Where Can I Get A Free Car For My Family 2020?
Anyone Giving Away a Free Car
Having a free vehicle can make a tremendous difference to your life especially if you're on a very low income. Fortunately car donations to charity are high as there are tax breaks on offer from the U.S. government. If you have children and need to make long commutes to school and work then taking public transport can really take it's toll. I'm speaking from experience when I say it's hard using 2 buses and 2 trains to get somewhere where you can get to in half an hour using a car. This post applies to everyone who is looking to get a free car in 2020 so please read on to find out more. I really hope this helps.
Side Note** Important Note: Be sure to check out the Millionaires Giving Money Resources Page. This page has received the most recognition/likes and thank you emails. These posts are designed to help people experiencing financial hardship so they can top up their income**
Side Note*** You can also find a collection of posts and labels below which have the best of the Millionaires Giving Money Blog. You will be able to find ideas to generate $5000, $2000, $1000 and even $50,000. All the ideas are completely legitimately and legal although they might be pretty unusual. These posts have received the most comments and thank you emails so it's definitely worth visiting and sharing ;)***
Fortunately there are many places where you an get a free car and in this article I will list all the places that you can inquire for a used free vehicle, this is not an urban myth, there are many people out there who are donating their car for tax deductions and it's worth your while checking out some of the options outlined in this special post. I will be updating this article on a regular basis so please feel free to add a comment if you have a tip to share, also please forward this article to as many people as you can who might benefit from the information.
Who's Eligible for a Donation Vehicle
If you're on a very low income there's a good chance you could get a free car. Some of the more common qualifications include those who are:
#1; Victims of Natural Disasters
#2: Victims of Domestic Abuse
#3: The Working Poor
#4: Families Living in Transitional Shelters
#5: Families Transitioning from Public Assistance to Work
#6: Non Profit Organizations
#7: Medically Needy and Elderly
#8: Military Families Experiencing Hardship
#1: 1800 CHARITY CARS Donation Auto
Free cars are given away from 1800 Charity Cars. This non profit organization accepts donation auto and then gives them out to people who are needy. The reason why people donate cars to charities is because they get full fair market value of their car as a tax deduction if they are given to a disadvantaged person. You can become a member of the charity and then post a profile online explaining your hardship, you then network with people and the more support or votes you get the more likely you are to be allocated a used car for free, this is a great way to distribute cars according to how needy the person is. If you want to apply for a free car for needy families then check the Resources Page on the menu above.
#2: Online Car Donations Auto Charity
Online car donation is another site which accepts car donations in exchange for tax deductions, they specifically support battered women, those with physical challenges, families living in homeless shelters, self supporting families, non profit organizations and military family. It's very easy to apply for a vehicle and all you have to do is leave your name and contact details and a brief explanation of your situation and vehicle needs. You can apply directly by checking the Resources Page on the Menu above.
#3: Vehicles for Change
This is another great non profit organization which accepts cars as donations, they help donors get the best possible tax deduction. These cars are allocated to those people who are on the road to self sufficiency but struggle with transportation. To be qualify for a low cost car you must have a verifiable job offer or be working at least 30 hours per week, must have a drivers license, you must be insurable, must not have other cars in the household, be drug free and no extensive criminal background. If you want to apply for a low cost car then check the resources pages on the menu above.
#4: Free Cars from With Causes
Another great organization which helps low income families is WithCauses.Org, this site allows low income families and individuals to state their hardship and need on an online application form. The form is then reviewed by a consultant who then gives them advice and direction on how to make these requests possible. This is a great site if you want to learn more about where to look for help. You can fill out your details by checking the resources page.
#5: Modest Needs
Another great site that helps low income families and individuals with vehicles is ModestNeeds.Org, this is a great site that allows you to post your hardship and then ask for a modest amount of money. Most of the request on these sites are for money needed for repairs, if you already own a vehicle and need to repair it in order to get it on the road then you could try posting your needs on this site and then wait to get help. You can learn more about the process by checking the Resources Page.
#6: Donate a Car Today
Another great site to apply for donated cars is DonateACarToday.Com, this site has an excellent list of car donation sites and organization which you can approach for free cars. The organization are listed by States and range from Alabama to Hawaii, Idaho to Minnesota, Mississippi to Ohio, Oklahoma to Wyoming. If you want a closer look at the lists please check the Resources Page.
#7: Free Gas from Free Gas USA
FreeGasUsa.Org is a charitable religious organization which offers fuel grants to poverty stricken families and individuals who need help. If you want to apply for free gas then check out the eligibility requirements below and then fill out the application, the link is given on the Resources Pages.
Having a car can make a tremendous difference to our lives, if you're struggling with your finances and need help with money then it's worth exploring some of the options that are listed on this page. If you know anyone who could benefit from this information please pass this article on. Please add a comment if you know of any more programs that can help families and individuals with a free car, also feel free to share your experiences of how a free car made a difference to your life.
You can find urgent financial assistance and financial help from the Government. To check for eligibility visit USA.Gov and look for mortgage assistance programs, military financial assistance, financial assistance for pensioners and debt consolidation advice and much more.
#8: Free Charity Cars Auto Donations
Free Charity Cars is another non profit organisation which helps low income families with transportation costs. This charity was formerly 1800 Charity before they changed their names. The process is quite straight forward. You register with the charity for a free account. You then share your hardship and receive votes with regards to eligibility. Once you have enough votes you can apply for a free vehicle. Free Charity Cars have a lot of vehicles in their inventory as motorists donate their unwanted old car for tax breaks. This process is completely legitimate and worth pursuing if you really need a new car. All the details are given below. You can also find free vehicles on Craigslist and also search for I'm giving away a free car on the internet to find charities who are willing to give away vehicles for free.
More Resources to Get a Free Car for Low Income Families
I love to help the Millionaires Giving Money Community and from time to time I will update this post with more useful resources so you can get help towards your vehicles. Be sure to bookmark this page as I intend to make it the most comprehensive post on the internet when it comes to getting a free car. Some of the resources given below are specific to their respective State.
1 :: Free Car in Western Pennsylvania
If you live in Western Pennsylvania and you are deemed to be a qualified individual you could get a low cost loan to pay for a new car or for repairs. I realise that this is not the same as getting a free vehicle however I thought I would add it as many people look for assistance when repairing their old cars. You can contact the Community Partnership Service on the contact details given below.
Community Partnership Services
Allegheny County
6401 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh PA
Telephone: (866) 965-5929
2 :: Free Cars in Minneapolis
If you live in the Minneapolis area you can contact the Getting There Program offered by ATI. The Getting There Program helps low income families and individuals with affordable and reliable transportation. The agency will pass on or sometimes sell at extreme discounts vehicles which include cars and trucks. You can apply for a low interest loan or sell vehicles at low pre-established prices. Again this program might not offer a free vehicles but is certainly worth considering as the prices are low and the finances changes are minuscule compared to banks. The program covers Scott, Carver, and Dakota Counties and supports low income families who need affordable and reliable transportation. You can contact the program below, I have also marked out the details of other programs which offer free vehicles at low prices with cheap finance
Getting There Program Minneapolis
Scott & Carver Counties: (952) 496-2125
Dakota County: (952) 432-6699
Minneapolis Work Force Center
Auto Lease Program
Address : 777 East Lake Street
Minneapolis MN 55407
Telephone: (612) 821-4000
CARS Program
Community Auto Repair & Distribution Service
Address: Minneapolis MN
Telephone: (952)881-1115
Newgate Education Center Vehicle Service
Vehicle Redistribution Service
2900 East Hennepin Avenue
Minneapolis MN 55413
Telephone: (612) 378-0177
3 :: Free Vehicles in Alabama
If you live in the great State of Alabama you could be eligible for a free car or help towards a free vehicle. One program is Caring Cars which is based in the North Central Alabama region. The program gives away free vehicles to low income families and individuals who need help with employment transportation. To be eligible you need to be referred through a social worker from Family Service Center. If your quality of life would improve exponentially by getting a free car contact the programs below. Take action and do it today!
Caring Cars
Address: 4092 Memorial Parkway SW
Suite 205
Alabama 35802
Email: Info@FSC-HSV.ORG
Telephone Number: (256) 551-1610
4:: Free Cars in Michigan
If you need a free vehicle and you live in Michigan the first step you should take is to call a social worker or case worker to find out more about the programs available. The Human Resources Department of Michigan offers a free vehicle service for the counties of Manistee, Leelanau, Kalkaska, Emmet and Antrim. You should also apply for car programs such as Christian Automobile Repair Services (C.A.R.S), this program will help towards any nasty repairs to your vehicle. All the Programs and contact details are listed below.
Christian Automobile Repair Services (C.A.R.S)
Calvary Christian Reformed Church
400 Beeline Road
Holland Michigan 49424
Telephone: (616) 844-1148
Workers on Wheels Free Vehicle Program
Missaukee-Wexford County Family Resources Agency
10641 West Watergate Road
Cadillac Michigan 49601
Telephone: (231) 779-4500
Michigan Neighbor Community Garage
Saint Francis Catholic Church
2150 Frieze Avenue
Ann Arbor
Michigan 48104
Telephone: Visit Site
The Best Posts of Millionaires Giving Money
This is a collection of posts which offers ideas to make $5000, $2000, $200 and even $50,000. The ideas which are given are completely legitimate and legal and you wont have to rob a bank or steal the Mona Lisa. These posts have received the most comments and email praising the ideas so they're definitely worth checking out.
I Need $5000 Right Now - Want to know how to raise $5000 quickly? read this post and get some fresh ideas on how to make 5000 dollars quickly. You wont have to take out a loan and you don't even need to consider pay day loans! These ideas will work if you have an open mind and are prepared to work hard and smart.
I Need $200 Right Now - You can find some common sense ideas and some unusual ones here if you need to make 2000 dollars right now. Again all these ideas are original and you can make money if you put the effort in.

I Need $2000 Right Now - Another popular post outlining all the ways to generate some extra income on the side.
I Need $50,000 Right Now - Another post which proves that millionaires do give money! Craig Ronin was able to secure $1 million donation by just asking for it. You can learn how to ask for $50,000 here!
Best Labels on Millionaires Giving Money
You can find a collection of the best Labels/Tags on the Millionaires Giving Money Blog. You will be able to find ways to generate money through financial hardship programs, asking millionaires, billionaires and philanthropists for help as well as ideas to generate income on the side if you need money quickly. Be sure to check these out and please leave a comment if you want to share a thought. Feel free to contact us if you have any comments or queries.I Need Money Right Now - Find posts offering information on Financial Hardship programs. You can also find details of millionaires, billionaires and philanthropists all giving money away. These posts are ideas for making money quickly and are designed for people who are experiencing financial hardship.
Financial Despair Label - This is a collection of posts which receive a lot of recognition from the Millionaires Giving Money Community. These posts are designed for individuals and families who are experiencing financial hardship and require financial aid. You can find resources from the Government and private businesses and charities.
Get Free Money - Here are a collection of all the popular posts which receive the most emails and comments. These posts explain how you can get free money to top up your income. These posts are designed for people who are experiencing hardship.
Please feel free to leave a comment if you know of any programs that offer free cars, please forward this to people who might benefit from the information and please share your experiences of getting a free car.
ReplyDeleteThank You!
donation cars charity
ReplyDeleteI am a Jobless person I have no Job during last 18 months, I need $20000 to start my life again any body who will give $20000 God bless you. I am living in Pakistan. Western Union is available in Pakistan for money transfer my email address is miskhi@hotmail.com Please help me as soon as possible.
ReplyDeleteMy names George S., I'm 18, I live in a homeless shelter in Cartersville, GA, I just need a vehicle that can get me home to my family. I was stranded here in Georgia with nothing but what I had on me in my bag and I need a way home. I found out about this site through a old friend and thought id give it a try. if you can help please contact me, (404) 435-8066. I do not do any type of drugs neither do I drink. I occasionally smoke cigarettes but im quitting. if you can help god bless you.
ReplyDeleteI am need of a loan so I can get my daughter and myself out of the abusive marriage I am in. The loan will serve to help ensure a place to live and food. Please contact me at crickets4luck@gmail.com
DeleteThank you,
Hi my name is Tara. Ive come to this site because I am in need of a car to get to and from a job to survive. ive been praying and praying for help and found this site today so here goes nothin'. I saved up and purchaced a car this past summer but on my way to work on halloween i got into an accident. my car was totaled and scraped. Ever since i lost my car i lost everything else along with it such as my job, home and independence. There are not any places i can walk to either due to my location so i have had to depend on a few friends that are not doing well themselves. I cant get a line of credit through any instant credit car places because i cant get to a job to get money for a down payment and becuse i have poor credit from mistakes made when I was much younger and need to claim bankrupcy now as well... Im a fighter and been fighting the good fight but im losing now more than ever and dont know what to do because of this situation. if there is anyway you could see it in your hearts to please help me id be forever greatful. All i want is to be able to take care of myself but i am finding that thats next to impossible with out transportation to a job. Thank you for your consideration have a blessed day =)
I am coffee farmer in North Sumatra, Indonesia and I am sick of stroke. I need SUV car in field. God Bless You. Thank You.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Michelle R . I am a disabled parent. I have a 7 yr old daughter who solely rely on me. I don't have much. I truely need a car to do the normal things such as s groceries and every life and to get to doctor appt. Also i have a mother who is in a wheelchair who needs me to bring to her appts as well. Its really hard on the bus traveling. Thank you for listening god bless.
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Good day, I have no illness or any disablity. I am just a mother of four living on a farm and need a vehicle urgently to be able to go to work an to take the kids to school. I have apply as all the places that I could found, but my salary is to small to qualify for finance or a loan.
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Hello my name is Brigite and I live in Channelview,Tx and I'm in of transportation so very bad.We don't have public transportation where I stay and to get to the bus stop I would have to pay someone to take me there. I'm a very sick person whom needs to get to and from the doctors office and to the grocery store we don't have any in walking distance. I would be so greatful if you'll could donate me car please.
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Loan Amount Needed: ___________________________
Sex: ___________________________________________
Marital Status: _________________________________
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Telephone No:________________________________
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Occupation: ______________________
Purpose of loan: _________________________
Religion: _____________________________________
Contact Us Back via our company mail: lancerobertloanfirm2345@yahoo.com
I am on disability and we have no car for my husband to find work. After paying all of our bills we barely have enough for 3 people to survive on and I don't make enoughto buy a car. My dad gave me a truck but it needs $1000 in it before it is driveable. If there is anyone out there who could help me please.
DeleteAre you a man or a woman you have been looking for a loan? To expand your business or setting up your own business or to pay off your debt or house rent if so then we are your answer, We offer loan from 5,000.00 to the maximum of 500,000,000.00 Euro Dollars Rubles Pounds with any duration that you can afford and any type of loan requested by the
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immediately after filling the loan application form you can
immediately return back to us, following data:
Name: ___________________________________________
Loan Amount Needed: ___________________________
Sex: ___________________________________________
Marital Status: _________________________________
Country: ________________________________________
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Telephone No:________________________________
Loan Duration:__________________________
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Purpose of loan: _________________________
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Contact Us Back via our company mail: lancerobertloanfirm2345@yahoo.com
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Your Loan
Loan Amount :.................................................
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First Name:...............................................
Last Name:...............................................
Date of Birth:.............................................
Work/Mobile Number:..........................
Monthly Net Income:.............................
Employer Name:....................................
Job Title:...................................................
Time Employed:.....................................
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Best Regard
Mr Brown
Hello my name is pedro! I'm from Portugal and blessed by a new member on my family so now I'm a father of 2 beautiful children. But things are that simple. Job just pay us 1000 Euros a mouth and with all the payments we get no more money for anything. So I step in to this web site as a mirecle hoping someone can make a family happy by being so generous. A wish for a simple car big to fit everyone in comfort. All the best. And may God be with you.
ReplyDeleteEmail Boavida_pedro@hotmail.com
Just turn 34
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Due to the current state of the market most people will find it difficult to get approval for an unsecured loan, business loan, personal loan, home loan, auto loan, student loan, debt
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ReplyDeleteAre you a man or a woman you have been looking for a loan? To expand
your business or setting up your own business or to pay off your debt
or house rent if so then we are your answer, We offer loan from
5,000.00 to the maximum of 500,000,000.00 Euro Dollars Rubles Pounds
with any duration that you can afford and any type of loan requested
by the
customer must be such as:
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* Private loan
And More.....
immediately after filling the loan application form you can
immediately return back to us, following data:
Name: ___________________________________________
Loan Amount Needed: ___________________________
Sex: ___________________________________________
Marital Status: _________________________________
Country: ________________________________________
State: ________________ Age: _________________
Telephone No:________________________________
Loan Duration:__________________________
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Purpose of loan: _________________________
Religion: _____________________________________
Contact us back via our company mail: robertrichardloanfirm2345@yahoo.com
Mr.Robert Richard
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ReplyDeleteHello Everybody,
My name is Mrs. Monica Roland. I live in UK
London and i am a happy woman today? and i
told my self that any lender that rescue my
family from our poor situation, i will refer
any person that is looking for loan to him,
he gave me happiness to me and my family, i
was in need of a loan of $250,000.00 to
start my life all over as i am a single
mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD
fearing man loan lender that help me with a
loan of $250,000.00 U.S. Dollar, he is a GOD
fearing man, if you are in need of loan and
you will pay back the loan please contact
him tell him that is Mrs. Monica Roland that
refer you to him. contact Mr. Anthony Hampton
via email: (easyfunds003@gmail.com)
Hello my name is Patsy,
ReplyDeleteI am a victim of the recession that they claim is over but I can't tell. When I lost my job in 2008 I managed to keep my head above water. Around 2010 still not being able to find a job, things started getting bad. In June of 2011 I took on taking care of my oldest granddaughter because of an unnecessary custody battle with a stranger (long story), I am still taking care of her. In 2012 I moved back to Florida in the hopes of finding a job but I didn't find one and I spent all of my money staying in a hotel and when it ran out I ended up in a shelter where I stayed for 9 1/2 months and was diagnosed with severe clinical depression and PTSD. I am still looking for a job and still can't find one. Not one close enough to work into picking up my granddaughter anyway; and I have no one to pick her up and watch her until I get home. I tried to get daycare and they told my that they don't have any daycare vouchers unless she is 5 or under. I have tried everything to try and get a car but I just can't afford it, I can't even afford furniture for my house we have a bed and that's all the furniture we have. I signed up for freecharitycars.org and I am still on the waiting list but it seem like it takes a long time, I see people who have been there for up to 4 years. I don't have a long list of friends, like I had when I had money; it's kind of hard. So if you read my story and can help and know anyone else that can help I would appreciate it, I am just looking for some help to get back on my feet. A car would help me do this, because I would have the transportation that I need to get to the jobs that am being offered and get back on time to pick up my granddaughter. So please help if you can, even if it's just $1.00 dollar every little bit counts. Thank you in advance.
Thank you,
Patsyann Wheeler.
See my campaign @ http://www.gofundme.com/WheelsforTheWheelerFamily
I have a friend who needs a car. He is on a limited income and has a wife who is paraplegic. He needs the car to transport her to her appts and outings.. Money gets low because of having to purshase medical supplies out of pocket. He has an old truck but can you imagine a 65 yr old man having to pick her up and get in the truck which is higher up than a reg car. He doesn't know I writting this but they need help, their prior car engine blew up...
ReplyDeleteDear Brother/Sister
ReplyDeleteIt is good to be inform than to be deformed, I'm Melinda Mcclauvsky the
chief Accountant of Amiga Cooperation, Spain. Last year our company
went down financially, so we needed a loan of 60, 000, 000 euro to
finance our production to be able to meet up with the stock market due
to our present predicament with the bank in Spain,we couldn't meet them for assistance because we are owing them a huge amount of money.
There was a friend of mine who took a loan from lee chang loan company plc, an online firms, so she directed me to them. I told my boss about them, so he decided to discuss it with the management first, after their conclusion, they concluded they should give it a try because they have no any option left.
So I was told to contact them and our application was approved and we got our loan that help us to get out of the mess we passed through the years and we cleared all our debts. One interesting thing about them is that they give 3,500 euro bonus at the end of they to any old customer who can refer 10 people to them. If you are here and in need of financial/loan assistance of any type contact the (CEO) Lee Chang on their email: leechangloancompany.ch@gmail.com
Please try and mention us to them so
that we can be able to get the yearly bonus at the end of the year.
Hello, I'm Landon, I give out loans to assist people, firms who need to update their financial status all over the world, with very Minimal annual Interest Rates as Low as 3% within 1-year to 10 years repayment duration period to any part of the world. Interested person should contact us via E-mail: landonhenry80@hotmail.com, or landonhenry80@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteMy name is allisha kerby and i am one of 4 in my family two adults and two children and we r in need of about 5000 dollars or so for many major needs around my home and even for us and our two lil girls.. a car would be awesome for us since we always have to use buses to get everywhere and its not easy. My fionce gets ssi and i get very lil from welfare and we r always out if money and can barely afford anything for our home like proper beds and seating and much more we need alot of help weather it be a decent car so we can get everywere or money donated to help us get all we need in our home for us all it would be appriciated if anyone can find it in there hearts to help us with the miney needed to completely pay off over due bills and even help us get everything needed in our home but most importantly be able to get whats needed for our girls plz help my email if u can help in any way u can email me at allisha333@gmail.com plz anybody can u help my get the money needed for us to better our home and family
ReplyDeleteI live in the US and i really have never seen goodness shown to me this
much in my life as i am a struggling mum with three kids and i have been going
through really rough times in my life and my name is Helen
Peters and in all this hard times, a worse incident occured in my life as i
lost my job which was my only means of survival and things became really bad as
i had bills to pay and my last son suffered a knee injury incurred when he fell
from a tree house and the doctors informed me that he needed a surgical
operation for his knee so he could walk again and at this point, life was
useless to me as i have no family and no one to run to and each night, i will
sit down and cry till the break of dun until one day, i read an advert on yahoo
answers of man that stated that he could help people in my shoes with loans and
in my desperate situation, i had no choice but i had to try and so shocking and
suprising, it was like an impossibility becoming a reality, i got a loan of
$75,000 USD even with my bad credit within 48 hours and my sons surgery was done
and thank GOD it was successful and now, i am okay and living in comfort with my
kids and i said to my self, i have never ever seen this kind of wonder in life
and i decided i will tell it to the whole wild world and i need every one to
thank GOD for Mr Patrick Harvey, the man GOD used to rescue me and my family
even when all hope had been lost and gone and i will say to every one, no matter
how dark and sinful the world is today, there are still GOD fearing and reliable
people on earth and if you are in my former situation or require a loan
legitimately, i will advice you contact this loan lender and you can reach him
via patrickharvey12@yahoo.com and i want you all to pray for this man for me.
ReplyDeleteI live in the US and i really have never seen goodness shown to me this
much in my life as i am a struggling mum with three kids and i have been going
through really rough times in my life and my name is Helen
Peters and in all this hard times, a worse incident occured in my life as i
lost my job which was my only means of survival and things became really bad as
i had bills to pay and my last son suffered a knee injury incurred when he fell
from a tree house and the doctors informed me that he needed a surgical
operation for his knee so he could walk again and at this point, life was
useless to me as i have no family and no one to run to and each night, i will
sit down and cry till the break of dun until one day, i read an advert on yahoo
answers of man that stated that he could help people in my shoes with loans and
in my desperate situation, i had no choice but i had to try and so shocking and
suprising, it was like an impossibility becoming a reality, i got a loan of
$75,000 USD even with my bad credit within 48 hours and my sons surgery was done
and thank GOD it was successful and now, i am okay and living in comfort with my
kids and i said to my self, i have never ever seen this kind of wonder in life
and i decided i will tell it to the whole wild world and i need every one to
thank GOD for Mr Patrick Harvey, the man GOD used to rescue me and my family
even when all hope had been lost and gone and i will say to every one, no matter
how dark and sinful the world is today, there are still GOD fearing and reliable
people on earth and if you are in my former situation or require a loan
legitimately, i will advice you contact this loan lender and you can reach him
via patrickharvey12@yahoo.com and i want you all to pray for this man for me.
Good Day !!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am Hwa Jurong, a Reputable, Legitimate & an accredited money
Lender. I loan money out to individuals in need of financial assistance.
Do you have a bad credit or are you in need of money to pay bills?
i want to use this medium to inform you that i render reliable beneficiary
assistance as I'll be glad to offer you a loan at 2% interest rate to
reliable individuals.
Services Rendered include:
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Please write back if interested.
Upon Response, you'll be mailed a Loan application form to fill. (No social
security and no credit check, 100% Guaranteed!) I Look forward permitting me to
be of service to you. You can contact me via e-mail: hwa_jurong@yahoo.com.sg
Yours Sincerely,
Hwa Jurong(MD).
ReplyDeleteI am disabled and having problems getting around. I had a work accident and have been unemployed for two years and have not received any workmen compansation. I have had various knee operations. I have degeneratvive disc disease, severe disc space loss at C2-C3-C3-C4-C4-C5-C5-C6-C6-C7. C6-C7 FORMINAL protrution with spinal stenosisand disc bulge. Disc space narrowing at T11-T12. Degenerative changes at L3-L4-L4-L5-L5-S1 And lumbar curvature straighting.Also to include felromyalgia, spasms, arthrities, kidney stone issues and more....
Hi, my name is Lobo from South Africa. Does anyone know somebody who can support me in studying? i always dreamed on having a degree, but now i see i am getting older (45) and no means to afford the expenses. is there an Samaritan who can make my dream come true? Regards
a need money so so much my scholarship fee some body help me my email next.day16@yahoo.com help me
ReplyDeleteHi Peeps, iam Phelia West a final year student of Medicine and Surgery Concordia University Montreal Canada. Please if you wanna be scam free just like the way i am now please do not hesitate to apply for a loan from the Queneeth Stark loan company , i have tested there services and its is so unique and so fast without any further benefit of doubt i am so convinced and quit guaranteed that this company is one of the very best loan company online because my loan was granted to me without any form of headache or heartaches as compared to all other fake loan companies that i contacted online before reaching them and you can reach them on this email that i used in obtaining my own loan {mrsqueenethstarkloanagency@admin.in.th} {mrsstarkloans@aol.com} also should you wanna contact me please here is my personal email {phaliawest@gmail.com}
ReplyDeleteI have 7 children and no transportation. Can someone please help?!
ReplyDeleteThis is an excellent post, very informative. I have seen how a vehicle can transform the lives of low income families and the information here will be very beneficial. I am really beginning to enjoy the contents of this site because there is an real genuine effort to help low income families with a free car. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteReally resourceful post. I'm a regular regular reader of marketwatch and love some of their content. I wish they would have more resources like this for low income families who need a car. I myself have lived rough and experienced financial hardship and programs like this really made a difference to my life. Keep these resourceful posts coming and the site will be great.