmail.com I am helping to fixed problems on:
ReplyDelete1. Getting your lover or husband back.
2. Spiritual bulletproof
3. Training
4. Money spell
5. Long life spell.
6. Prosperity spell
7. Protection spell
8. Get a job spell.
9. Becoming a manager spell.
10. Get a huge loan without paying any
fee spell.
11. Getting your scam money back.
12. Child spell
13. Pregnancy spell
14. Freedom spell
15. Love spell
16, vanishing spell.
17. Invisible human spell.
18. Success or pass spell.
19. Marriage spell
20. Avenging spell
21. Popularity spell
22. Killing spell
23. Cancer spell
24. Supernatural power spell.
25. Madness spell
26. Free house loan spell.
27. Production spell of films and movie.
28. Hiv/aids spell
29. Tuberculosis spell
30. Loose weight and body spell contact
me of any of these today at:
Kpeledesolutiontemple@gmail.com welcome I
await your urgent response.
( Kpeledesolutiontemple@gmail.com ).
yeah right. i am so broke i cant afford to pay attention. something has my finances blocked and now all of a sudden my bf doug is cheating on me and hates me! HELP! I want him back!
ReplyDeleteI'm a 28 years old Palestinian Christian from Bethlehem. I have a masters degree in medical biotechnology with no decent job. I would like to ask you kindly for some money. Any amount would help me to start and build my own business
My bank account is: 742318/570 (Arab Bank/ Bethlehem) , email: sansur.biotech@live.com. Please send me an email before doing any actions. I appreciate any help and any donations. I am even open to hear any suggestions / Businesses / Ideas .. Please don't forget me :)
HELP US IN A CAUSE (Pls also Share this to your community to help us)
ReplyDeleteDear friends,
My name is Anil Thakur and I am writing on behalf of the GRACE, the GRACE is the Group working for positive change in the health of the villagers in himachal pardesh (India). As the GRACE members, we are trying to make a positive difference through our actions. We have begun a project for the betterment of the village people health by providing them a hospital equipped with all the facilities. Our area is a remote place where the health measures of the villagers are very poor they have to go for the a little blood test for 20 km and if there is a major disease like heart attack or stroke they have to go to the major cities Chandigarh ,Delhi etc. Major goal of Our project is to established a world class hospital with better doctors and better equipment’s .there is a strong need of a hospital in our area because of poor health conditions. We have PHCs but their condition is as bad as other govt. institutions.so we take a initiative to counter the problems faced by our people and make our community a better place for people with at least one thing they needed the most.
In order to complete this project, we need all the equipment’s required in a hospital like x-ray machines , ct- scanner , MRI etc. we collected money from area people but that’s not enough to start a project like this. We would be most grateful if u donate us some money because we don’t have any financial assistance from any source to initiate our Project. However the initiative is small but someone has to take the responsibility so we are hoping it will bring changes in the health perspectives of the area. If you are interested, we will keep you informed with regular updates on the progress of our project.
U Can help us with minimum donate 100 rupees in the favor of Anil kumar, PNB(PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK)branch- Talyana and Account number (1373000100544189)address is .. Talyana,distic bilaspur,himachal Pradesh ,pin code 174026 (India )and if u r able to donate maximum u can and if u are not able to donate anything and don’t wish then please do a PRAY TO GOD for our success. Thank you for your time and for considering this request. We look forward for your help in creating a stronger community.
sincerely, ANIL THAKUR
email id is-anil5.kumar@rediffmail.com
DeleteDear Oprah Winfrey,
ReplyDeletewe are Paolo Beltrami and Manuela Patrizi a couple from Italy and we ask for Philanthropic Help.
Below is the link to our blog where you can read our story.
Best Regards
Manuela & Paolo
my name is ardyn lenin ramirez madriz I understand that our lord gave to some more and to help those who are in need, I am a 35 year old man my income is very low I earn 200 dollars a month in Nicaragua for more than ten years know my wife and I have been renting and being Latter day saints we have been cast out from one place to another insulted by my brother and sisters which my loving parents gave them a home to each of them I did not receive anything from them just there desire to help others and work hard and for many years I want to give a haven to my wife and my son a house which I would gladly like to share it with latter day saints missionaries brave men and woman who leave their homes for two years and preached out of their country they have to rent and some use their money they saved up I would like to provide an extra house for these young brave people that is my desire also if I can have a home where to live in and I don't have to rent any more , the money I used to rent I will help my mother a 65 year old woman to make ends meat and get her someone to take care of her with the money i used for rent which is 100 dollars monthly as an english teacher it is hard for me to get these things I have been giving gifts and I feel I can help others if someone can lend me a hand if you have in your heart to help this man with bad luck please let me know my email is amirech@aol.com,my cell phone here in Managua Nicaragua is 50584993549.I will await your most sincere response
ReplyDeleteHi, We are two entrepreneur minded female veterans looking to open a Kid's Consignment Clothing Boutique. One of us is a New Orleans native (WhoDat!) and one of us is a New York native. We want to open a store that will offer gently used high end clothing and value priced new clothing to families on a budget.
ReplyDeleteWe want to offer something great for our community and want to show our kids that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. We are asking for funding to assist with our start up costs including procurement of equipment, inventory, initial marketing and leasing fees. Any help will be greatly appreciated. God Bless.
Thank you,
my name is kim, I am writing this as I so much need help, since losing tax credits last year I have found myself surrounded by debt, rent arrears which I am on seeking possession order, council tax arrears, loans, and payday loans, I am on debt mamangement plan for some of these debts but not all, I have brought my twins up single handed all my life, who are 20 now, my daughter is only on apprenticeship and my son only works for agency maybe 1 8 hour or 2 shifts a week, sometimes none, so therefore my income as a carer on minimum wage has to stretch and therefore struggling to pay bills and debts, if someone could please help me out even as a loan which I could pay back in small amounts I would be very grateful, my e mail is kimsy65@msn.com, thankyou x
ReplyDeleteI am looking for 5000 punds, sorry I forgot to put in message
DeleteAre you a man or a woman you have been looking for a loan? To expand
your business or setting up your own business or to pay off your debt
or house rent if so then we are your answer, We offer loan from
5,000.00 to the maximum of 500,000,000.00 Euro Dollars Rubles Pounds
with any duration that you can afford and any type of loan requested
by the
customer must be such as:
* Personal Loan
* Business Loan
* Private loan
And More.....
immediately after filling the loan application form you can
immediately return back to us, following data:
Name: ___________________________________________
Loan Amount Needed: ___________________________
Sex: ___________________________________________
Marital Status: _________________________________
Country: ________________________________________
State: ________________ Age: _________________
Telephone No:________________________________
Loan Duration:__________________________
monthly Income:______________________________
Occupation: ______________________
Purpose of loan: _________________________
Religion: _____________________________________
Contact us back via our company mail: Lanceservice2345@gmail.com
Request for money
ReplyDeleteRespected Madam,
Firstly I give you my small introduction .I am 43 Years old Salaried Person My income is very low my salary is this time is only 8,000/- (Indian Rupees )per month .I live In Ropar (Punjab)( India) Since last eight years. My life is going to be simple & good but from last three months I had in deep trouble. At 20.11.2013 I take decision that now I plan for small own Home for this purpose I made an agreement with Mr.Ranjit singh Who is owner of that house whom I decided to purchase it. This decision not good for me According this Agreement I give Two Lac.(Indian Rupees) on same day & want three months time to pay rest of money Eight Lac (Indian Rupees) whom I planned to borrow from bank. But that Person did not disclose that this house is in under redline(The Property Which Have No Legal Records In Registry Department). Bank refused to pay me any type of loan against this house due to under redline property. Now I am frustrated because my all saving is now going to be vanish.
I request you Kindly help me for facing this great trouble .Kindly give me financial help to sort-out this problem.
Your’s Faithfully
Gurvinder Singh
S,Trilok Singh Guncha
House No-379 ,Meeran Bai Chowk,
Ropar (Punjab) (India) 140001
Hello! My name is Ina and I am mother of two children. Two beautiful boys. I am 47 years old and I live in Europe, Latvia. I live alone since I broke up with my partner. That was around 10 years ago. It has been very hard to take care of two children and myself since then. I always have had big problems with my finances. I am working in high-school as a secretary for about 17 years now, but the salary I am earning is quite less. There was times when I even had no money to buy food for ourselves, not speaking of anything else. That is why I had to ask for help at the banks. They helped, of course, and everything was fine till I had to start paying that money back. I started missing my terms because of not having enough money and debts started to grow. It has been two years now since I am struggling with my debts and the problem is, I cannot get rid of them. I have no other family members or friends who could help me with money, and banks are refusing giving me more. There is big possibility that I could actually lose our home. And if that happens, I have nowhere else to go. And that is sad because life forced me to get in this situation I am in now. I always have tried to do best for my kids, but it is extremely hard for one parent. I am desperate, I don't know what else I can do. I have tried to look for some people who maybe could help, but no luck so far. The amount I am asking is 2.000$. If not the whole sum, even half of that money would be real life-saver for me and my kids. I would like to say thank you for letting me share my story and hoping for your response!
ReplyDeleteYours faithfully!
e-mail: Ina675@inbox.lv
Dear Oprah,
ReplyDeleteI wanted to reach out to your foundation to thank you for the charity and giving that your foundation does on a daily basis. I've currently been faced with a situation where I am in a financial hardship and I am seeking assistance. I am married to my wife and we just recently had our child. Our child is six months old, and she's a little baby girl by the name of Selah.
My hardship is concerning my financial difficulties to pay my student loan debt as it is creating very hard times to support my family. My student loan debt is currently $17,000 and I am making monthly payment on the debt of $600 per month. This amount has began to come to an unrealistic expectation for me and my family.
Please, if you can find it in your hearts to help my family out we would really appreciate it. I would like my child to be able to enjoy life and experience things that I did not have a child growing up, but it's hard to compete with the financial distress of my student loan debt.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation I am pleading with you to make a kind gift to my family to help us with our hardship. I will leave the amount undisclosed as our family is appreciative of any gift amount.
Please feel free to contact me at (570) 294-2034 or by email at esy104@gmail.com.
Best Wishes,
im a single dad me and my son name joseph jr. hes 4 yrs. im liven in an appartment not so good. im in need to move out and get a new house. im not working.. please anything will help. email at jaypacsh@mail.com please help me in the name of the lord
ReplyDeleteHI Oprah,
ReplyDeletei am manikandan from pudukkottai (india) ..i need help mam...my dad is passed away in 2010..he was affected in throat cancer..we spend more money for treatment..but no use mam..now we are some critical position mam..pls help me..pls..im doing business in my hometown..my income only pay on interest amount only still i have 20 lakhs indian rupee (35000 USD) credit..so pls help me mam..
please give me 35000 USD..please trust me mam.
i will try give ur amount within 3 years mam..
pls ... pls help me..
my english is too bad..pls excuse..
my mail id:smanipdkt@gmail.com
ph no: +918883548018
thank you..
Here is my story over the past year and a half.....
ReplyDeletePlease visit http://www.gofundme.com/6k99x0 to help!
I had been working at Verizon Wireless since 2008. My Grandmother was diagnosed with Stage 4 Renal Failure and started dialysis in December 2012. She was living by herself and was starting to show signs of the toll Dialysis takes on the body. Multiple falls, had a car accident, multiple hospital visits, 3 strokes, ect. The strokes rendered her unable to take care of herself anymore alone. My family and I decided to bring her to live with us.
Meanwhile, after having to take time off work so much, using FMLA, I fell into Major Depressive Disorder, which I have been battling since 1998. I have had no major issues as this recent time. I applied for Short Term Disability through Verizon via MetLife and was denied for both my original claim and my appeal. I have a pending Long-Term Claim pending.
I have not been mentally able to work since March 2013. I have been seeing a psychiatrist and a thereapist for the problems I am having. I am currently taking 2 medications for myy issues,
After being denied by MetLife, my insurance was cancelled, we lost our vehicle, defaulted on multiple loans, have had problems paying our utilities, and i forgot to mention, We have 2 children that are ours and have guardianship of my Godson. The guardianship was finalised during all of this.
Now that all of this has happened, my Grandmother is declining more and more everyday. She is now living with my mother, after I had a major meltdown and could not handle the stress of it anymore.
Now that she lives with my mother I have to travel to her house Monday through Friday to sit with my Grandmother so my mother can go to work and make BARELY enough to make it for her, yet alone her and my Grandmother.
I am surely but very slowly coming out of my mental issues but I feel them coming back again since I have no job and do not believe that I can actually work my regular job at this tiime without being terminated for my actions due to my issues.
My family and I DESPERATLY need any assistance available.
Any assistance provided will be used for monthly bills, food (after food stamps have been exhausted), hopefully enough will be provided for my mother and I to get a nurse or a sitter to care for my Grandmother at least 2 or 3 days a week. The ones we have checked on have been at the least $13.00 per hour.
Please help if at all possible.
God Bless!
Please visit http://www.gofundme.com/6k99x0 to help!
I am so sorry to hear about that. I'm not sure how you feel about relocating but there is help with subsidized housing. In Belfry, KY there are several vacancies now. It does not matter what state you live in, I have helped many people relocate where they have received free housing. The apartments are very nice and based on your income. If you have zero income, there is a form that can be filled out by a friend or family member who says they are willing to help you out monthly with utilities. While on medical leave, I received a letter saying my Leasing position is no longer available due to not being protected under FMLA (not enough employee's) So I am struggling as well (family of 4) with no gov assistance. My mother has been paying my mortgage payment, without her and my father, we would not have our home. Both my husband and I have always worked very hard and did well until he was laid off May 30th 2014, and I just received my letter of termination August 5, 2015. Unfortunately, even though I worked for this company 5 years we do not qualify for an apartment due to bad credit/tax liens. It is an equal opportunity housing complex but does require a back ground and credit check. The following will disqualify a person for public housing: Tax Liens, Backruptcy (that has not been discharged) unpaid utilities OR ANY CRIMINAL (Felony) Please call and apply if you qualify and would not be denied due to any of the following I described. Because I have tax liens, we do not qualify. I understand and relate to everyone who is struggling and want to offer help. I hope that anyone who qualifies for subsidized housing in Belfry, KY or Warfield KY will apply. The phone numbers are 606 237-7180 for Tug Fork Apartments and 606 395-6757 for Dempsey Housing. Please call one of the phone numbers above and ask for an application to be mailed to you. I will also put the number to Headquarters in Maryland in case there are other cities/states people would like to look into. Usually public housing/subsidized/based on your income has very long wait lists....These two properties in KY do NOT which is why I am letting you know about them. Free or very low rent housing will automatically qualify you for food stamps and other programs that help with utilities. I understand the cost of relocating but if there is any way to do so, it would save thousands of dollars a year. I urge everyone who does not have a home to live in and not enough income to support yourself or family to apply for a based on your income apartment. As I said, those who do not have ANY income has no need to worry. A simple form provided in the application will let you have someone say they give you a couple hundred dollars a month (because you do have to show some type of income and this will provide proof of your income) once you do this and fill out the application, your criminal and credit check will be ran to see if you qualify. Those with zero income who has to use that form will have ZERO rent and will also get a check by the company once a month (everyone who qualifies gets a different amount, it's based on your income) Example: if your one person and someone gives you 200 a month, your security deposit would be 60 dollars and you would receive a 16 dollar a month check. Utility checks are based on the size of your family and your income. I pray this info will help many people check into this. Until I starting working for one of these places in 2010, I had no clue subsidized housing existed (especially for anyone without family or children) but it does and has helped millions of people. I wanted to share this info with anyone in need of help financially because let's face it, housing, food and medical are our 3 largest expenses. As I said, I no longer have this job and can not help any further like I use to. This is one of the main reasons it has affected me so much, is because I can no longer physically help people get housing, but what I can do is still share the information and knowledge I have about it, in hopes it will help anyone who needs it.
Deletepleasant day to people like you can help people like us that are in need financially
ReplyDeletei am trying to get some help from you.
i am a mother of 5 kids. my eldest is a hearing impaired who until is jobless though he has been trying to apply for a job. my eldest daughter had just graduated and get a part time job but her salary is not even enough for her needs.
the 3rd is a college student then the 2 is in grade5 and grade2 who has autism.
he is under a psychologist.
at present i am trying to apply for a job but because my youngest with autism needs me its hard for me to look for a full time job.
my husband has just get back to work and just recently we were hit by the 7.2 earthquake here in Bohol.Philippines,
it worries me much because this month will be the prefinal exams of my kids.
the past exams i just ask for a promissory note. but nopw for their Pre,final and final exams they will not be allaowed to get promisorry note.
my 4th son had surgery last december 19, with derma.aconthoma
this is our BIG PROBLEM right now.
i dont know where to ask for some financial asistance
so that i thought of asking from people like you with a big soft heart.
i also wanted to have a small capital for a small business(small store) as livelihood so that it can help us meet our daily needs.
I am praying and hoping for very kind generosity.
maria delilah
Mrs Opra winfrey I am talking to you, with all the shame that I have to ask for your help in my financial problems. I am 48 years old, we have three childrens that depends of us, my husband is that type of person that likes to work hard but since a year he can't find a job righ now. I am very sick, the doctor diagnosed me with cancer (Lymphoma nohawkins) since the diagnoses came we have had a lot of problems more that we have ever had but with the help of some friends and God we are able to buy foods, pay bills, rent etc. When I arrive home from quimio I go into the kitchen and start cooking food such as tamales, empanadas, gorditas to sell so we can make some money to pay the rent but sometimes I can't do it, I can't hold all of this, I don't feel good some times the quimio is hard although some times God help me. The docter said that I need rest after quimo and I don't do it .I try and try to make some food for my kids and always tell my children that we will be able to make it thorough with a better house (This is our dreams) that they have their own rooms. I believe that we are a people that like to work but with all of these problems I don't know what to do. We try our best to make everything change for better. This is frustrating for me to know that I can't be there for my children the right way as a mom because quimio for Lymphoma is very stressing for me and puts me in a worst situation but just thinking everyday to earn a bit of money to pay for the rent is all I need that can help us. Please don't forget me I hope that you help us. I truly would give all my life to help my husband and children. They notice whenever I feel sick and it makes me feel bad. This is so frustrating and it's all about the money, some prescriptions I can't afford, rent and another problems I have about the quimio and I cant attended my children or medicine for me to feel better because I don't have money. Sometimes my ten years old son is sad seeing me like this and I know that they feel sad. Its not fair for them to feel like this when they can be happy, at that edge all of this make cry. It's very sad for me to ask because I never thought I would ask for help but I am very desperate right now and we need your help. Please I request you kindly for your help. My name is olga and my E-mail es olgapey25@yahoo.com and my address : 4 date ave Chula Vista ca 91910 Thank you so much and god bless you.
ReplyDeleteOlga Castro
I am so sorry to hear about that. I'm not sure how you feel about relocating but there is help with subsidized housing. In Belfry, KY there are several vacancies now. It does not matter what state you live in, I have helped many people relocate where they have received free housing. The apartments are very nice and based on your income. If you have zero income, there is a form that can be filled out by a friend or family member who says they are willing to help you out monthly with utilities. While on medical leave, I received a letter saying my Leasing position is no longer available due to not being protected under FMLA (not enough employee's) So I am struggling as well (family of 4) with no gov assistance. My mother has been paying my mortgage payment, without her and my father, we would not have our home. Both my husband and I have always worked very hard and did well until he was laid off May 30th 2014, and I just received my letter of termination August 5, 2015. Unfortunately, even though I worked for this company 5 years we do not qualify for an apartment due to bad credit/tax liens. It is an equal opportunity housing complex but does require a back ground and credit check. The following will disqualify a person for public housing: Tax Liens, Backruptcy (that has not been discharged) unpaid utilities OR ANY CRIMINAL (Felony) Please call and apply if you qualify and would not be denied due to any of the following I described. Because I have tax liens, we do not qualify. I understand and relate to everyone who is struggling and want to offer help. I hope that anyone who qualifies for subsidized housing in Belfry, KY or Warfield KY will apply. The phone numbers are 606 237-7180 for Tug Fork Apartments and 606 395-6757 for Dempsey Housing. Please call one of the phone numbers above and ask for an application to be mailed to you. I will also put the number to Headquarters in Maryland in case there are other cities/states people would like to look into. Usually public housing/subsidized/based on your income has very long wait lists....These two properties in KY do NOT which is why I am letting you know about them. Free or very low rent housing will automatically qualify you for food stamps and other programs that help with utilities. I understand the cost of relocating but if there is any way to do so, it would save thousands of dollars a year. I urge everyone who does not have a home to live in and not enough income to support yourself or family to apply for a based on your income apartment. As I said, those who do not have ANY income has no need to worry. A simple form provided in the application will let you have someone say they give you a couple hundred dollars a month (because you do have to show some type of income and this will provide proof of your income) once you do this and fill out the application, your criminal and credit check will be ran to see if you qualify. Those with zero income who has to use that form will have ZERO rent and will also get a check by the company once a month (everyone who qualifies gets a different amount, it's based on your income) Example: if your one person and someone gives you 200 a month, your security deposit would be 60 dollars and you would receive a 16 dollar a month check. Utility checks are based on the size of your family and your income. I pray this info will help many people check into this. Until I starting working for one of these places in 2010, I had no clue subsidized housing existed (especially for anyone without family or children) but it does and has helped millions of people. I wanted to share this info with anyone in need of help financially because let's face it, housing, food and medical are our 3 largest expenses. As I said, I no longer have this job and can not help any further like I use to. This is one of the main reasons it has affected me so much, is because I can no longer physically help people get housing, but what I can do is still share the information and knowledge I have about it, in hopes it will help anyone who needs it.
DeleteHardship due to severe spine injury on my job 2009
ReplyDeleteTo Whom it may concern:My name is Randy Rhine. I had a severe injury that left me disabled not able to return back to work. We are behind in all of our bills.This is hard for me to ask,We need support immediately.God Bless,Thank You'll
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by Anonymous
Anniston, AL, United States
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Ends Mar 8, 2014 at 11:59PM PST
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Secure payments with PayPal,
To. Whom it may concern
ReplyDeleteI am writing in reference of my home mortgage loan. I am currently
going through hardship due to an injury that happen to me while on
the job on September 3, 2009. My injury was so severe till I had to
have two major surgeries on my spine, however; my condition is very
crucial until I am not able to return back to work as a normal
employee. I am not able to turn my neck completely around, nor am I
able to lift over ten pounds, nor stand or walk a mile, nor sleep
normal, chronic pain, nerves in my body are damaged. My wife is
having to take care of me and cook, clean, and help assist me when
needed. My first surgery was October 30, 2009 with my spine, neck,
back. In September 18, 2010 I had another spine surgery perform, the
doctor went in and tore that same disk out and replace it with a metal
plate because it was fix, they thought it was fixed but it wasn't
fixed. My body did not heal from the major injury I had in September
3, 2009. I was receiving physical therapy to see if I could return
back to work properly, but wasn't able to function. I later had
another surgery with both of my hands for carpal tunnel in March 19,
2013 & September 17, 2013. My nerves are damaged until they hurt
constantly. As of now I am having my second hearing for my
Disability. I just heard from my lawyer concerning my case and it is
up for review. I need help during my hardship. Get some financial
support without my normal financial source. My Goal in Life is to
keep and pay for my home, I have no where to go. Me and my family
don't want to be Homeless. Please me, we have a small child that is
in elementary school. Our house is now listed in Foreclosure in the
Anniston Star Newspaper{ January 16,2014},also we have applied with
several charities but turned down due to not having any income. We
ran out of income in April 2013 which was the last time we were able
to make a payment on our house. My Disability Lawyer contact
information is: R. Michael Booker, P.C. Attorney at Law 2157
fourteenth Avenue South Birmingham, Alabama 35205. 205-939-1200 or
1800-450-6176, Paralegal: Mrs. Carol.
Ronald Rhine
425 Bernard Couch Dr.
Anniston Al 36207
205 432- 9851
Thank you
Dear Sir/Madam,
ReplyDeleteI am a 26 years old girl from Sri Lanka. Our country is a very small island in Indian ocean and country's economy is not rich and most of the people are struggling to earn money to live.
I am a self employed girl and running a small business of fashion jewelry selling. I import these from Hong Kong and sell to local people and earn money for my living. Now the method i am using is taking orders with 50% advance payment from customers and import jewelry since i do not have money to import, display and sell.
My hope is to import some jewelry, display at an outlet and sell. Honestly speaking, i do not have money to fulfill this hope. If you can, pls help me to make my dream a real. If you want, I can send you any detail of me to prove that i am not a cheater. Pls consider my humble request.
Thank You!
hello everyone I am a 45 year old Christian woman from pennsylvania I am a strong believer and I believe that God above let me on here I was in a very abusive relationship my husband laugh and cleaned me completely out of money that I work very hard for I am a very loving kind compassionate person caring love everybody I pray all the time even for people that I don't know I don't know who they is but God knows I am in need of a financial blessing can someone please help me anything will be grateful if you're like me and you know God and you know helping others that are less fortunate is a blessing from God I'm not asking for a million dollars I'm just asking for help to get back on my feet if you can help me I will greatly appreciated any andonation is appreciate it thank you in advance, my PayPal email is louisechurch3@aol.com my personal email is the same
ReplyDeleteChristian woman in need of help not asking for millions just asking for help just got out of a abusive relationship trying to get back on track with my life God led me on here I'm asking for a financial blessing can anyone help me I will really appreciate I accept any amount it's the thought that counts if you can help me please make your donation to my PayPal email is louisechurch3@aol.com thank you very must and God blessed you all ways
ReplyDeleteDear Oprah Winfrey..........you are AWESOME.I need your help,serious now i need money for pay my debts and educational four my children age 12,15,17,19year.My name is syafruddin age 59.My account Paypal.com.email:roedy1919@gmail.com.Thank you so much.May God Bless You
ReplyDeleteDear Oprah, Hello,
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm just going to get to the point. I'm a 58 year old single mother of 5. My dream is to own my own home, something I've never had the joy of doing. My children never knew what it was to be in one place for long. My ex husband committed suicide in 2008, so I'm the only parent left for my children. I now have grandchildren and my biggest dream is for my children and grandchildren to actually be able to say, "let's go to grandma's house." I dream of having holiday's, birthday's, dinners, etc., in a real house of my own. I dream of my precious dogs having a beautiful yard to run and play in, they are my babies now that my children are grown. Oprah, I imagine on a daily basis of moving into MY own home, decorating it beautifully and comfortably for my family to come visit, especially my grandchildren. I always imagine what it would feel like to have solid roots, real grounding, I imagine it must be wonderful. I see my grandchildren running and playing in my beautiful backyard. I am now living in an 60 year old run down house in a bad part of town until the owners sell it, kind of a house sitter I guess. Anyway Oprah, that's been my life long dream, MY OWN beautiful house. Thank you for your time.
Lori Hungate
hi oprah I am 43 with 3 boys I get ssi I live on $513 iam kick out of my home and I have no car and my oldest boy is very sick I need help real bad can you help me get on my feet please help me sent me what you think right to get me a home and a car please me you can sent it to 1006 iowa st rolla Missouri 65401 in my steven strom please me help god bless you
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear about that. I'm not sure how you feel about relocating but there is help with subsidized housing. In Belfry, KY there are several vacancies now. It does not matter what state you live in, I have helped many people relocate where they have received free housing. The apartments are very nice and based on your income. If you have zero income, there is a form that can be filled out by a friend or family member who says they are willing to help you out monthly with utilities. While on medical leave, I received a letter saying my Leasing position is no longer available due to not being protected under FMLA (not enough employee's) So I am struggling as well (family of 4) with no gov assistance. My mother has been paying my mortgage payment, without her and my father, we would not have our home. Both my husband and I have always worked very hard and did well until he was laid off May 30th 2014, and I just received my letter of termination August 5, 2015. Unfortunately, even though I worked for this company 5 years we do not qualify for an apartment due to bad credit/tax liens. It is an equal opportunity housing complex but does require a back ground and credit check. The following will disqualify a person for public housing: Tax Liens, Backruptcy (that has not been discharged) unpaid utilities OR ANY CRIMINAL (Felony) Please call and apply if you qualify and would not be denied due to any of the following I described. Because I have tax liens, we do not qualify. I understand and relate to everyone who is struggling and want to offer help. I hope that anyone who qualifies for subsidized housing in Belfry, KY or Warfield KY will apply. The phone numbers are 606 237-7180 for Tug Fork Apartments and 606 395-6757 for Dempsey Housing. Please call one of the phone numbers above and ask for an application to be mailed to you. I will also put the number to Headquarters in Maryland in case there are other cities/states people would like to look into. Usually public housing/subsidized/based on your income has very long wait lists....These two properties in KY do NOT which is why I am letting you know about them. Free or very low rent housing will automatically qualify you for food stamps and other programs that help with utilities. I understand the cost of relocating but if there is any way to do so, it would save thousands of dollars a year. I urge everyone who does not have a home to live in and not enough income to support yourself or family to apply for a based on your income apartment. As I said, those who do not have ANY income has no need to worry. A simple form provided in the application will let you have someone say they give you a couple hundred dollars a month (because you do have to show some type of income and this will provide proof of your income) once you do this and fill out the application, your criminal and credit check will be ran to see if you qualify. Those with zero income who has to use that form will have ZERO rent and will also get a check by the company once a month (everyone who qualifies gets a different amount, it's based on your income) Example: if your one person and someone gives you 200 a month, your security deposit would be 60 dollars and you would receive a 16 dollar a month check. Utility checks are based on the size of your family and your income. I pray this info will help many people check into this. Until I starting working for one of these places in 2010, I had no clue subsidized housing existed (especially for anyone without family or children) but it does and has helped millions of people. I wanted to share this info with anyone in need of help financially because let's face it, housing, food and medical are our 3 largest expenses. As I said, I no longer have this job and can not help any further like I use to. This is one of the main reasons it has affected me so much, is because I can no longer physically help people get housing, but what I can do is still share the information and knowledge I have about it, in hopes it will help anyone who needs it.
DeleteHi! My name is Maria, I'm 28 and I come from Uruguay. I'm at the final stage of my BA (Economics) in Penn State University (USA). I already paid $25,000 (a HUGE effort for my retired parents). I found out that this year I still need to pay some $22,000 more (without including books, which can cost up to $300 each, technology fees, and diploma processing costs). I just received the first bill of the year, which is already $8,000. I need URGENT help! I count on you.
ReplyDeleteI will be adding documentation and you can request my graduation pictures after I finish (or my diploma in case I cannot attend graduation).
THANKS! I can't find the words to tell you how important this is to me!
I have a regular job and it is a nice pay only for a living, i can´t afford tuition. Besides I also contribute a small monthly fee and pledge for Animales Sin Hogar Uruguay (Homeless Animals Uruguay).
I will attach my tuition bills!
Have a nice day and I hope you receive back 10 times what you are giving me! - See more at:
Welcome Everyone.
ReplyDeleteDo you need a loan to save your business,to invest or for other purpose we offer loan in any amount which you which you can apply and afford to pay back our to interest rate is 3% and with any currency you need to loan so if you are interested in a loan you are allowed to fill and get back to us with the below details.
* Personal Loan
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In any type of loan you need we offer all type of loan.
3% interest rate and immediately after filling the loan application form.
Name In Full:
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Purpose of loan:
Loan Duration:
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Telephone No:
Contact us via mail: honce.richloanfirm@yahoo.com
Mr.Honce Rich
Am writing to you with a heavy heart and with tears gushing from my eyes due to the sadness i carry with me always, may His mercy and blessing be on you, seeking a favor from you.am complaining to you for what has happened to me seeking a solution firstly from Allah and then from you for matters which are too heavy for me, am helpless in combating the problems and for that I have resorted to seeking help from Allah first and from you.
ReplyDeleteMy life is filled with sad times but i hope with Allah's blessing and your support i will be able to put a smile on my face once again. My troubles started when i lost my father,since then life turned up side down in terms of financial support, to make matters worse i lost my father when i was in India doing my studies.Now am stranded in India because i do not have any support from anyone,my mother was a wife and she is suffering from multiple sickness of which she is bed ridden.Am so helpless that i depend on my few friends for housing and feeding but my only hope of helping my mother is when i finish my MBA degree but i have no support to finish my studies or to go back home,since i do not have money.
In Allah's name the Almighty,The most powerful,The creator,The most compassionate i humbly ask you to help me finish my studies,so that i can help my mother.I know you might ask what about your other family members ,my dear brothers and sisters am all alone no one is willing to help me,am so sick of my condition that i do not have even food to eat now.I swear in Allah's about my situation.
Hopefully if i finish my studies i can work for you,Am in Os-mania university Hyderabad India,i will fully send all my details if you need them.Am a Uganda by nationality and my name is kayondo swaliki.My condition is too sad,I hope and hope Allah will always be with you.
May Allah's blessings and peace be upon our beloved prophet(SWA) ,his family and to all is entire UMMAh. Am.Am so humbled and happy to be your brother.Hope to hear from you soon.My need requires $3000 dollars to achieve my goal.I pray and pray to Allah to help me and you my friend to help me become some one,its my dream to complete my studies.May you have a blessed day .
Yours kayondo swaliki My email address is kayondo07@gmail.com
Apply For Urgent Loan Today
ReplyDeleteDo you need financial assistance or urgent loan? For more information, Contact us via email at: morristhomas134@gmail.com
Loan amount:
Monthly Income:
Your Age:
Mr Morris Thomas
With much respect, I am writing to seek help that will support 44 orphaned children I am helping at my orphanage.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Seta, and I have been running this orphanage for the past 4 yeas in Cameroon, West Africa. I am 26 year of age and started this cause at the age of 22. The kids at the orphanage are from age 2 weeks old to 18 years old. The orphanage provides accommodation, feeding, education,health care, clothing and all it takes to live to these kids who are vulnerable and less privileged.website: www.abetterworld-cm.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ABetterWorldOrphanage
As the number of the kids has increased with more orphaned babies depending to survive by artificial milk which is expensive here and the older kids also advancing in education with one of them in a medical school, a few of them in High school, some of them in secondary school and the others in kinder garden and primary school,while there are other kids with ill health cases like HIV, Asthma, etc that need monthly medical attention, the financial demand has greatly increased including feeding or providing three times meals daily for 44 children. This has led me to land myself into a series of huge debts just to make sure the kids have the care and attention they deserve. As I am writing to you one of the creditors has taken a decision from the court to take over the house the orphans and I live in by the 10th of April 2012 if I don't pay the money I owe him. Where will I go with all these kids who all depend now on me as their only source of help? I love them so much and they love me too. We are a family now and don't don't deserve to be scattered apart just because of money. I am so troubled. Because of this trouble the kids can barely eat well for lack of finances. Please help settle this debt and regain the only home these orphans have, and help them have good nutrition and education which is their future as they are the future generation.
Contact me on:
Emai: abetterworld.cm@live.com / contact@abetterworld-cm.org
Tel: 0023773093752
website: www.abetterworld-cm.org
Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/ABetterWorldOrphanage
I am looking forward for a positive reply to my plea for help. God bless you more.
Tel: 0023773093752
website: www.abetterworld-cm.org
Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/ABetterWorldOrphanage
My boy friend who i had dated for 9 years,already living together suddenly woke up and said to me last January that he does not love me anymore,he is not happy with the relationship,he said he does not want us to live a miserable life together,he said to me that he has already rented a new place and wants to move in with a girl he meet at work,i begged and pleaded with him but all my effort fail,i became desperate and searched for solution,that was how i meet the great spell caster winexbackspell@gmail.com he told me all i needed to do,he cast the WIN EX BACK SPELL for me and after 3 days my lover came back to me living the other lady begin for my forgiveness,i was so surprise if such help still exist,i am so happy winning my heart back again.
ReplyDeleteAre you a man or a woman you have been looking for a loan? To expand
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And More.....
immediately after filling the loan application form you can
immediately return back to us, following data:
Name: ___________________________________________
Loan Amount Needed: ___________________________
Sex: ___________________________________________
Marital Status: _________________________________
Country: ________________________________________
State: ________________ Age: _________________
Telephone No:________________________________
Loan Duration:__________________________
monthly Income:______________________________
Occupation: ______________________
Purpose of loan: _________________________
Religion: _____________________________________
Contact us back via our company mail: robertrichardloanfirm2345@yahoo.com
Mr.Robert Richard
Im in South Africa, I have Chrons, Im unable to work and in a very bad relationship with my life partner, whom are drinking daily, I just want a place of my own by the sea to live my life in peace till death comes to find me, who in this world of ours will help me do just that 200000$ will change my life for ever and I will be able to get the be medical treatment, my email louisekuypers@yahoo.com
DeletePlease .. for God help me my name is Nesreen Excuse me I do not speak English well ..will shorten my word for this
ReplyDeletesuffer from many problems in my marriage ..I want a divorce ..But the problem that prevent me from seeking divorce is .. I do not own a house
I am an Arabic woman I am 29 years old and miserable wife and I have a child ...I live with a man much older than me unbearable to 20 years .. please help me .. I need for $ 200,000 to buy a house and get a divorce .. I have searched a long time but I did not find to help me ... I beg you help me .. wait respond with respect and gratitude -
I'm in need of 1000 dollars i'm not gonna say that I have too many kids that I need to feed or my house is gonna get took. I have probation fines that need to be paid off by the end of june or i'm going back to jail I've been on probation 4 about 3 years now I've paid a big portion of it but due to me getting laid off I have no income other then my fiancé but she can only do so much I haven't been in any trouble since my incarnation i'm not a criminal I just got mixed up with the wrong people That's all I know its my fault for what happen to me but a little help is always needed I can you i'm a try success story I don't do drug i'm not a gang member I don't sell drugs I just need to get this probation out of the way so I can do what I dream of doing and that is going to uti to become a mechanic I know what I want out of life and I feel like I am finally on the right track if there is anyone that can help me please do but i'm not gonna hold my breath i'm going to still try to get it on my own by any means as I've always done but as I said before a little help is never a bad thing if anyone can help please email @ plewis513.pl@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteHi, can anyone help me please.
ReplyDeleteI was dating a guy for 2years. He told me he was a only child and that his parents have both died. He lived with cousins and had a close cousin who had HIV (she was only aged 21).
I got on with him really well. His cousin (who he said he lived with) was really nice too. I use to see him and his family and friends a lot. We would alway all meet up and go out together. He even meet my family. We talked about getting married.
Then one day he told me his cousin was dying as she is coughing up blood and that her HIV was getting worse. He begged me to give him money. I wasn't sure at first and then a close client at work told me that a life is always worth more then any amount of money. I agreed to take the loans out and credit card debt to help raise money to help send her for treatment.
2 months later I had a phone call off his phone and it was a girl. It ended up being the guy I was dating, had a wife. She asked me who I was and what I was doing talking to her husband . I have told the police and they can't do anything about it. I have now got myself into so much debt I can't see myself ever getting out of it. His family member does have cancer but not HIV and aren't dying but are being treated. I have a full time job and now also working a part time job too. I am trying to pay off all the debt but it isn't going anywhere. I have even thought about killing myself to get me out of this mess, as that looks to be the only way out. But as I am god fearing, I wouldn't ever go down that route. Can someone please help me. Please contact me on theredrose80044@gmail.com
Hi my name is Murphy Richards and I am a 24 year old veteran trying to help my mother. She is a veteran herself, who was diagnosed with leukemia It all started when i was in 5th grade. She was a juvenile probation officer for years, she was on her way to court and fell on black ice. Form that fall she messed her back, neck, and shoulders up. she tried to push through it but she gave in went to the hospital and it was NOT GOOD. She had different surgeries but nothing worked it got worse and worse. she cant really walk or even lift over a gallon of milk. It's just been me and her so i had to grow up FAST. She was unable to work so the bills piled up fast with the house.I remember walking home from middle school and cutting through the hospital to go see her on my way home. That was all of middle school and when i was 13 that when she was diagnosed with meningitis, She was being read her last rights when a doctor ended up coming and and some how saving her life. We thought it could never get worse. Then a few years later on December 27th 2009 we got the call that changed both of our lives forever. She had been diagnosed with leukemia and apparently had it for years without anyone catching it. I was scared but had to be the man i had been since around 12 years old. I wanted to show her that she didnt have to worry about me i was an adult and I would be okay she needed to worry about her. I wanted as crazy as it sounds now to think about, but i wanted her to know that she didnt have to fight or hold on for me i would be okay. So I joined the ARMY and in less than 2 months i was in test taken and had a date to leave. I joined that national guard so i could still be home. So life went on she did really really good with everything. I came home took care of her and myself of course and her taking care of my grandmother. well eventually she ran out of her settlement from court and the family was helping as well as me giving almost everything i had. God Bless her soul my grandmother passed away and my mom was broken i thought maybe she would give up feeling like she was alone. But she was able to really help us out when she passed and left my mom an okay amount of money (not a lot to most people). so with that and my money we were okay again took our first vacation last summer actually. But what i didnt know is that we were broke then again she and paid bills in advance being smart. So now for the past few months it has been bad again and what i call bad is bad (could always be worse). But I am working at a 9$ an hour job and getting NO hours. And now we are to the point that come the end of April we have my paychecks and that is it. i get paid every other week and getting no hours my check today was $123. I have started s Donation page for her and tried a Social Media help and we got 75$ the past about 2 weeks and hey that is great that is a bill you know. But with a mortgage of $1050 i think that wont cut it. I know we could sell it and get an appt or she move in with family and me ill figure it out. But I will NOT let her work as hard as she did be through the hell she went though with my asshole dad. Work as hard as she did working going to school again fighting this hard to give up in her dream. She walked though the doors here when we bought it and said " i want to live and die in this house". I knew she didnt mean die here but she meant this is what she wants to be happy she wants this forever this is it. And i WONT let here give up on that i cant. i have asked my dad and friends but nothing. and if mu aunts or uncles help she will pay what she can after court for disability. but i hate to see her have nothing ALL the time. SO I AM LITERALLY BEGGING YOU PLEASE HELP EVEN IF IT IS JUST LIKE $7000 SO WE CAN BE OKAY FOR A LITTLE. I have always done what i can to help but at this point I am lost and dont know what to do. I dont even know if this is real but please please help us. My email is murphy.richards@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI am using my girlfriends email address i know that is kind of confusing. lol sorry about that.
ReplyDeleteHello my name is Patsy,
ReplyDeleteI am a victim of the recession that they claim is over but I can't tell. When I lost my job in 2008 I managed to keep my head above water. Around 2010 still not being able to find a job, things started getting bad. In June of 2011 I took on taking care of my oldest granddaughter because of an unnecessary custody battle with a stranger (long story), I am still taking care of her. In 2012 I moved back to Florida in the hopes of finding a job but I didn't find one and I spent all of my money staying in a hotel and when it ran out I ended up in a shelter where I stayed for 9 1/2 months and was diagnosed with severe clinical depression and PTSD. I am still looking for a job and still can't find one. Not one close enough to work into picking up my granddaughter anyway; and I have no one to pick her up and watch her until I get home. I tried to get daycare and they told my that they don't have any daycare vouchers unless she is 5 or under. I have tried everything to try and get a car but I just can't afford it, I can't even afford furniture for my house we have a bed and that's all the furniture we have. I signed up for freecharitycars.org and I am still on the waiting list but it seem like it takes a long time, I see people who have been there for up to 4 years. I don't have a long list of friends, like I had when I had money; it's kind of hard. So if you read my story and can help and know anyone else that can help I would appreciate it, I am just looking for some help to get back on my feet. A car would help me do this, because I would have the transportation that I need to get to the jobs that am being offered and get back on time to pick up my granddaughter. So please help if you can, even if it's just $1.00 dollar every little bit counts. Thank you in advance.
Thank you,
Patsyann Wheeler.
See my campaign @ http://www.gofundme.com/WheelsforTheWheelerFamily
Do you have bad credit?
ReplyDeleteYou need money to pay the bills?
You need to start a new business?
Do you have an unfinished project at hand due to poor funding?
You need money to invest in some of the areas of specialization that will benefit you? and you do not know what to do.
I am Mr James Parker, a private money lender. I give out loans at an interest rate of 2% per annum in the amount of $500.00 to $20,000,000.00 as a loan offer. 100% financing of projects with secured and unsecured loans available. We are guaranteed to grant financial services to our numerous customers all over the world. With our flexible lending packages, loans can be processed and funds transferred to the borrower as soon as possible. We operate under clear and understandable terms and we offer loans of all kinds to interested clients, firms, companies, and all types of business organizations, private individuals and real estate investors. Simply contact us at our email address : Jplenders@blumail.org, Jplenders@live.com, we look forward to your quick and immediate response.
Email us at : Jplenders@blumail.org, Jplenders@live.com
Hello , I am Mr. James Parker a private loan lender and we give loan at 2% interest rate , I offer loans to individuals and companies or group of people who are financially down . This is a financial opportunity at your door step apply today and get your easy, fast and reliable loan from us . There many people looking for this kind of opportunity for there financial breakthrough and they have not seen it, we are here today to help all those who are in need of a loan of any kind so if you are interested in getting a loan from us kindly contact us today through our email address (Jplenders@blumail.org, Jplenders@live.com) . Service is provided to individuals, companies, business men and women . The loan amount available in a range of $ 1,000.00 is $20,000,000.00. Contact us now at our email address so that you can get your loan and solve all your financial problems, For more information please contact us by e- mail: Jplenders@blumail.org, Jplenders@live.com
ReplyDeleteHelp Same-Sex Couple to Adopt a Baby.
ReplyDeleteI'm Sandra Calles and my wife is Sharon Jimenez. We live in Avondale Arizona. Family is everything to us and we look forward to staring through adoption with your help. Choosing adoption is and amazing, self-less gift to a baby!
Our Story
We met in 2003 in Puerto Rico, in 2004 Sharon moved to Phoenix to start a life with me. In 2005, we sealed our love with a ceremony with our closets friends. Even though this was not legal in Arizona in our hearts it was.
Ten years later, Sharon is my best friend, the love of my life, my soulmate, my partner, my confident, and I hope the mother of our baby.
At the age of 21, I was told I was unable to have children due to endometriosis. This was heart breking to me because I come from big family and family is very important me and now us.
Our dream is to be a moms but being in a same sex couple relationship this is not easy. We have tried many IUIs and few IVFs with no positive result. At the first try thru IUI we got pregnant but at eight weeks we had a miscarriage. At this point we have reached the limit of our resources.
We have realized that there are many babies that need be love and care for. We love to adopt a baby.
We are beyond ready to be moms but adoption is very expensive and we need your help. You are probably wondering why we need money but we have found an agency that asure us a newborn baby, to start the process we need to come up with $20,000.00 at the time of signing the contract the rest of the money is due when the baby is born. We have tried many IUI and a few IVF with no luck, the next step for us is to try to adopt. We are a serious couple, we have been together more than 10 years now. We truly would like to be mothers and with your help we have hope! Without your support it will be very difficult to full fill our dream of adopting a baby. We are grateful to share with you our hopes and dreams, we have realize that to be able to love and nurturing a child is more important than to give birth. "It's not how much we give but how much love with put into giving" thank you soooo much. God bless you all!
ReplyDeleteDo you have a bad credit?
Do you need money to pay bills?
Do you need to start up a new business?
Do you have unfinished project at hand due to bad financing?
Do you need money to invest in some area of specialization which will profit you? and you don't know what to do.
I am Mr. Abdul-Hassan Kazim, a private money lender. I give out loans with an interest rate of 3% per annual and within the amount of $500.00 to $50,000,000.00 as the loan offer. 100% Project Funding with secured and unsecured loans are available. We are guaranteed in giving out financial services to our numerous clients all over the world. With our flexible lending packages, loans can be processed and funds transferred to the borrower within the shortest time possible. We operate under clear and understandable terms and we offer loans of all kinds to interested clients, firms, companies, and all kinds of business organizations, private individuals and real estate investors. Just complete the form below and get back to us as we expect your swift and immediate response. EMAIL : kazimfinance@yahoo.com
We offer the following loans below,
*personal loans[secure and unsecured]
*business loans[secure and unsecured]
*combination loans
*students loans
*consolidation loans and so many others.
Interested applicant should please fill our application form below.
Full Name ..........
Age .......
Personal Phone Number .......
Country ......
Email ............
Address ........
State .....
Age .........
Have you applied before? .....
Marital Status ............
Loan amount needed as loan ............
Loan Duration .......
Occupation ........
Monthly Income........
Do you understand English?..........
In acknowledgment to this mail, we can start with the processing of your loan. There is more to gain by getting a loan from this company.
Mr Abdul-Hassan Kazim.
MY CELL NO IS 0738504724
MY E-MAIL ADDRESS IS lornagxivi@gmail.com
MY HOME ADDRESS IS Weza a/a or maxelegwini village, Willowvale ,5040, Eastern Cape, South Africa
MY NICKNAME IS Thonthon ( people use to call me like that) THE PICTURES IS ATTACHED
Reply - See more at: http://millionairegivingmoney.blogspot.com/2013/03/philanthropists-giving-away-money.html#sthash.lXgRfKE6.dpuf
MY CELL NO IS 0738504724
MY E-MAIL ADDRESS IS lornagxivi@gmail.com
MY HOME ADDRESS IS Weza a/a or maxelegwini village, Willowvale ,5040, Eastern Cape, South Africa
MY NICKNAME IS Thonthon ( people use to call me like that) THE PICTURES IS ATTACHED
I don't want a hand out, and I am not having a pity party. I'm the person who would be loaning money, or helping out strangers. Unfortunately, the economy, and other challenges have over wrought my ability to stand independently, right now. If I could conjure up a way and a means for myself to overcome these financial difficulties, I would. I need to be direct, I am 52 years old, and I have a 30% percent loss of use in my right leg, due to an injury on the job in 2012. I live with two roommates in a cramped apartment, in Woodside Queens, but thankfully no one is difficult to get along with. After having a disastrous year finding work, I nearly gave up, but I still pound the pavement, and the computer keys. Having a sense of humor is extremely important, in times of strife, it keeps the heart healthy. I am financially depleted, for three months since last December 2013, I managed to stay afloat assisting a real estate agent, by showing apartments, but the crest wave of potential tenants has run dry over the last two months. The real estate agent offered a percentage of every commission made on any apartment I secured a tenant for. This is not a permanent job, only a part time position, in the likelihood of my getting full time employment. Now I am two months behind in my rent, I need at least $1500.00 dollars to get me back on track, for the time being, but I would prefer taking it as a loan. There is a chance of my getting employment within the next two weeks, but it is not going to help me now, I really need this money, especially since one of my roommates will be moving out in a few weeks, into his own place. I beg of anyone within the frame of my character, to accept my truth, and consider assisting me at this time. I am not a leach, or an opportunist, I hate beggars of any sort, but I have been reduced to begging myself, it is a daunting position to be in, especially being an American born citizen. My email address is michael.a.g1@hotmail.com. Thank You.
ReplyDeleteI live in the US and i really have never seen goodness shown to me this
much in my life as i am a struggling mum with three kids and i have been going
through really rough times in my life and my name is Helen
Peters and in all this hard times, a worse incident occured in my life as i
lost my job which was my only means of survival and things became really bad as
i had bills to pay and my last son suffered a knee injury incurred when he fell
from a tree house and the doctors informed me that he needed a surgical
operation for his knee so he could walk again and at this point, life was
useless to me as i have no family and no one to run to and each night, i will
sit down and cry till the break of dun until one day, i read an advert on yahoo
answers of man that stated that he could help people in my shoes with loans and
in my desperate situation, i had no choice but i had to try and so shocking and
suprising, it was like an impossibility becoming a reality, i got a loan of
$75,000 USD even with my bad credit within 48 hours and my sons surgery was done
and thank GOD it was successful and now, i am okay and living in comfort with my
kids and i said to my self, i have never ever seen this kind of wonder in life
and i decided i will tell it to the whole wild world and i need every one to
thank GOD for Mr Patrick Harvey, the man GOD used to rescue me and my family
even when all hope had been lost and gone and i will say to every one, no matter
how dark and sinful the world is today, there are still GOD fearing and reliable
people on earth and if you are in my former situation or require a loan
legitimately, i will advice you contact this loan lender and you can reach him
via patrickharvey12@yahoo.com and i want you all to pray for this man for me.
ReplyDeleteI live in the US and i really have never seen goodness shown to me this
much in my life as i am a struggling mum with three kids and i have been going
through really rough times in my life and my name is Helen
Peters and in all this hard times, a worse incident occured in my life as i
lost my job which was my only means of survival and things became really bad as
i had bills to pay and my last son suffered a knee injury incurred when he fell
from a tree house and the doctors informed me that he needed a surgical
operation for his knee so he could walk again and at this point, life was
useless to me as i have no family and no one to run to and each night, i will
sit down and cry till the break of dun until one day, i read an advert on yahoo
answers of man that stated that he could help people in my shoes with loans and
in my desperate situation, i had no choice but i had to try and so shocking and
suprising, it was like an impossibility becoming a reality, i got a loan of
$75,000 USD even with my bad credit within 48 hours and my sons surgery was done
and thank GOD it was successful and now, i am okay and living in comfort with my
kids and i said to my self, i have never ever seen this kind of wonder in life
and i decided i will tell it to the whole wild world and i need every one to
thank GOD for Mr Patrick Harvey, the man GOD used to rescue me and my family
even when all hope had been lost and gone and i will say to every one, no matter
how dark and sinful the world is today, there are still GOD fearing and reliable
people on earth and if you are in my former situation or require a loan
legitimately, i will advice you contact this loan lender and you can reach him
via patrickharvey12@yahoo.com and i want you all to pray for this man for me.
Good Day !!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am Hwa Jurong, a Reputable, Legitimate & an accredited money
Lender. I loan money out to individuals in need of financial assistance.
Do you have a bad credit or are you in need of money to pay bills?
i want to use this medium to inform you that i render reliable beneficiary
assistance as I'll be glad to offer you a loan at 2% interest rate to
reliable individuals.
Services Rendered include:
*Home Improvement
*Inventor Loans
*Auto Loans
*Debt Consolidation
*Horse Loans
*Line of Credit
*Second Mortgage
*Business Loans
*Personal Loans
*International Loans.
Please write back if interested.
Upon Response, you'll be mailed a Loan application form to fill. (No social
security and no credit check, 100% Guaranteed!) I Look forward permitting me to
be of service to you. You can contact me via e-mail: hwa_jurong@yahoo.com.sg
Yours Sincerely,
Hwa Jurong(MD).
Hello My name Alpar Vincze Alpy my friend tell me "keke" am 34 years old living in Transilvania city Bannfyhunyad - Huedin , im Hungarian nationality and Romanian I am a very positive and cheerful I like to help people around me.I have worked in many areas in my life ( International Logistic , Disponent , Party Planer , Customer Services , Personal Driver, i take care for my friends childes,sometimes i like to travel and make sport ) I have good ideas for projects all time I speak German, English Hungarian i start to learn Italian ! But now i have a very big big unlucky in last time in my life and im in Bad Situation :(((((( where I see no way out without help from other people :( I lost my job from 7 Months its Hard to finde a good job in my Country. I lost all my Money in a very bad Bussines :(((:( . First, not who I am not helpful and I would not want to have to deal with corrupt people who give money (i'm desperate but not in the way that I do it myself promleme higher than i have) .... I have a friend who helped me to make European project but that I can do the project I need first time to buy land for a project that coast 8350 eur to buy land and must set forth the company that will make the European project that coast somewhere from 1660 eur and have to buy 160 lambs coast somewhere in 4850 eur laying a project .... maybe in September but until then to acts laying a project may have to buy the land and I get to do the formalities for the project ..... my request is if you could help me with what little we have 50-100 eur or how many can afford to raise that I can begin the first steps . For the project I have to wait between 1 year and 5 months and 1 year after which you'll receive 50,000 euro from the European Union . I apologize if I bothered with my email trail if you want to help someone who wants to start something with his life...For me, any little help is a big step to make me a better future .... Those who will help me to become my dream come true I'll make a blog where I will inform about the project stage for to everyone who helped me.
ReplyDeleteIf you like my thinking and you want to help someone start a new life with your help please pass on this mail ..... Thanks to those who believe in me and I promise that I will do things that you demonsterz high that I help other people at my future.
I'm kind of oma abiding people do not like lies and always directly and honestly
Or if anyone know a good place to work in another country it would be very helpful for me , I want you to become my dreams a reality with a little help from others!!!
I'm looking for a job in others countries .Im very good in many things ...
I came to this demand of people who would and could help me because I do not see another way out of this very bad situation where I am: (((
Alpar Vincze - Birthday : 1980 . 03 .03
Adress : Horea 73 Ap.9 Huedin Jud. Cluj Post Code 405400
Tel nr : 0040-742-501683 email:alpycluj@yahoo.de skype:alpycluj
If you can not help! Maybe know someone (other people) who would like to help! and has the possibility for me to finde a job maybe to help me to start de project !For me 50 to 100 dollars I would be, very very helpful i give back all help what i recive.....i can send a CV with my all jobs ! i send some pictures with me ...Maybe u can finde for me a job in your country for me its very helpful .
Any donations or help for me is very very helpful...
Sorry for disturb and for not so good English.... :(
Thank you very very much for understanding ...
If you know that you could help send the email on to those who can help me ..... Thanks a lot
God bless you and your family...
Alpar Vincze
Mob:0040-742-501683 Orange
Skype id: alpycluj
Web site:www.alpycluj.piczo.com
I do not need million of euro :(((( just i need a little help with that can go on in the future to accomplish my desired project!
Hi ophra my name is sara i live in Addis Ababa i have tow baby boys i am singl mom i dont have work pleaseeee help me contact on saraaklom@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteHi ophra my name is sara i live in Addis Ababa i have tow baby boys i am singl mom i dont have work pleaseeee help me contact on saraaklom@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteHello mam my name is liaqat I belong to Pakistan my mother was death my father get marry he is not supported us my three younger sister's no house no job no money I am very poor Plz Plz help me mam Plz give me 10lacsdollers Plz Plz help me mam Plz contact me 03420943044 Plz contact me ur personal email my email address is liaqat.khan503@gmail.com.
ReplyDeleteI am Tan Jia Xin, a prefect from SMK Tanah Putih, Kuantan, Pahang. I am contacting you on behalf of the body of prefect, SMK Tanah Putih, 25100 Kuantan, Pahang. Our body of prefect is about to held a banquet(name as Prefect Night) on 7th of September 2014 at 7pm, Vistana Hotel, Kuantan, Pahang. This banquet is held annually as a token of appreciation to the prefects for carrying out their work excellently. The principal, the senior assistants, many teachers and representatives from out of the school are going to attend the banquet. 2. We would like you to be a part of this exciting banquet which is the day of dreams for many prefects and we would be grateful of your support from your great company. We would like to thank you in advance of your generosity and kindness. Your company and the total amount(Ringgit Malaysia) of your sponsor will be printed out on the pamphlet of our banquet. If you would like to be a part of this exciting opportunity, please kindly get in touch with me via my email address: jerryandowen@hotmail.com.
ReplyDelete3. Lastly, we would like to thank you for your time and consideration.
Hi my name is Maria soto I am married I have 4 kids my 21 year old son is autistic and my father lives with me whom is retired. My husband music contract have not happened and we are being evicted from the house if someone could please help m e with th ed deposit it's 4 thousand dollars if someone can help me with something it would be a great help. My email is marisoto99@hotmail.com
ReplyDeletemy name is clifford am 19 years old looking for help as i am going through problems i really need someones help please email me at cliffsims.me.cs@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI seriously need some help now! I hate to beg but I am 53 yrs old, a female and no matter what I do I cant seem to make any money to pay my bills or make ends meet. I feel like I am being totally ignored because no matter what I do I cant get a job to save my life. Someone PLEASE give me some money so I can hang on until I can find someone to give me a job and I dont mean a job at mcdonalds either. I want a cushy job in an office with a great salary. I am in the seattle/tacoma area. I am sick of being broke and having nothing . Someone please give me a nice cushy job close to where I live (lakewood) with a great salary so I can get out of the poverty I am in. And someone please give me $800 right now to pay my bills so i wont have to lose everything including my house. If you feel inclined to help me you can email me at jb397845@gmail.com.
ReplyDeletethank you very much for your time, a job and your money.
Are you looking for a loan ?? Do you need a loan for any purpose? Whatever your problems, related to the loan may be, here comes your help as we offer cheap loans for all. We are certified reliable credit lenders who offer loans to individuals and businesses that need loans. We give out loans at very low and affordable interest rate of 2%, please contact us today and get a cheap Email: am.credito@blumail.org
ReplyDeleteI'm Dr Rex Kelvin by name one of Irrua Specialist Hospital doctor, I have be given the opportunity by the hospital management to advertised on the internet how we work and that we have started again for the year for buying and selling of human organs e.g kidney,liver, If you are out there interested in this offer, Please do not hesitate to contact the hospital at the below email: irruaspecialisthospital20@gmail.com The irrua specialist hospital are specialist in organs Surgery and as a donor there is no risk in it,And we are located in Nigeria, USA and in Malaysia, but our head office is in Nigeria.
ReplyDeleteEMAIL US ON:irruaspecialisthospital20@gmail.com
Do you need 100% Finance? I can service your financial need with less pay back problem that is why we fund you for just 2%. Whatever your circumstances, self employed, retired, have a poor credit rating, we could help. Flexible repayment over 3 to 20 years.Contact us at:jorgebeckerloans@gmail.com or jorgebeckerloans1@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteApply now for all kinds of loans and get money urgently!
* Appointments in the amount ranging from $1,000 to $50,000, 000.00
* The interest rate is at 2%
* Choose between 1 and 40 years of repayment.
* Choose between Monthly and annual repayment plan.
* Terms and conditions of the loans flexibility.
All these plans and more, please contact us.
1. Full Names:............................
2. Contact Address:.......................
3. Loan Amount Needed:....................
4. Duration of the Loan...................
5. Direct Telephone Number:...............
6.Loan Duration:..........................
Email:(jorgebeckerloans@gmail.com or jorgebeckerloans1@yahoo.com)
Best Regards,
Mr Jorge Becker
ReplyDeleteim currently a 23 year old women who lost both parents. My name is Angelia and i need some type of help. Ive been on my own at a very young age as my mother was dealing with addiction and my father was never there. I currently have no family to depend on and am struggling to get by in my crappy apartment. (roof leaks) (no heat) When my mother passed away jan 20, 2015 will be 2 years, the life insurance she left me was 1500 as she took from her life insurance and that's all that was left. I had no where to go and moved into my first apartment which cost me 1500 with first months rent and security. After that first month was up i was working like crazy trying to make enough money to pay my bills. Sometimes i wish i was never brought into this world because being alone is never fun and not having many friends really puts you down. Other times i know god would never put me through these situations if i couldn't handle them. Im strong but being strong is the only chance i got. My boyfriend is very supportive but he is a lot of debt with student loans. 30,000 to be exact. It takes most of his pay checks to pay them. His family is on the verge of loosing there home and the house is in foreclosure. I do everything possible to stay positive but i wish i had help. not that my boyfriend isnt here to help he has a lot going on too. Last November we lost our first child and i almost died. I was out of work for months after having an ectopic pregnancy. (Fallopian tube burst) That really put me behind in all the bills. I want to have a stable house to live in and not have to worry if im going to be put out on the streets. I know my situation is not as bad as others, i hate asking for help as i feel like im failing. Please if you could help me out i would really appreciate it. Thank you and god bless, Angelia (email: patmg@aol.com )
My name is Phylicea Ewart, I am currently a freshman at Sweet Briar College.
ReplyDeleteFor the past two years my mother has been laid off and unable to provide for me and my little sister, as a result of her unemployment I am unable to pay the remaining $ 6,000 balance of my tuition for this and the next four years of my college career.
I am writing you today because I have great potential excel, potential that is stifled by my financial situation. At the age 17 I Co-founded my own sauce manufacturing business Tallawah. Tallawah is a sauce manufacturing company that creates a blend of Jamaican and American sauces. My business receive great press and was featured in the Huffington post.http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/4494842
I am sharing this story with you to highlight the fact that I am a dedicated, hard working, disciplined, passionate individual with a huge financial disadvantage.
Please consider donating to my education, you will not regret it http://www.gofundme.com/idw5vw
My name is Phylicea Ewart, I am currently a freshman at Sweet Briar College.
ReplyDeleteFor the past two years my mother has been laid off and unable to provide for me and my little sister, as a result of her unemployment I am unable to pay the remaining $ 6,000 balance of my tuition for this and the next four years of my college career.
I am writing you today because I have great potential excel, potential that is stifled by my financial situation. At the age 17 I Co-founded my own sauce manufacturing business Tallawah. Tallawah is a sauce manufacturing company that creates a blend of Jamaican and American sauces. My business receive great press and was featured in the Huffington post.http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/4494842
I am sharing this story with you to highlight the fact that I am a dedicated, hard working, disciplined, passionate individual with a huge financial disadvantage.
Please consider donating to my education, you will not regret it http://www.gofundme.com/idw5vw
My name is Phylicea Ewart, I am currently a freshman at Sweet Briar College.
ReplyDeleteFor the past two years my mother has been laid off and unable to provide for me and my little sister, as a result of her unemployment I am unable to pay the remaining $ 6,000 balance of my tuition for this and the next four years of my college career.
I am writing you today because I have great potential excel, potential that is stifled by my financial situation. At the age 17 I Co-founded my own sauce manufacturing business Tallawah. Tallawah is a sauce manufacturing company that creates a blend of Jamaican and American sauces. My business receive great press and was featured in the Huffington post.http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/4494842
I am sharing this story with you to highlight the fact that I am a dedicated, hard working, disciplined, passionate individual with a huge financial disadvantage.
Please consider donating to my education, you will not regret it http://www.gofundme.com/idw5vw
Hello Ms. Winfrey!
ReplyDeleteGOD Bless you more!!!
I am Chacel from the Philippines.I am now dipress.I can say that this is the downest moment of my life.I am praying everyday that I can solve this for myself and for my family.I BADLY NEED HELP AND INSPIRATION.
I came from a poor family.My parents are old that they cannot provide much for our studies. Even now,we are residing in a small house with out tittle that anytime soon we might end up sleeping on the street.We do not have television and gadgets to re-sell specially when we do not have food for that day. That is the reason why at the age of 10 (5th grade) I started to work as DOMESTIC HELPER to an american residing here in the Philippines.Despite the proximity of the work location of the work to my school I thank GOD that I was able to do work and study well.I tried hard I do not mind if it requires 24/7 just to send myself to school and provide at least the basic needs of the family .I took 2 year course only to get a job with at least minimum pay here in the Philippines and even ask for part time job whenever there is available.I do not have stable job with benefits since my job is not related to my course ( I am an Human Resource Assistant now with 12,000php basic salary). I am not qualified yet for the benefits and loans. Want to go back to school given the chance. I want to take Psychology course to get paid well .
I badly need help. I need a job that would help me and my family to change our life. Even if it needs to be 24 hours and 7 days .Whatever legal job it may be,I'll learn it quickly.
I hate seeing my mother and father coughing at night but I cannot send them to the hospital . I am crying inside whenever I see my brother going to school without eating and getting home late because he need to walk from home to school,because he needs to find ways to also catch up to the school payments and school supplies needed for activities. I do not want to get bullied and to be humiliated by someone because payment to debts has not yet paid or delayed but we could not say or do something but SORRY.That is why I am really dipress(payment due should be last month- Dec.22,2014).We are financially challenged.
Lately been crying literally .I do not know what to do. Confidence is really low now.I got sick but I need to work still because it's no work no pay.I hope I can still focus.Praying!This somehow lessen the loads.
Thank you Ms. Winfrey for inspiring hopeless people . Please help me.
Chacel Ungab
MOBILE # : 09486340902
GMAIL : ungabchacel@gmail.com
I am a 71 year old veteran. I can not buy food or necessary medications or high heat bills. I desperately need help now or will soon be homeless. Thank you for any consideration.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear about that. I'm not sure how you feel about relocating but there is help with subsidized housing. In Belfry, KY there are several vacancies now. It does not matter what state you live in, I have helped many people relocate where they have received free housing. The apartments are very nice and based on your income. If you have zero income, there is a form that can be filled out by a friend or family member who says they are willing to help you out monthly with utilities. While on medical leave, I received a letter saying my Leasing position is no longer available due to not being protected under FMLA (not enough employee's) So I am struggling as well (family of 4) with no gov assistance. My mother has been paying my mortgage payment, without her and my father, we would not have our home. Both my husband and I have always worked very hard and did well until he was laid off May 30th 2014, and I just received my letter of termination August 5, 2015. Unfortunately, even though I worked for this company 5 years we do not qualify for an apartment due to bad credit/tax liens. It is an equal opportunity housing complex but does require a back ground and credit check. The following will disqualify a person for public housing: Tax Liens, Backruptcy (that has not been discharged) unpaid utilities OR ANY CRIMINAL (Felony) Please call and apply if you qualify and would not be denied due to any of the following I described. Because I have tax liens, we do not qualify. I understand and relate to everyone who is struggling and want to offer help. I hope that anyone who qualifies for subsidized housing in Belfry, KY or Warfield KY will apply. The phone numbers are 606 237-7180 for Tug Fork Apartments and 606 395-6757 for Dempsey Housing. Please call one of the phone numbers above and ask for an application to be mailed to you. I will also put the number to Headquarters in Maryland in case there are other cities/states people would like to look into. Usually public housing/subsidized/based on your income has very long wait lists....These two properties in KY do NOT which is why I am letting you know about them. Free or very low rent housing will automatically qualify you for food stamps and other programs that help with utilities. I understand the cost of relocating but if there is any way to do so, it would save thousands of dollars a year. I urge everyone who does not have a home to live in and not enough income to support yourself or family to apply for a based on your income apartment. As I said, those who do not have ANY income has no need to worry. A simple form provided in the application will let you have someone say they give you a couple hundred dollars a month (because you do have to show some type of income and this will provide proof of your income) once you do this and fill out the application, your criminal and credit check will be ran to see if you qualify. Those with zero income who has to use that form will have ZERO rent and will also get a check by the company once a month (everyone who qualifies gets a different amount, it's based on your income) Example: if your one person and someone gives you 200 a month, your security deposit would be 60 dollars and you would receive a 16 dollar a month check. Utility checks are based on the size of your family and your income. I pray this info will help many people check into this. Until I starting working for one of these places in 2010, I had no clue subsidized housing existed (especially for anyone without family or children) but it does and has helped millions of people. I wanted to share this info with anyone in need of help financially because let's face it, housing, food and medical are our 3 largest expenses. As I said, I no longer have this job and can not help any further like I use to.
DeleteE-mail martinjames052@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteDear Oprah:
ReplyDeleteIm hesitant to do this because I guess this is a long shot and quite impossible but again its worth a try.
Im Anna Maria A. Pelayo from the Philipppines , Im 50 years old single mom of three Im trying to raise money so i can pay for the tuition fee of my children whom I know will be responsible individuals whom I can count on in the future. (My son is already in 3rd year college, my second daughter 1st year college and youngest 3rd year High School) I know im still capable being and I dont want to just ask money , its just my situation at the moment - needs a little help from anyone/someone out there. I have this passion and love in taking care and parting knowledge to children so I have put up a home day care -just a small space where i live. I needed a start up capital any amount will do and I would gladly appreciate. Im hoping to raise enough to renovate/recreate a safe space for the children (educational materials/toys, mats, process/pay all permits etc.) by this means it can help me and my kids to go back to school , help other children as well and make a difference even in small ways. If any accounting receipts, reports, update etc is needed for the amount I can update you as well.
I look forward to hear from you any reply is appreciated. Thank you so much for your time.
Best regards
Anna Maria A. Pelayo
Any Donations/Sponsors/Help etc send to:
Wise Todds Home Day Care c/o
Anna Maria A. Pelayo
Unit A No. 30 Saint Michael Street
Don Bosco Village Betterliving
Paranaque City, NCR Philipines 1711
I am so sorry to hear about that. I'm not sure how you feel about relocating but there is help with subsidized housing. In Belfry, KY there are several vacancies now. It does not matter what state you live in, I have helped many people relocate where they have received free housing. The apartments are very nice and based on your income. If you have zero income, there is a form that can be filled out by a friend or family member who says they are willing to help you out monthly with utilities. While on medical leave, I received a letter saying my Leasing position is no longer available due to not being protected under FMLA (not enough employee's) So I am struggling as well (family of 4) with no gov assistance. My mother has been paying my mortgage payment, without her and my father, we would not have our home. Both my husband and I have always worked very hard and did well until he was laid off May 30th 2014, and I just received my letter of termination August 5, 2015. Unfortunately, even though I worked for this company 5 years we do not qualify for an apartment due to bad credit/tax liens. It is an equal opportunity housing complex but does require a back ground and credit check. The following will disqualify a person for public housing: Tax Liens, Backruptcy (that has not been discharged) unpaid utilities OR ANY CRIMINAL (Felony) Please call and apply if you qualify and would not be denied due to any of the following I described. Because I have tax liens, we do not qualify. I understand and relate to everyone who is struggling and want to offer help. I hope that anyone who qualifies for subsidized housing in Belfry, KY or Warfield KY will apply. The phone numbers are 606 237-7180 for Tug Fork Apartments and 606 395-6757 for Dempsey Housing. Please call one of the phone numbers above and ask for an application to be mailed to you. I will also put the number to Headquarters in Maryland in case there are other cities/states people would like to look into. Usually public housing/subsidized/based on your income has very long wait lists....These two properties in KY do NOT which is why I am letting you know about them. Free or very low rent housing will automatically qualify you for food stamps and other programs that help with utilities. I understand the cost of relocating but if there is any way to do so, it would save thousands of dollars a year. I urge everyone who does not have a home to live in and not enough income to support yourself or family to apply for a based on your income apartment. As I said, those who do not have ANY income has no need to worry. A simple form provided in the application will let you have someone say they give you a couple hundred dollars a month (because you do have to show some type of income and this will provide proof of your income) once you do this and fill out the application, your criminal and credit check will be ran to see if you qualify. Those with zero income who has to use that form will have ZERO rent and will also get a check by the company once a month (everyone who qualifies gets a different amount, it's based on your income) Example: if your one person and someone gives you 200 a month, your security deposit would be 60 dollars and you would receive a 16 dollar a month check. Utility checks are based on the size of your family and your income. I pray this info will help many people check into this. Until I starting working for one of these places in 2010, I had no clue subsidized housing existed (especially for anyone without family or children) but it does and has helped millions of people. I wanted to share this info with anyone in need of help financially because let's face it, housing, food and medical are our 3 largest expenses. As I said, I no longer have this job and can not help any further like I use to. This is one of the main reasons it has affected me so much, is because I can no longer physically help people get housing, but what I can do is still share the information and knowledge I have about it, in hopes it will help anyone who needs it.
DeleteHello Everybody: I am comfort News a resident/citizen of the United Kingdom. I am 42 years of age and an entrepreneur/businesswoman. I once had Difficulties in financing my project/business initially when I started And a good friend of mine introduced me to Mr John Marker who is a Business mogul/financier to get a loan from his company. When I Contacted them it took just 24 hours to get my loan approved and Transfer to my account after meeting all their modalities as set forth in Their loan agreement/terms and conditions. If you need urgent financial assistance you can contact them today via This email address: Name: Mr John Marker E-mail : john_marker@blumail.org
ReplyDeleteI am mrs Blessing Tome i live in usa and life is worth living comfortably for me and my family now and really have never seen goodness shown to me this much in my life as I am a mother who struggles with three children and I have been going through a problem as seriously as my husband found a terrible accident last two weeks, and the doctors states that he needs to undergo a delicate surgery for him to be able to walk again and I could not pay the bills, then your surgery went to the bank to borrow and reject me saying that I have no credit card, from there i run to my father and he was not able to help, then when I was browsing through yahoo answers and i came across a loan lender MR LEWIS HARRY, offering loans at affordable interest rate and i have been hearing about so many scams on the internet but at this my desperate situation, I had no choice but to give it an attempt and surprisingly it was all like a dream, I got a loan of $ 80,000 and I paid for my husband surgery and thank God today is good and you can walk and is working and the burden is longer so much on me more and we can feed well and my family is happy today and i said to myself that I will mourn aloud in the world of the wonders of God to me through this lender GOD fearing MR LEWIS HARRY and I would advise anyone in genuine and serious need of loan to contact this God-fearing man on lewisharry_lending@hotmail.com through .. and I want you all to pray for this man for me .Thanks
ReplyDeleteI had been out of work for a while and my wife (married almost 2 years) was using the our only car to get to work. We would arrange transportation if I received an interview. One night she went to help at the church and the engine died. We were already behind on payments and so close to paying it off, but the cost to fix was way more the worth of the vehicle and we could not even afford to get it towed.
ReplyDeleteWe asked family and friends for help, but only her co-worker said she would give her a ride until something happened. It's ten times harder to find work, since many want a reliable transportation and getting to interviews is extremely tough. Since we've been married life has just been crazy and her having to pay child support has made it much worse. If I don't find a job soon, we could be evicted and I would hate to do that to her as she is stressed enough. I do surveys and small penny jobs at home just to make sure I bring something in.
I have signed up on car donation sites and continually do all I can to save this family. We each came in with 3 children so we have a total of 6. My three are out and her three come every other weekend (haven't seen them but twice these two months because we have no transportation help.
We were just starting a small internet ministry to help people and have a community where everyone could help each other when a need occurred, but it's been tough for us to do so in the situation we're in though we are doing what we can - even to keep the site and videos up.
I don't care what it is if anything you can do to help in any way, we would be so grateful. You have my email (gregdollar@hotmail.com) and I will answer any other questions you may have. Understand I'm doing all I can for my wife to have a good life. Thank you so much for your time.
Greg Dollar
Atlanta, GA
ReplyDeleteI am from East and my hubby from West, to start life with him I need a long and stressful immigration process, and visa expenses. To sort out all those issues I need money but be both cannot save enough money to start our life together soon, Please help us to get over that waiting period and start our marital life and family together, I am already 39 and biological clock would be stop any time.
I want to be with my husband and have our gorgeous children, I LOVE CHILDREN.
Please help me to collect $2000 to get me dream come true.
Contact me at cdiem001@gmail.com
Arbee Bethay is native of Philadelphia and a San Antonio resident for the past 14 years who serves on the Board of Directors and as the Director of Celebrate Recovery, which is a Faith-Based mission in his local Church, Bethel International Christian Fellowship. Celebrate Recovery is a program that helps individuals and families overcome their addictions to substance abuse and alcohol. Arbee by profession is a Network Administrator, who has worked for several Fortune 500 companies. Including Basic Industries, TEK Systems, USAA, and American Funds. He is also a graduate of PBI Institute, and has received several certifications and trainings from HDI Institute in his field.
ReplyDeleteI've been working in Corporate America in the IT field for the past 14 years. Six months ago I was a victim of nepotism and lost my job making $79,000 a year to my directors brother in-law. My unemployment ran out 4 months later. I started doing freelance work and through a client, I've been blessed with a storefront location. I'm presently running my busineess from home and unable to fully take advantage of the opportunity as I am without the necessary capital to launch the store. I've prayed for this opportunity to leave my a family legacy to carry on what my father started. I'm teaching my 4 grandkids to go to school, get a good education but, not to get a good job, but to be job providers. I'm asking for assistance in this endeavor as it's not just a business opportunity but, a way to provide carreers for many people. Iam also launching free basic computer training for kids 4-8yrs, 9-12yrs, 13-16yrs, along with teaching adults how to protect their children from the dangers of social media. I'm asking for your assistance in being a part of a business that will make a difference in this community and beyond. Any level of donations will be greatly appreciated.http://www.gofundme.com/PCSuperGeeks
Hi my name is judy, I'm asking for help with my financial situation, I've been evicted from my apartment, and I was staying with my daughter who now is being evicted too, we have to be out of the house by June 24,2015 my finances are short I need help security deposit and first month rent, i need a place now, I don't like asking for help, my pride gets in the way, but I thought I should ask, i feel really bad about my situation, nowhere to go, I would be forever grateful and blessed if you would help me out, i don't know what else to do, I'm lost and depressed, it hurts inside, please contact me at jordanjudy98@yahoo.com, or at 585 ) 489-3960 I believe that you done so much for others, helping them, forever grateful, and blessed that you can help me, judy
ReplyDeleteIve been a wife to a man for 33 years that a alcoholic, I been beaten and choked,but have a good job (he dont work).. Im trying to get out of this on my own, i found this site http://myemailmentor.com/s/52378 he has great reviews check it out... if you want the truth about what im saying email me and ill give you my name and my husband and you can look my story up and see what im been going though.. connie0865@gmal.com please just help me... not sure how much longer i can take this...
ReplyDeleteello, im from istanbul and i need some money for education, i have an brilliant idea which can bring millions and new working places for a million of new people, to share that idea i need 5.000 dollars to make it presented in here where i dream to start with it in Ä°stanbul, Ä°m from Bosnia and Herzegovina the land of Blood and Honey as Angelina Jolie expressed in her film, here i need to tell openly i tried to give this idea to her but i couldnt contact her, there is no her real email adress on the internet!? My idea will start with TV-Show daily show named : ''Ä°ts boring'' where every day we will have different people, famous, children old and youg, with representing their creative ideas again in moments when they are bored in life!!!!!!!!!!
my email where you can contact me :) newproject47@gmail.com
im here to share ideas forever! who ever see this msg i wanna repeat that all people i suggest LOVE AND PATÄ°ENCE i love you guys, hear you!
Have a nice day, from sunny Ä°STANBUL
ReplyDeleteI was not sure of getting a legit loan lender online because of the
scams story i hear some years back. But when i could not face my Debt any
more and my son was on hospital bed for surgery that involve huge money
then i have to seeks for Assistance from friends and when there was no hope
any more i decide to go online to seek a loan and i find Marian Lawson Loan
company (marianlawson@outlook.com) with 2% interest Rate and applied
immediately with my details as directed. Within seven Days of my
application She wired my loan amount with No hidden charges and i could
take care of my son medical bills, Renew my rent bill and pay off my debt.
I will advice every loan seeker to contact Marian Loan Company with
Hello friend,i know its not appropriate to address to you in this manner,.I have a broken heart and a painful sad life.Am suffering from multiple problems in my life ,disease ,debts ,depression,recently i got electric shock where my hands and face were burnt and more worse to this i do not have anyone in my life to help me,am jobless.My pain is increasing day after day,due to pressure from people i have to pay,the money i got from them was for my treatment..I can not explain well my life its so bad,.I wish i could show you the clear picture of it.This is in short of it but is more worse than i can express it.I only ask God and you to help me over come my problems,I need $ 4000 dollars to solve my problems .i feel ashamed to ask since am a man.I just need to have a happy life.I hope and pray that you will help me,but my friend my life is truly is bad,it feels like death. kayos2011@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteHello Dear Sir/Madam.
ReplyDeleteI am Mr. henley Jon , a private money lender. I give out loans with an interest rate of 3% per annual and within the amount of $1000.00 to $500,000,000.00 as the loan offer. 100% Project Funding with secured and unsecured loans are available. We are guaranteed in giving out financial services to our numerous clients all over the world. With our flexible lending packages, loans can be processed and funds transferred to the borrower within the shortest time possible. We operate under clear and understandable terms and we offer loans of all kinds to interested clients, firms, companies, and all kinds of business organizations, private individuals and real estate investors. Just complete the form below and get back to us as we expect your swift and immediate response. EMAIL : jonh.enley@outlook.com
goodnight, how are you, I dont realy know why im doing this, cause i've never done this before, and no one ever realy helps me when i'm in need, but i guess i can try and see what happens. First of all , I'm not an american, in fact i don't even live there. Im from the bahamas.I'm a quiet man , 32 years old , single , no children,and a nervous nelly .But I guess i've got some nerves attempting to do this, but here goes. I dont actually want money, but i need a favor, .All my life, since i was a kid , i loved to write and do art . i kinda strayed from art as i grew older but in my late late 20s i happened to start doing it again,but all my life to date i've been writing, E.g poetry , short poems from love to spiritual to motivational to personal. I wanted to publish both my art and poetry,but it seems i never could save the money i need to get started plus i have no kind of connections. I wanted my poems in the form of cards and frames and possibly books, and an online poetry website, and may be on products . I wanted to embroid my original art into products like pillows for sofas, placemats, bathmats bedroom mats,bath towels, welcome mats , and possibly lamination, etc. I know that it's possible that this letter won't get through, but i'm just taking a chance, and asking for help from you ,and i know that in the Bahamas , and so that slimmens chances that much more. But if this letter by some miracle of God should get to you, and you are more than willing to help me empty myself of this dream, I would be more than grateful, SHOCKED!, but grateful. I don't know if i should leave my name, but i will give my email. Its wealthy_kingcooper@hotmail.com or lyric_leewonder@hotmail.com,hint.
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon. I am aware of the fact that a lot of people will write and ask you for help but in moments of despair you are confined to action and seek any possibility,any solution ... I'm in a difficult situation. My daddy died,my mum is sick. I have two small children and I dream to give them a quiet life and easy. Together with my husband we work day and night, we are looking for different ways to earn more money. My husband has no parents. After his father's death he and his brother and sister were sold their studio flat and have tried to 3. We have received 4000 $. I have returned to their debts that I have then I bought some food and clothes for children and the rest of the money we invested in a business with crowns funerary urns. We do and we sell them. But time passes, business goes bad, there is need to advertising and time. Today I have come to the situation that I have no money to pay the bills and not even for food. That's why I ask you in all my soul to help us. My Account PayPal is : puiu_cnl@yahoo.com
ReplyDelete$1, $10, $100 any amount is welcome and will help us
You can write me on this email : puiu_cnl@yahoo.com too.
Thank you!
ReplyDeleteHello my name is Anne fleury i email you to ask for help please i deserve a miracle in my life . Am 6 months pregnant with no job , my boyfriend lost he's job now we can't afford to support our self we have a lot of bills to pay specially my rent and don't know where the money coming from , my boyfriend go to interviews after interview he still can't find a job am very stress out i pray god everyday but nothing happen for me yet. I cry from the moment i wake up until i fall asleep i know it not good for the baby i wish my pain could stop. Please help me because am in the point where am about to lose my mind. Am due and 3 months i can't afford to do a babyshower for my son which on the way to come and i don't have no money to buy anything for our newborn yet in a few weeks me and my boyfriend might end up sleeping in our car please if you help us it will be a life changing for us we need it please help us my email address is afleury91@ icloud.com and phone number 954-8166035
ReplyDeleteHi i am 22 years old and some months ago i meet a girl i really felt inlove to her i love her very much and i want to be with her she love me too we also planned that we want to marry to have kids our own home to start a new family me and her she is overcontroled by her parents they treat her as a slave in the house she;s the one what do everyhing clean,food,laundry everyhing and still she's bullied every day she's forced to wear the old clothes of her mother cuz they don't buy her anything they just give her a room and food she's treated like a slave and i want to be with her but i can't because she is in USA i am in Italy i came here in italy to find a job better payed then in my country Romania but is hard to find a job i am here in italy for a year and i can barely pay the rent bills and my food and i don't know what to do anymore is hard to can save some money to can go there at her to be with her i want to take her out from that hell i am crying every night when i think at her because i am helpless i think in a year i could make some money to can go there but a few weeks ago i heard that her parents may plan a marriage for her a forced marriage when heard that i was desperate i serched on internet ways to can make some money faster because a year can be to late for me and her to be toghether i even serched to sell my kidney for this but i didn't found any foundation or anythig to buy it some serious peoples and i will do it if this i will need to do i will. I will not ask for any amount of money because i don't how much money i need but i think any amount wich can grant a few month of living in usa till i found a job is enough doesn't matter how much it will be is enough if can give me a living for a few months to can pay rent bills and food till i will found a job Contact me at scarry1019@gmail.com Thanks
ReplyDeleteGood day
ReplyDeleteDo you need a urgent loan to pay off your bills or to take good care of yourself? we offer loans at 2.8% interest rate? (APPLY NOW) We offer loan to all categories of people email at: raymond_loanservice@outlook.com with the Loan Amount Needed, Duration, Country and Phone number for more details.
ReplyDeleteNever did I think I would find myself in this type of situation at 43. While on medical leave, I received a letter saying my Leasing position was no longer available due to not being covered under FMLA. For 5 years I have worked for subsidized housing and take great pride in helping people. My husband and I have two children and have always worked very hard and provided a good life for them. We lived in Columbus Ohio and relocated here to WV to live close to my parent's (my father has cancer) The last 7 years were fine (a little difficult but still manageable) In May 2014 my husband was laid off (there is no work here, he's applied everywhere) Friday when I received my letter that I no longer had a job, I was hysterical. My son starts college Monday. I gave him my car so he will have transportation. I have no idea how we'll provide gas money. As of now I'm not sure what is going to happen. I've been extremely ill, on medical leave and do not understand how FMLA protects only those who work for a company that employee's 50 or more employee's. When my daughter was born and my son had just started Kindergarten, I went back to college to better my education and future. It was one of the most proud achievements in my life. My husband did well as a steel worker, and together we were able to provide a comfortable life style for our family. It has only been in the last year that things changed drastically. At times the guilt I feel for uprooting my family and relocating to WV kills me, but family has always been the most important thing to me. I have raised both of my children to be well behaved, respectful and to put everything they have into education. My son just graduated high school this June with honors. He also received the higher achievement grant and financial aid for his first semester (I truly thank God for that blessing) He was accepted to many colleges and University's where he would have been able to attend at a low cost (because of scholarships/grants) but there is no way to help him in any way financially so he will be attending Community College his first year, in hopes that he can transfer to a University. Since I have been 17 years old and on my own, I have never had any type of assistance, have always worked and done well. I never imagined at 43 years old, I would become so ill that I would have to be put on medical leave. I survived a stroke and was back to work in less then a week. I don't know how to accept not having my job and can't understand how I could be let go while on medical leave. I was the person who carried all the benefits for our family-that are now gone. For the first time in my adult life, I don't know what to do. Being the person who has always made the decisions for both a company and home, I truly don't know what to do. I see statements that say they hate beggars or people who ask for help? I don't understand that. Hitting rock bottom with financial hardship can happen to anyone, just as it's happened to me and my family. It's a devastating, horrific, indescribable feeling of hopelessness. I have always had compassion for anyone going through a difficult time no matter the reason. What else are people to do if there is no help? I am not to proud to ask for help. Not when it comes to my children and there is nothing I wouldn't try to do in order to take care of them. Whether it's a job, a loan, or help from someone, I will take whatever I can get for my children. My phone number is 304 752-9899, I'm also on facebook Melody Spradlin. I know that help exists because I have been fortunate enough to be one of those people for years but have found myself on the other side of needing. I am still grateful for the blessings I have been given, my children, family, my home, everything I have ever been blessed with. An illness can change your life in a second, just as it did mine.
ReplyDeleteOn Friday December 14th 1990. my jewellery business was wiped out by gunpoint.That left me feeling hopeless. I lost 9 years of honest hard working capital investment & 1.1 million. Many also remember my being robbed once on February 6 1981,That robbery was our first jewellery shop & my wife MaryLynn was expecting our first child Ryan, born August 26 1981. MaryLynn & our unborn son Ryan was the only & most important thing that survived that gunpoint robbery in Oakville. Who fights against a gun to your head anyway.That robbery was never solved & even insured, the Royal Western failed to settle. We were too young & broke to fight, we just gave up the house! Our Story in the Oakville Beaver brought many to our doorstep to help. Over the next 9 years we rebuilt only to be in the wrong place wrong time in December 1990. After that 2nd robbery, I nearly gave up I felt like a huge failure.That kind of shell shock does something to people. Eventually the way I regained confidence was not a woe with me. Instead I came out of the shell I discovered Christianity.. I devoted all my time, helping others. I drove for food banks, Christmas drives etc, I worked with Walmart for $9.60 I went from Riches to rags. I would like you to believe things got much better for me but that's not the truth. A good Christian's life will improve in all aspects is not reality!. I have lived off Mortgage money for the last 25 year I'll tell you that you cannot ask God for money & wealth. You can ask for opportunity & bring good people through your door. If I was a writer I'd write a book about my life experiences. I just want someone to listen and hear my story. That robbery left me very low for 4 years asking myself "Why Me?" Even still,quite poor financially.I have a big heart & if I was wealthy I would like be giving more. I got used to being poor and humble. I love giving to others even if it's just a simple hug. If I could go back to 1981 & 1990 I would do things differently but I would still do what I do best today. Love others & serve as best I can with what I have. I am not writing this hoping for someone to drop a big cheque on my doorstep. I just want someone to help me tell my story someday. If my three sons and two Grandchildren can benefit from it maybe one day I can close my eyes and peacefully know that they do not have to suffer in hardship because of my misfortunes in life. I am now 63 and have 3 great boys, 1 married, 2 granddaughters. Proud of them all, especially my wife MaryLynn who never left me even when we were down & out . At least we had our health our faith and our family was together. My 3 boys are hard workers and make an honest living. They remember our troubles & are smarter for it!
ReplyDeleteHello Oprah,
ReplyDeleteam only writing you because I have no one to turn to. I am going through a divorce at the moment. I have found a place to live away from the town that I am currently living in. Away from the drama. And it will be closer to work so cheaper on gas. My name is Paul C. I do have the address of the new house but would prefer not to publish it on here. I have a PO Box it is PO Box 1565, Minden, LA 71058-1565. I asked my company for money to help me start out since I will be moving with nothing but clothes for my daughter and I. I have no furniture, no dishes but paper plates work just fine, no cooking pots and we love to cook. The company gave me 2300 dollars which is enough to get into the house and sleep on the floor. I am always looking on Facebook pages for second hand things but still can't afford it. I do not drink, I do not do drugs, except my heart medicine. I need help turning this house into a home for my daughter and me. Anything you can send would be a blessing and greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance, Paul Cadiere
My name is Shanyel M. I am a single mother raising five children, I am currently working as a Application Support Tech within the Health/ Technology industry. I have been in this field for two years now and have been blessed to maintain and grow. I have endured knowledge that will some day help me with my own future company which will be Health Information Technology. I decided to write this form because I have been the soulful bread winner of my family of three boys and two girls who is growing and blessingly maturing into young men and women. The times of today's economy has left my family in a hardship of struggle, but even through this struggle i have been able to give back to those who are less fortunate than I am or who just need help from time to time. Over the past seven years I have been helping my mother who health caused her to lose a lot in life and have been left to lean on my siblings and myself for moral and financial support. I was blessed and able to help her with shelter from time to time as well as be of a financial support until her ill health condition surpassed. Unfortunately her health took the turn for the worst and things haven't been in her best favor. My siblings and I have continued to stand by our mother, with prayers and family support. But in the mist of raising a family of five and sharing the responsibilities of taking care of my mother bills, rent and school loans have been haunting me and causing my credit to fall into poor standings which has become a barrier of me being able to move forward in life and the threaten of utilities being shut off and eviction of me and my family that has just had an addition of my first grandson. I have reached out to my local resources and they have either turned me away saying they have no funds available or my salary is not within their eligibility bracket. The banks have rejected me because of my outstanding school loans that is stiffing up my credit score so I am lift with no where else to turn. I love to work for my earnings in life because I am a capable and able individual but I am reaching out for help right now. I use to let my pride carry me over and I normally can gather my thoughts and make life happen, but this one time is a true eye opener to me understanding that we all at some point have to bite our pride and reach out for help. My debts is not a great financial debt but it's steep enough to drown me. Please I ask if someone can really help me and my family just get back to floating with our heads above water I will greatly appreciate the blessings.
ReplyDeleteThank You,
Shanyel M.
Hello !! I hope someone will help me knowing I have no luck I'm going threw so much I'm callin out for help I try everything to get loans nothing works. I'm about to lose my house I lost my car I have to teenage boys I'm 35 with so much sickness from stress please I need help I own people money where I can't pay them and now they harassing me. I'm kids r goin threw stress from seein me stress I have bad depresses I don't eat or sleep I have no one to help me. I'm reaching out To anyone to hear me please I'm begging for help.
ReplyDeleteHello !! I hope someone will help me knowing I have no luck I'm going threw so much I'm callin out for help I try everything to get loans nothing works. I'm about to lose my house I lost my car I have to teenage boys I'm 35 with so much sickness from stress please I need help I own people money where I can't pay them and now they harassing me. I'm kids r goin threw stress from seein me stress I have bad depresses I don't eat or sleep I have no one to help me. I'm reaching out To anyone to hear me please I'm begging for help.
ReplyDeleteHello everyone,
ReplyDeleteI am Mary Johnson by name, am writing this Testimony because am really grateful for what FIDELITY BANK did for me and my family, when I thought there was no hope he came and make my family feel alive again by lending us loan at a very low interest rate of 2%. Well I have been searching for a loan to settle my debts for the past three months all I met scammed and took my money until I finally met a God sent Lender. I never thought that there are still genuine loan lenders on the internet but to my greatest surprise i got my loan without wasting much time so if you are out there looking for a loan of any amount i would advise you to email the legit loan company via email: { fidelitybankloanoffer4@gmail.com} and be free of internet scams. thanks… Mary Johnson from California, USA.
E_mail: fidelitybankloanoffer4@gmail.com
E_mail: mikekenfundsoffer@hotmail.com
web: www.:quickloanhelp.webs.com
ReplyDeleteMy daughter Lili suffered 3rd degree burns on 20% of her body. She pulled a hot pot of soup on herself by accident. :( She is 20months old. She is continuously going thru medical treatments, and she is in need at least 3 other surgeries, treatments and a special clothes to get better. Unfortunately the surgeries are very expensive, and our family can't afford all of the medical expenses. I'm desperately asking everyone to please
help us :( please help, so my daughter can heal and have normal life in the future. Every penny counts and will be greatly appreciated. God bless you all! Thank you
Account number: HU13-12026609-01437741-00100000 Bank : RAIFFEISEN BANK swift Code: UBRT HUHB country: Hungary
Hello,Do You Need A Loan To Help Your Conditions? if yes email us back with the below details.
ReplyDeleteFull Name:
Amount Needed:
Marital Status:
Hopefully Await Your Email...ramond.whiteservice@gmail.com
Bismillah Rahmaanir-Raheem
ReplyDeleteAssallamu aleikum
May Allah the Al-might,The Creator,The Exalted and the Preserver
His blessing and peace be upon you in this worldly life and the Here After life..How Beautiful is Allah subhaanahu wa ta 'aala? Our minds cannot comprehend His Beauty. How Perfect is He? How Kind? How Loving? How Generous? How so extremely Merciful? There is noway we can ever understand. It is simply beyond our small and meagre capabilities.My dear brother let me hope this letter finds you in a good and healthy condition.My name is kayondo swaliki am in India but a from Uganda. Am writing to you with a heavy heart and with tears gushing from my eyes due to the sadness i carry with me always. My life is filled with sadness but i hope with Allah's blessing and your support i will be able to put a smile on my face once again. My troubles started when i lost my father,since then life turned up side down in terms of financial support. i know its not appropriate to address to you in this manner.But I have a broken heart and a painful sad life.Am suffering from multiple problems in my life ,sickness ,debts ,food.clothes,shelter am leaving with my friends who have supported in food and sleeping but they are going leaving,I do not have anyone in my life to help me,am jobless and my education stopped ,i was pursuing my MBA degree final year but due to my father's lose i stopped because of fees.My pain is increasing day after day.Am also suffering from stomach complications but i do not have money for check ups.I can not explain well my life its so bad,.I wish i could show you the clear picture of it.This is in short of it but is more worse than i can express it.I only ask God and you to help me over come my problems. I need to complete my MBA and get a job so that i can help my mother who is sick.I need $4000 dollars to complete my MBA degree,to pay for my debts and pay treatment for my mother.I have no place where to stay,i beg for your support.I know am asking for too much help from you since you barely know me or believe if am telling the truth.But in God's name am telling the truth.Am asking for your forgiveness is my letter makes you feel uncomfortable.I wish i had a way to share with you the true picture of my life.I pray to God that you doing fine.Thank you for reading my letter. kayondo07@gmail.com
Hello. My name is Jennifer. I have two children both girls ages 3 and 16. My husband works full time and is trying to obtain a second job without any luck. I got to school to obtain a nursing degree to try and better our situation. We are in serious danger of loosing our home and our only car that continually breaks down. All of our bills are on disconnect notice or have already been turned off. I have tried everything from loans to getting a 3rd shift job so I can be here for my girls during the day. I am loosing hope at this point that we will pull through this and without someone stepping in to help us we will loosing everything we worked so hard to get. We have been denied help by family, friends, and lending companies at this point. I am seriously worried about my families well being and am starting to think that sending my children to the system is the only way they will have a better life than what I can provide for them. Please help me. I don't want to loose my family because we are having a hard time. This is my last hope. My contact information is jdalrymple0330@gmail.com. I hope you, or anyone that reads this, can helps us in anyway. Thank you
ReplyDeleteI am a struggling immigrant who has been been bogged down my a student loan and is has been working as a contracter for 8 years. I struggle to pay my rent on time and put food on the table. I am constantly troubled by back problems which affects my work. I am urgently in need of $60,000 to settle my student loan to free some of my income to make ends meet.
ReplyDeleteI Promise to Share This Testimony. I am vaneca from cape town, south African. currently living in new york city, I am a widow at the moment with three kids and i was stuck in a financial situation in May 2015. and i needed to refinance and pay my bills. I tried seeking loans from various loan firms both private and corporate but never with success, and most banks declined my loan application. But as God would have it, I was introduced to a man of God called PASTOR ISREAL from CHIJO FINANCIAL SERVICES a government approve company. who gave me a loan of 950,000USD and today am a business owner and my kids are doing well at the moment. if you must contact any firm/company with reference to securing a loan without collateral, no credit check, with just 3% interest rate and better repayment plans and schedule, you can contact CHIJO FINANCIAL SERVICES at (chijo_financial_services@outlook.com).
My name is Alex M. Mulbah, I am Liberian. I am in need of $2,000 USD. I want continue my schooling but now there is no money. Because Ebola virus crisis makes my country to closed job Places, now I am going through strugle. this is my number +231770218631
ReplyDeleteI am in need of 2,000.00 to pay my school fees i don't want to be innorant, I want to learned and help my family.this is my number+231770218631
ReplyDeleteHi dear oprah
ReplyDeleteHi dear oprah
ReplyDeleteHi dear oprah.I am hana.iam persian.i live in iran.i am 35.i divorced 12years ago.my husband hit me every day.i have a son.i have never seen him.after that i married again.but unfortuanatly my husband use opium. He is not kind with me.he doesnt pay attention to me.i always alone.he doesnt spend money for me.here is iran u know.the worst place in the world for women.8years i didnt say any thing about my problems to my family.they are very strict.they dont support me.and i dont have enough money to live alone.its joke for you but they told to me if you divorce we dont allow to you live alone.i am so upset.i dont know what should i do?if i dont live i iran. If i had money.........i cry every day.iam confused.plz help me. After God I just belive you.my email;hana.feizbakhsh@gmail.com.