

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Wealthy People Giving Money Away in 2018 (With Contact Details)

If you're experiencing hardship then you could get online financial assistance from wealthy people who are giving away money in 2017. Rather than contacting wealthy people direct when you need cash now you should contact the charitable foundation funded by the rich millionaires and wealthy billionaires who help families and individuals in need. 

In this guide, I will share some of the best charitable foundation in the USA and give you a direct link to the nonprofit organization where you can apply for online financial assistance. Please feel free to leave a comment if you found this post helpful, you could also leave a comment asking philanthropists for money, make sure you leave your name, contact and reason for requesting the money.

Where Can I Find Wealthy Foundations?

One of the best places to find charitable foundations and nonprofit organizations is the Foundation Center, this site has thousands of nonprofit organizations that help people in need. You can search the site by grant-maker name, city, state or Zip code. I have included the top ten charitable foundations by asset size.

If you're really thinking about asking for online financial assistance then you must have a genuine hardship, a genuine legitimate hardship might include the help with education, help with medical bills, homelessness, disaster recovery, crisis, domestic abuse and financial despair. If you've tried public assistance through the government and had no help then you could turn to these wealthy people running these charitable foundations for money.

One of the best ways to get online financial assistance is to apply to each of these nonprofit organization and ask them for money. Visit the top ten US foundation and check to see if there are any programs that might help you with. If you cant find a program then send them a hardship email asking them for financial assistance online. 

If you need cash now you could send them a hardship letter or email. Make sure you explain what your present circumstances are and then make your request for money. Finish the hardship letter by explaining what a difference any donation would make and how it would be life changing for you.

Unfortunately, these requests for money could take time and they could even ask you for more information, you must remain patient and jump through their hoops and see the request through. Each time you apply you'll learn something new until you become perfect at applying for grants. Grants are also available if you need help with financial problems, or help paying-mortgage, financial help for self-employed or financial help for pensioners.

Top 100 Foundations in America

1. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 

2. Ford Foundation

3. J. Paul Getty Trust

4. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

5. The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation 

6. Lilly Endowment Inc.

7. W. K. Kellogg Foundation

8. The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

9. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

10. Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation   

For the next ten of the Top 100 Charitable Foundation in America check the link. I would urge you to bookmark this page and send it to people who might benefit from the information, if you're thinking of applying then please leave a comment below to share your experiences. If you want to leave a comment asking for financial assistance fee free as these guides are sometimes read by philanthropists who want to help. Make sure you leave your name, contact and details of your hardship.

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  1. If you're experiencing hardship please leave your name contact details and the reason you're requesting money.

    If you are a philanthropist or someone who wants to help please find a worthy cause here and contact the individual who needs help.

    1. Hello, my name is Nicole and I am a 27yr old single mother to be. I am recenly trying to evade a very abusive relationship as to get through my pregnancy. I will admit that he was my provider and I dont have much in savings. I am currently trying to go back to school but messed up my FA about 15yrs ago so I am having to pay for classes out of pocket. I am having a difficult time getting ready for the baby and securing a safe place to live with the money I have saved. I am in need of $3,500.00 to get above water on my own. I would appreciate any help that one may offer and I thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Have a very blessed day!

    2. my name is ernest mallory, i live in kansas. the reason i am here is because i am trying to go back to school and get a car, i have a minimum wage paying job and i barely make it just by paying my rent. i read alot of these posts and i figured it couldnt hurt in trying to ask for a little bit of help to assist me in getting from being stuck in one spot. if you can find it in your heart to help, please reply to my email: ernest.mallory@ymail.com or my contact number is 316 285 6231. thank you and have a blessed day.

    3. My name is Starr I'm 41 yrs old, I'm no one special, and have no where to turn for advice or help. My husband was arrested and removed from our home September 19 for assulting a family member by strangulation bexar county sapd case#15203136 He is still in custody and will remain till the outcome. I've got a protective order if he is released. He was head of household paid all the bills. I work part time as a housekeeper 8 dollars an hour and 12 hrs a wk paid every 2 wks. I'm still recovering after lung and thyroid cancer surgery, so finding employment was not a consideration I'm not familiar with San Antonio I don't know anyone and I have no family to ask for help. I have registered and applied to all victim's assistance programs, private and government, church's and agencies, they are no longer funded or pending funding. I pray that God will provide a Guardian Angel to help me servive this situation, I feel alone and scared, but I know I have to pull myself together for myself. I just need emergency and temporary assistance to give me the ability and the chance to keep a roof over my head and the time to find employment. I've fallen short of September's rent all bills paid 500, and October 21st rent which landlord filed eviction, my phone 40.33, food, clothing and shoes for interviews, gas, fix a tire 35.00 vehicle insurance 65.00 and do my best to keep my medical insurance (care link) 77.55 I have 90 day follow up appointments for the cancer and I should seek professional help to deal with what my husband has done to me and the struggle it's has caused. A domestic violence counselor said that it is my husband's intentions to leave me with nothing, so I'll struggle and need him back. I can't allow this abuse to continue, so I'm asking for your help. I'm grateful for any assistance you can offer, my time is running out and I'll be evicted please I pray help me stop it, so I don't become homeless too.


    4. My name is Britney Pantoja, I am a married woman and mother of 3. My husband is disabled and waiting on his disability case, and I my self struggle with mental disabilities. We recently moved be cause we couldn't pay rent. And now my utilities get shut off on Tuesday. ... I cannot afford to pay it, due to us having to use all our money to move. Im not sure where else to go....
      Please I need help.
      760 401 0327

    5. My name is Britney Pantoja, I am a married woman and mother of 3. My husband is disabled and waiting on his disability case, and I my self struggle with mental disabilities. We recently moved be cause we couldn't pay rent. And now my utilities get shut off on Tuesday. ... I cannot afford to pay it, due to us having to use all our money to move. Im not sure where else to go....
      Please I need help.
      760 401 0327

    6. My name is Britney, I am a mother of 3 in need of my utilities paid. I recently had to move and now im in a hole I fear I cant get of.
      Please help!
      And thanks im advance

    7. Hi, my name is Chrystyan. I am twenty years old and a second year biology student at Drury University. After loosing my mom last year, I live with a friend's family and I am responsible for paying my way school. After scholarships and taking out loans through the school, I am left with five thousand to pay a semester. I work two jobs on campus, but I am still struggling. If anyone can help please contact me at chrysscott3@gmail.com

    8. I don't know if you are getting my e-mails.
      I need help! Will you help me. I need to get me a Car and some furniture. I don't have any Furniture or a Washer or Dryer. I need some clothes and shoes that fit.
      Now my phone is missing up now. Will you please help me.
      Name: William Lee Brewer
      Phone #:(865)603-0493
      My Address:709 Hillview Lane
      Jefferson City
      Tennessee 37760
      Please help me!!

    9. Please help me. My Phone and internet go off March 31. I need to get another phone card and a Car. I have Doctor bills to pay and I need Furniture, Washer and Dryer. I need some clothes and shoes. I need $75,792.50 by March 30. Please help me.
      Name:William Brewer
      Address:709 Hillview Lane
      Jefferson City
      Tennessee 37760
      Phone:(865)603-0493 (This
      Phone will go off March
      31)My Gov.Phone # is:
      (865)255-9968 (I have
      120 min. On it)
      I need: $75,792.50
      Thank you and God Bless.
      A friend is taking me tomorrow to pay BINGO. I am going to try to win some Bathroom Paper and some household cleaner.

    10. I have asked and asked for help. I have no Car, No Furniture, No Washer or Dryer. I don't even have clothes that fit. Now tomorrow I won't even have a Phone. My Phone is where I get my internet. As of tomorrow I won't have anything. I wish only one person would of helped me. I guess asking for $75,782.50 was way to much.
      Name: William Brewer
      Address:709 Hillview Lane
      Jefferson City
      Tennessee 37760
      gmail.com (internet
      Ends tomorrow night)

    11. I am a veteran and am 60 years old. I have some health issues needing attention but I am delaying getting help as I am struggling to catch up paying for my husband's medical bills. My husband suffered a stroke and recovering and though I myself suffering chronic lower back pain and right hip pain, I take care of my husband,the house chores and outdoor chores and trying to get our finances in check. If someone out there that can bless us with 8,000.00 It would get us on our feet and then I could seek medical help to get better. I hope there is someone out there that can help! I need this blessing desperately! God Bless! You can contact me at
      Roxane & Tom Morris
      686 Laurelwood Dr. S.E.
      Warren, Ohio 44484
      Thank you!

    12. I'm asking for help so I can get my car straight with insurance and my tags to be inspected! I'm not working right now but has been on Indeed.com for pass three weeks now, and so far I've gotten 4 call for a interview! I'm trying my best to do things the right way cause I've already have pass which never wanna visit again because I became a change man! I've been going to a plasma center donating plasma twice a week and its enough to make it close to getting insurance and tags replace. Can you plz help with 600 dollar's I will be able to get a job and put my life back in place because Lords knows I'm tired of being tired! No is perfect, people deserve a second chance in life, I'm not happy about my pass but I'm glad I've became a change and humble man! So if by chance you can help me I really Thank You! If not be bless and God is with You! Shavis C. 3366955684 PayPal shaylow1973.sc@gmail.com

  2. My name is Rebecca Garner, I am 51 years of age,I had brain surgery for aneurysms I surpassed the surgery with only slight memory loss and a slight stutter, that was in 1996 in Las Vegas. In 2006 I suffered 2 heart attacks on the same day, I suffered another in 2008, and another in 2010. I was told by my cardiologist I have Arterial spasms caused by stress. I was diagnosed with RA, severe depression and Social Anxiety Disorder, Then there is my wonderful little boy.

    Daniel has had a very rough life going from family to family, sweet baby has ADHD,mildly mentally challenged, and dyslexia. He is a rough and tumble 10 year old with the childlike qualities of a 6 year old.

    My husband of seven years walked out on us in December, as he is not legally Daniels father it has been up to me to keep us going. We survive on SSI but out of my own stupidity the bank keeps one of the checks to cover overdrafts. When my husband left it was Christmas, bills were due and we needed groceries, so thinking I could manage I took out a payday loan, I did good the first month but then it turned into 4 payday loans and no way out. In the past 2 months I have been able to pay off one loan and pick up a few bounced checks.

    As suggested by friends, I have been to every state agency, but due to budget cuts there is no help I did get approved for food stamps, only 109.00 a month, not really enough to put much in our house, yet I'm grateful for just that. I go to food banks three times a month to supplement what we can get.

    Right now at this point I am in desperate need of 2242.00 to catch up our rent, utilities, put groceries in the house and get Daniels school clothes. Daniel goes to summer school and has hit a growing spurt. I am trying so hard to keep things going but am falling behind faster than I can keep up. I wouldn't ask for a new house, I love our rental, nor would I ask for a new car, my truck is perfect for us. I am only asking for a hand up to get out of this situation so I can regain control of our lives and perhaps be a little less stressed. I do appreciate any help possible, I will send receipts to anyone that asks. Thank you so much for reading my request.

    Rebecca Garner
    201 Sandra street
    Houma, Louisiana

  3. I don't usually do this, and don't really WANT to, but I'm struggling, so I'm going to ask for help. I'm running a fundraiser at www.fundourfosters.com to try and raise money to help me take care of my pets (rescued animals) while I work on finding a stable place to live and start over. See, my husband died earlier this spring, and the insurance was canceled on the house, which means I have nearly nothing left and no money to cover these losses. On top of that, our rescue vehicle (a van) blew up mere hours before the house caught fire. And in the same week, my grandmother died and my father was diagnosed with lung cancer, again. And last week, the transmission on my Jeep gave out. My psoriasis is flaring in a big way, causing me to live in pain, and mentally I'm in rough shape as well. There's more, but those are the big ones. I was wondering if you'd be willing to share the link with people, so that perhaps I can raise the money to get back on my feet, and have a safe place to live and find a new job (my job was caretaker for my husband, so it ended when his life did). Most desperate though, is that the boarding for August is due for my pets ($1150 for the dogs, and $515 for the cats), and I literally have NO way to pay. My bank account is empty, I have $6 in my pocket, and I've exhausted every resource I can. I've applied for over 100 jobs, but so far no luck. I'm applying for aid, but they don't cover pet expenses, and most won't do anything to help with the cars. Shelters, when they have space, don't take pets, so it's not like I can just keep them with me, and besides, they are in western NY, and I'm in South Dakota right now due to the Jeep breaking down. My animals include my Service Dog In Training GSD Koshka, my rescued girl Krissie the Beagle mix, senior kitties Tabitha and Patches, special needs kitty Gwen, plus 3 bonded kitties. I'd really appreciate it if you had any ideas, or other options that might be able to help me. Or maybe just spread the word to anybody else who might be able to help. Thank you for your time.
    Lorelei (loreleimichele[at]gmail[dot]com)

  4. Dear Sir or Madam ,

    My name is Eric J. Obmann and I'm writing to you, because my family is in dire straits.

    My wife,Wanda,(been married to her for 12 years), has so many medical problems,our Medicaid and my Disability Income
    can't ever catch up with her medications,bills,getting her a powerchair or specialized vehicle to get her around. We have
    two therapy pets for her and we keep sinking below poverty level. I applied for all the aid I could think of
    and all I got were people saying 'sorry' and a lot of bureaucracy.

    I tried several times to try to start a home business to bring in some income,but, to no avail.

    I don't know what to do anymore. It looks like good people do not want to help other good people nowadays.

    Can you please help us?

    Thank you for listening to me,

    Eric J. Obmann
    1800 West Erwin Street #247
    Tyler,Texas 75702-4903

  5. This is really hard for me to ask for any help from anyone because I have to much pride. I am 27 single, right now I am struggle to pay my rent and bills. There is not much help for single individuals who do not have kids. I have never had issues with paying my bills. I just graduated college. I had a internship and worked full time. I'm intern decided to hire me as a paid intern, so I went part time at full time. I took the chance because maybe I could get hired on, but come to find out, that they didn't get all there funding, so I lost the job. When I came part time I lost a 2 dollar pay cut and my benefits. I can barley get 28 hours a week there, since i'm part time. I have applied for a second job for over two months and had interviews, but nothing. I had money saved up for mergency, but I help my sister and her kids move out of the domestic abuse. I am and desperate need of help immediately, I am behind in rent and I am facing homeless. I have been taking care of myself, since I got out of foster care of my senior high school. I have always taken care of myself and never had to ask anyone for help. I feel helpless, that i'm just desperate for help and a shame because I feel like a failure. please someone, I'm at my last string. I'm not asking for much I just need $2500.00 or anything you can give me. If don't pay my rent within a week I will be homeless. Email danette790@gmail.com

  6. My name is Kristina Mitrovic, I live in a small town in Serbia called
    Jagodina, and I am 19 years old. I am reaching out to you in a moment of
    desperation, and I can see nothing that can get me and my family out
    of that, other than this.
    My father is 52 years old, and works in a factory for a monthly salary of around $350 (30.000 Serbian dinars). My mother is 47 years old and unemployed (but
    searching for a job every day for the last 2 years). My sister is 23 years old and in college. Our family is in a massive amount of ever-growing debt, without any indication that it will ever start to decrease. The financial situation in Serbia is
    terrible, with a lot of people unemployed or working for minimal wage,
    and the only hope of leading a normal life here is having a college
    degree. I have just entered a university to study programming, so I
    don't remain in the vicious circle that my family is trapped in.
    Nearly all of my father's salary goes to our flat lease. We owe more
    than $1300 (1000 euros) for heating and electricity. Since 2008, we've
    been living solely off of cash loans from banks and our friends, to
    whom we owe more than 5000 euros ($6600). We can't raise more loans
    from banks, because we're already paying off 5 of them (the biggest
    one is for the flat with just under $30.000 left, and three more cash
    loans, a 1000 euros each). We can't borrow money from our friends
    either, because we already owe to all of them.
    My parents are in an immensely difficult psychical condition, they
    can't see a way out of this situation, and I can already see the
    stress on their faces, eating them inside. And now it will be even
    harder for them because they have to support my studies too, because
    without a college degree there is no hope for a normal life here. I am
    very embarrassed to ask this, but I need financial help. The amount of 30.000 euros ($39.600) would definitely help us stand on our feet,
    reach a positive zero, and avoid the repo men from the heating and
    electricity companies coming to take all of our belongings. I know
    this is too much to ask, and honestly it seems impossible to me, but
    this is the last thing that I, with my 19 years of age, can try to do
    to save my family.
    Thank you very much if you took the time to read my story. If you even considered donating, but are unable to, I am still so grateful for your kind-heartedness. If you have donated, there are no words that can describe my gratefulness and I wish you and your family all the best things this world can offer. Thank you!


    My indiegogo campaign: http://igg.me/p/519042/x/4661690

  7. Hi, My brother was given a vision by God to create a program called "FreedommNOW", which is an initiative campaign that focuses on the prevention of using alcohol, bullying, crime, drugs, gangs, and guns. We chance our lives each day we are in the streets . We conduct seminars at schools, universities, churches, etc all over the United states of America. You can donate to help continue to provide public safety to our citizens. Go to http://www.Gofundme.com/freedommnow to DONATE. Thanks

  8. Hi my name perla , im 22 years old. Im a single mother of 4 kids. I live in KS. I dont have none of my family here to help me. In 18 hrs. Away from my mom and dad. :( I need help on getting money. So I can get my stuff and live. Please help me im goi g crazy here by my self. Please call me: 6202627994

  9. Hello, my name is Melinda and I am a mother of 6 children and 1 grand. I always had pride and have never ever asked anyone for anything because I am as mother believe in providing for my children but I'm setting my pride aside and asking, no begging for a little help this Christmas. As I write this I am in tears because for the first time in 22 years I am not able to have a Christmas for my children due to being wrongfully terminated from my former job at the Veterans Hospital here in Connecticut after 2 years of working, while being on medical leave for 2 job related back injuries to my back. Since then it has been very hard for me to get a job and can't even afford a Christmas tree. I'm not asking for any money what so ever or anything for myself just a little helping hand for my children. I've been living in Ct for the last 20 years and don't have any family here to help me out for they are all in chicago. We've only been out there once for my father's passing 7 years ago and it was for 4 days so we are here alone. If anyone anywhere could help even if it's with a Christmas card this family would really really appreciate it! Forgive me if I sound needy but right now I am... my children come first and are very respect, well mannered, and smart children. They're happiness, well being, and education is my first priority. We've had bad Christmases before but am very afraid they will be crying thus year. So again... If possible help and thank you all in advance just for ready this and not judging me! From my family to yours... HAVE A BLESSED HOLIDAY!

    Sincerely, me!

    My name is: Esmelinda Fontanez
    Phone is: 203-691-0980
    Email is: mykids4eva11@gmail.com

  10. Hi My name is Kisha Joseph Pereira I am a mother of six children and lives in the small island called Trinidad in the caribbean. I am currently not working due to a spinal injury i sustained when i was a child and I am in need of Spinal Therapy of which i cant afford, my kids and I are in need of help with our dental,food and even school fees. Current we have been given an eviction notice to move out of the apartment we lived in for the past three years because we cannot afford to make rent anymore. we have been on the streets before broke into abandoned houses to live out of desperation and a will to survive...now my kids and I are faced with repeating going back to be homeless and I dont want that to happen to us again I pray that someone would here our plight and really assist us .At this moment we have been given the opportunity to construct a home for me and my kids on a piece of gov't land but the problem is we have no money to buy the materials to build this home and if we dont do so in the next few weeks we can lose it...I ask please! please! anyone please help us...we have nothing no funiture nothing we need urgent help...please someone please help us! you can contact me 1-686-491=4912 or email me kjp35@hotmail.com please help us! Thanking you kindly.


  11. Friday December 6, 2013 – Rensselaer, IN. – Brad Wicks the owner of Jasper County Online News is revealing that he is suffering from a serious medical condition known as Degenerative Spinal Disk Disease. This disease is described as a continual loss of the spinal disks between the vertebras of the back.

    According to Brad’s doctors this disease has been going on in Brad’s spine for at least 6 years and has now reached a point of severity. His doctors went on to describe the complications that Brad now suffers, of the disease. They include all of his vertebras in his mid-back being worn down by a third of their normal height with the front of his vertebras being worn into a wedge shape. Brad also has sharp bone spurs called Osteophytes growing between his vertebras and into his spinal column, which are stabbing into the nerves of in his spinal column. Brad suffers with continuous pain along the mid and lower part of his back. Walking is difficult and painful, even sitting is difficult and painful. He also suffers pain in his hips that runs down to his knees. My pain is always there and prescription medication does not help.

    I (Brad Wicks) have done computer related and website work for a number of years. In recent months I have not been able to work. And I am now in a Catastrophic financial condition. And on December 20th , 5 days before Christmas, we will be evicted from where we are living for not paying the rent. We do not have any money to rent another place to live and we do not have any place to go. I have applied for Social Security Disability but it will take several more months for it to come through. I have placed a donation button at the bottom of this page if you would like to help us out. If we can get $500 or $600 we may be able to find a new place to rent, otherwise we may be going to live at a homeless shelter.

    Jasper County Online news will be here even if I may not be. Because the hosting account for the website is paid up for a year and the news on the site is generated by automated feeds. So the site will be up for at least until the end of next year, after that it is anyone’s guess. I wanted to thank all of our over 1350 Facebook fans, it has been so wonderful having so many friends in the Jasper County area.
    I also want to thank everyone who visits and enjoys our news website. I have had a wonderful time doing this.

    View original story on Jasper County Online News at http://jaspercountyinnews.com/

  12. My name is Dawn Silverio. I am trying to finish school. I have an AA and I am enrolled in University. I am almost 41, and my goal is to graduate before my oldest child goes off to college. I have three boys.

    I need help paying for school, both immediately and in the future. I have a paypal account set up and my email address is silverio22@hotmail.com.

    No donation is too small. Please help me if you can.

  13. My name is Steve Senti, I am 53 years old and I have a bad back, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other medical problems. I am currently getting my medical care from the OFS Sisters Community Free Clinic, and I take 5 different medications every day two times a day. I was living with my 89 year old WWII veteran father, in his house, paying the bills with his social security and pension money.

    I was caring for him in his home for the last 3 years, he needed 24/7 care because he had alzheimers and dementia. Until he got sick, then it got worse and worse and he passed away. I was devastated because he was my whole life, and now he is gone.

    I can not even type this up without crying, because it makes me think of him, and I am still having a hard time getting over his death. It hit me so hard it's been 7 months since he died and I have still not made it one day without crying thinking about him.

    I have been getting by (just barely) with a little money I had saved, a small life insurance policy he had of $1.000.

    I have a house payment, a cable/phone/internet bill, and a gas and light bill that adds up to about $800.00 a month. I am also driving my Fathers 13 year old Ford Ranger truck that needs a little work but it still drives good. So I need money for gas and truck insurance too.

    I have no family left except for a younger brother who is married, and that I rarely ever talk to because he works so much and he has his own life that does not involve me or his family, and a half brother my Father did not like, that I never talk to because he lives out of state. And they do not have any money to help me. I am alone in my Fathers house with no wife or kids or anyone, I just sit here thinking of my Father and wondering how I am going to pay the bills for the next 12 months.

    Most of the money I had is gone, and I need to raise some money to pay my bills for the next 12 months. I filed for SSI through a law firm called Myler Disability. SSI denied me in December of last year, and we filed an appeal for an ALJ hearing with a judge that should take 12 months, where most appeals are approved.

    Right now all I get is food stamps and free health care from the OSF Sisters Community Clinic. I have no income and I have to find a way to pay the bills until December while I wait to find out about my appeal.

    I was hoping someone could donate some money to me that would help me pay my bills until December.

    So please help me and make a donation, here is my paypal email:


    If I do not raise some money by March I will be broke and most likely homeless soon after that. If you want to contact me to get more information about me and my situation you sure can, any time.



  14. I need help with getting stable for my son and myself I have a 5 yr old boy and am currently staying with a friend I can't stay much longer the shelters are full and I get very little money for income my dad recently died and I was the only one who would be there for him that took up my little income I need a place to call home for us I haven't seen my biological mom since 4th grade I was in and out of foster care for most of my life and have no family to help or rich friends to loan me enough to get back on my feet I have scoliosis in my back so I have limitations to what kind of work I can do I am going through a lawyer for ssc but it's not happening so far please help me and my son I just need a break to get up and stay up

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    1. Is this real and do u have a do u have to pay any money out to beable to receive the loan plz could u contacr me 1985lover.lover@gmail.com

    2. Is this real and do u have a do u have to pay any money out to beable to receive the loan plz could u contacr me 1985lover.lover@gmail.com

  16. Trying find financial hardship grant. My name is Sandra Dean I am 53 and in the process of disability which could take another 12-15 months. I have no income at all. Receive food stamps and some free health care through The Family Health clinic here in Columbia ,mo. My daughter lives with me and my 3 grandchildren, she is divorcing her husband whom does not help her with the children, money or other wise. We are rent to owning our trailer and now are $4000 behind and not sure how much longer the owner will tolerate this. We received utility assistance for the past 2 months and now the money is exhausted. I have mounting medical and medication bills. And cannot afford insurances for car, home or medical. The health insurance wont cover me or they want an ungodly amount of premiums with a $10,000 deductible. I have been out of work a year now. I have several health problems polyarthritis, fibromyalgia, polymyalgia. with several falls causing me to fracture bones in the past 7 months. A wrist fracture and now my thumb is fractured. I am unable to bend, stoop or lift. Diagnosed when I was 25 with high blood pressure which now I am in renal insufficiency from. I had been a IVC-LPN for the past 24 years and was terminated 01-03-2013 for being unable to preform the physical duties anymore. No one will hire me do to these problems. My daughter works for Taco Bell and looking for better employment and to go back to school. I still owe $160 on my vehicle which should have been paid off last July 2013. We need help until I start receiving disability payments. We have no living room furniture because we could afford the payments anymore. Our trailer needs multiple repairs. Have a roof leak in my daughter's bedroom, both bathroom toilets need replacing. The sink in kitchen and one bathroom need repair. We sleep in the living room because our furnace quit working in November 2013. The kitchen is connected to the living so we leave the oven on at all times for heat. The oven is old and not sure how long it will last. The shower in my daughter's room is unusable due to the drain has become rotted and disconnected under the trailer. I am waiting for Medicaid coverage which could take another 4-6 months. I have researched multiple grant programs but, nothing for some one in our position. I have tried the US Government with no luck. There is just nothing out there. I am so concerned we could end up homeless with no money to get another home or rent. My daughter only makes about $1000 monthly. I am at my wits end. Could any one help us? My family has exhausted there help to me and I feeling like the biggest burden. I have always worked, sine the age of 16 and have never faced anything to this magnitude. Thank you for your time. Sandra Dean 4001 s. ponderosa St. lot 99 Columbia, Mo 65201 Phone 573-818-8185 my daughter's phone, I can't afford one. e-mail at dean.sandy3@hotmail.com

  17. Hi there my name is Zarina Abdulla (aka Jenny Abdulla) I am writing to request if you could please please help me as I am in desperate financial need to help me get my children back with me and give them stabilty. I am now financially handicapped and on state benefits for mental disorder. I have a daughter who is 20 and a son who is ten. I beg and plea for your assistance. I was a single parent with 1 daughter I met a guy that I fell head over heels for in love, however little did I know that this man would be the cause of a future disaster and humiliation. in nov 2001 he told me his brother was getting married in the weekend and lo and behold on Monday morning he told me he got married over the weekend. I was devasted 7 weeks later he contacted me told me he gt divorced Our so called relationship started off again. 2002 I fell pregnant by this man he said when his parents come back from Saudi Arabia we would get married. He was then kidnapped and I found out that he was a drug dealer and so was his family, convicted. When his mum and dad came back he told his mum but she refused to accept me.t He then promised me he would marry me I he arranged a wedding people were invited, he then decided not to go ahead and cancelled the wedding giving me mental abuse He then arranged another wedding date I was 6 months pregnant and AGAIN on the wedding day this time with guests at home he didn’t turn up. He then sent 1000.00 pounds with a friend of his telling me to have an abortion at 6.5 months pregnant, I couldn’t do it I had a breakdown cos of the humiliation, I was sectioned to a mental hospital for 3 weeks, my daughter was going though emotional distress as well she was only ten.. during the pregnancy I suffered so much abuse from his mum and him and at 8 months pregnant I had a placenta ruptyre. It was awful even thinking about it now its horrid My family disowned me and On 22nd july his mum accepted my son but not me. After 3 months I went back to work. theIn april 2004 he married me exactly 4 weeks later he divorced me (Moslem Divorce). I met the Organiser for Miss England who complimented me on a dress I had designed she gave me her business card saying if I ever opened a business she would love me to sponsor Miss Englands wardrobe she inspired me to open a busines feb 2006 I remortgaged took 40,000 equity from my house and I opened a business called Seduze. With the help of Angie Beasley Miss England chairwoman I became known and established, my designs were exclusive and I was the talk of the town. I was featured in ok magazine, I was nominated business woman of th]he year finalist 2007 and have a utube video called seduze fashion 2008. Due to my popularity my son father was extremely jealous But his devious plan was to ruin me and take my son In 2008 whilst I was in dubai he had emptied my whole shop and I was financially ruined fraud had been done in my shop n my terminal I then lost my property to the banks in 2009. he continuously phoned social services on me trying and constantly sent police to my house and child investigators false accusations against me in 2012 he married my brothers daughter, my niece divorced hm in 4 months For 11 consecutive years now I was beaten rediculed I gave him custody last year in march.I have had chrones disease due to stress since then and have not been able to work or concentrate for the past year. Me and my kids have been torn apart Stable 3 bedroom home purchase – 120k to 160kBusiness grant help – To restart my business – Assistance towards car - 3000.00I have a car that cost 600.00 but I now do not have eoughh money to tax or insure I really really need your help, please help me. Please..Jenny abdulla tel 00447455803340 email zarinaabdulla02@gmail.com

  18. Hi and good day

    I really do hope you can spare just a minute to read this letter I would be very grateful my name is Richard and I am 27 soon to be 28 I have worked all my life right from school I also was in the Royal Navy for 2 years but had to leave due to medical reasons I then came home and finally got back into work after a bit of adjustment and getting used to sleeping without my bed rocking side to side lol I continued to work right up until now I always try to better myself in life of course I would like to be rich and have a great lifestyle etc but I have just always focused on working hard so I can do my best to provide for my family and have a good life which I have and still do the problem I have is that 5 years ago I was made redundant from my job my life was turned upside down at this point I could not pay all my bills and some of the things I had worked so hard for I had to sell to keep afloat so after 3 months of looking for a job daily I finally got a job as a support worker/carer which I enjoyed as I was back in work and able to help others I then jot a bob working at the NHS as screener all was slowly getting better but then after 6 months in this job I was then made redundant for a second time I had all the same problems as before and it was even harder this time as I found it hard to stay strong as I felt I just kept going backwards I am now back at work and trying to catch up with everything which is going ok but the problem I have now is I want nothing more but to own my home the problem is because I had missed bills my credit rating is now bad and I am not able to pass for a mortgage even If I had a deposit even If I can keep my credit perfect for 6 years I will then be a lot older so to get a mortgage will be so much harder as it will be for a shorter time and I won’t be able to afford the re payments and this makes me feel so frustrated and sad I feel like I try and try but just don’t seem to be getting anywhere in this time I have also had to move 4 times due to been in rented accommodation which can be quite stressful I just want a home to own it does not have to be a palace just mine I feel so down having to do this but I feel I have no option I really hope you could find a way of helping me I’m looking to raise money so I can buy a cheap house I will be trying to make some money myself but this will only be about 100 a month and could take a long time so save so if you could find it in your heart to help me I would be forever great full or if you have anything you don’t use or want any more like if you have a clear out at home or in the office and would not mind sending me so I could sell to raise the money that would be fantastic if you email me I will send you my address thank you so much for reading my letter I just hope you can help good health and I hope more than you know that you can help please thank you 
    Or please donate to help me

  19. I am not sure exactly where to start with this. I am in desperate need of a change in my life before something happens. The financial situation has been taking a lot out of me and my marriage. I work part-time. And, where I am currently live at, that is all that is available. My wife and step-daughter don't work. All of my pay goes to the bills to where I can't afford health insurance. At home, I feel like I am a slave more than I do a person. When I express how I feel, it turns into a fight every time. I need to leave everything and focus on me. I have already started to work towards a passport to the UK. There is someone who is wanting to help me over there. But, I am not able to get the funding to get there. I still to finish my passport, get my ticket, have money for a place, and a little extra to be able to live with until I get a job. I figure about $3000 will be enough. Every day, I am crying because of how miserable I am and no one seems to care. I am about to lose everything mentally.

  20. Hello,
    Well I'm about a month away from graduating university with a BSc in nanoscience...yes nanoscience and looking to continue my education. I would like to pursue a masters degree in material sciences and biological engineering but the looming debt incurred from my undergrad is a constant barrier to future education. My initial plan was to take a year off, work and go back to school but I have heard from many fellow students who say coming back to school after a year off can be challenging. As it stands, I would really like to continue my studies in the fall. If any one would like to make an investment in my academic journey I would greatly appreciate it and hopefully be in a position some day to pay it forward. Investments can fall and investments can soar so wouldn't it be wise to invest in something that will benefit society, that is a promising future? Thank you for your time! :)

  21. Disabled Vietnam Vet, and Granny needing handicap accessible work done to their home

    I have 2 fund websites going currently, but its not going so well:
    Give forward: http://gfwd.at/1ixyF3I
    Go Fund Me: http://www.gofundme.com/8pt37c


    My name is Shaunna Popeko. I have 2 disabled parents in their early to mid sixties.
    My father is a Vietnam vet who was injured in a car accident while driving semi trucks, someone pulled out in front of him and his back was broken. He also suffers from COPD, Heart Disease, Diabetes, and injuries from when he was shot in the war. He is currently bed ridden. He is able to get up and walk to the bathroom but he is on oxygen so the walk can be hard for him as he loses his breath and a lot of time actually falls asleep while using the bathroom due to lack of oxygen. He is very forgetful and often doesn’t remember to even take his medications. When he is awake and aware, there are the moments of the father I knew as a teenager who loves to watch television, repair shows, diy shows, and loves to play music. He loves having company over to just sit and talk with.
    My mother is a Multiple Sclerosis survivor, years after being blessed with remission she was injured at work when a patient fell on her during transport. She has permanent spinal damage, degenerative disc disease and relies on her wheelchair for 95% of her mobility. She is able to get up and walk for a moment, but she doesn’t have good use of her legs and they are incredibly infected.
    My mother and father do have nurses that come to the house and administer medicine and such, but my mother is the main care giver of both of them. On her stove she can only use one of the corner burners because she cant stand up. She can hardly take a bath because their bathroom isn’t handicap accessible. My mother has a motorized wheel chair that she uses and her house has been severely damaged. The walls have dents in them, the doors have been knocked off the hinges, her furniture has been ruined.
    It has been very hard watching the house that my parents fight so hard to get and fix fall apart because they aren’t capable of getting it handicap accessible. I have been emailing news stations, signing up for fundraiser websites, I’m even going to start selling candy bars at work to get the money to help them. I would love for nothing more than my parents to have a good healthy quality of life in their home.


    My name is Alice Kamau,Am a kenyan woman and I came to dubai in december 2013.I
    had a one month visa and after one month i wanted to extend because i
    wanted to still look for work,i send money to the agency who did my visa
    for extension which he never extended but told me he did,after the one
    month extension i went to the airport so that i can go back to my country
    but i could not be let out because they told me i have overstayed by one
    month,i was shocked and i called the agency who insisted they extended and
    told me they will sort hings out,it has been over four months now and they
    dont pick my calls now.I can not afford to pay the overstay money because
    it is too much now and even my for food is running out,I desperately
    looking for help to so that i can be able to go back to my country.Please
    if you can be able to help me get money to pay the overstay penalty and get
    back to my country ,i will appreciate so much,my family cannot be able to
    raise the amount as i had come here to look for work with all the money we
    could manage to raise.my email address is allymac67@gmail.com

  23. My name is Brian, I actually am having a tough time finding a new job where I'm at, I am a single dad with two wonderful kids. I am asking for help with money to get back on my feet for the sake of my kids. I recently have had to move kids and me with my mom because paying rent bills and babysitter is too expensive for me to afford by myself. I would like to have the money to finish my schooling and or get back to head to be able to have the money to do stuff for the kids again, but as well as me struggling my mom is struggling to so me being there with the kids has made things just so much harder for her. I do not have a set amount on how much I would like for someone to donate. the way I see it is anything to help would be a blessing in this situation. my contact information is briandills03150918@gmail.com I currently do not have a phone to be able to be reached on because of lack of money due to bills but as we all know they come first. please feel free to email me anytime with information on anyone who could possibly help thank you an god bless yall for taking the time to care for the struggling individuals today

  24. I am Marycel Ocon, 40 years old, married and have one kid. I am a teacher here in the Philippines with a salary of 18,000 pesos or 450 dollars per month. But I have a big problem I am broke financially. I have a bank loan amounting to 500,000 pesos or 10,000 dollars. I don't know where to get money to pay my debts. Please help me pay my debts, if ever I will be free with this debts I am the happiest. Please help me. You can contact me with this email.. marycelocon@gmail.com
    I hope to receive favorable response from you and thank you everyone for helping me..

    Marycel Ocon

  25. I want a million dollars.
    Why? I´m bored with life, but if everyone makes a donation i overtake my dream.
    Sincerely, i need this money to live in peace, travel the world, smoke some weed, enjoy food, go to festivals and making music.
    If you´re feeling generous, you want to make a gift,
    if you have a plenty of money
    or just make someone happy....I´m your man.
    If i get the money I create an account where I will upload everything I do
    you can donate me here

  26. Hi, I'm from Guatemala. I need help because two years ago my father lost his job and I had to take care of all the expenses of the house, in order to succeed I had to use my credit cards and now I have to pay many interests and no longer reaches me. I am very desperate me my salary is not enough to make these payments. Be very grateful if someone can help me, I have two children and with this difficult situation we are living with my family and children hardly reaches me not to buy what my children need. If anyone can support I need $ .25.000.00 please. Grateful for the help you can give me. My email is sofiaandre.marro@yahoo.com. Greetings!

  27. I need help and some guidance to help me as I try and rebuild my life after my wreck. I was in a near fatal car accident the morning of April 14, 2014. I was on my way home from work. It then made impact with a culvert. Upon impact, I was partially ejected out of my windshield. Then my car started flip end over end. I was first airlifted to the first hospital to see if I would survive. Once I was stable they airlifted me to the second hospital. My injuries from the wreck included a broken jaw, several broken teeth, L2 vertebral fracture, T12 burst fracture, cut on top of my head and severe blood loss. Buy by the grace of God, I would be dead today. I had back surgery to repair my back. This involved bone fusion and bone meshing with cadaver bones. They then place two titanium rods on either side of my spine. These rods run the entire length of my back. The doctors said that I would never walk again, I would be bed ridden in a nursing home for the rest of my life. On the day I was released from the hospital, I not only walked out (with a little help). I also went home and not to a nursing home. Although I am now disabled and have to limit myself on things I am able to do. It could be a lot worse. God is good!! I currently do receive a Social Security Disability check each month. I desperately need help in obtaining housing for me and my 18 year old son. I lost my home and everything I owned after my wreck. I had to fight for my disability. My son and I are currently homeless. We just stay from place to place. We have recently moved to Coldspring, Texas. I am trying to get closer to Orange TX. I have family there. Oprah, I have a lot to be thankful for. God has kept his hand on me. He has spared my life in a wreck that should have claimed it. First, I want to THANK YOU for taking the time to read my story. I would like to say THANK YOU for any direction you can point me in that will help me get to a place where my life makes sense again. Where I do not feel so scared and so alone. Last but not the least, I would like to say THANK YOU in advance for any and all help you can provide. God Bless You! Respectfully Submitted, Laura Stark-Smith
    5 Valley Drive
    Coldspring TX 77331

    (PayPal me link)

  28. To whom it may concern,
    Hi, my name is Waheed Alli O. and I am a 16-year-old kid from Newark, NJ. Before I start I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this. It truly means a lot to me.
    My story begins as a young, happy child with no problems, or worries thinking the world is a delightful, good place. Little did that child know that this world is made of hardships and struggle. As he grew up he learned to be grateful to the most loved people in his life, his parents. They managed to raise him in this harsh world and make sacrifices that got him through and because of that I’m here. I used to look up to my parents and think they were invincible, but eventually life’s problems catch up with us all. Unfortunately, mines came at a much earlier stage. At this crucial age I should be worrying about better things that will shape my future, but it’s hard to focus on the things that matter the most when life is a constant struggle. All you can do is worry about making it through the day. As an African American young man living in the midst of a city full of crime, life tends to get hard for me and everyone else. People live in despair and the weak turn to bad things such as drugs for comfort and support. Some of us even live in poverty. Little illogical things like this has corrupted our system and took a toll on us all. My family, community, and I have been affected too. For the past year life sucked and as each day pasts it seems to get worst. My parents always seem to be mad at me for their hardships when I have my own and it’s tearing us apart. My younger brothers look up to me but I feel like I don’t have anything to offer them. I guess that’s how my parents feel. And my community is a living hell. All these issues, worries, and hardships have become a burden and I grow tired of them. Life is meant to be a beautiful, prosperous thing so I intend to fix mines and the lives of the people around me. It’s time for me to move forward and bring about change because if I don’t who will? But I need your help to make this a reality. I’d rather be the giving hand, but in this case I’m the one in need. I would appreciate it if you would please help me. Okay, so my vision is if I can start a successful business the profits I make could help me, my family, society, and people in need. My idea of a business would be a food truck. With a food truck I can make a good amount of money that can help people and feed the hungry. I would be pretty much killing two birds with one stone. So I am requesting a sum of money that would help me start a good food truck and a chance to make a defining difference. I am asking for a chance to start over and be a better man with a bright, fulfilling future. So I don’t turn into a drug consumed monster regretting what he did in life. I sincerely beg of you to help me through this rough time because I need you. If you can’t well… I appreciate it and thank you for your time and I hope you live a good life. If you are interested, please contact me at:
    Email: ibnalli2000@gmail.com
    Phone: 973-666-3217
    I understand that you don’t know me, but I assure you I’m a good kid. At least that’s what my mom says. But I would like to be a better person with your help.
    A kid in need

  29. Hi good morning my name is Shamira Hollis and I was wondering do you all help families in need I have a nine year old son and I have lost my job its been so hard I don't have the money to even pay my bills my home is in debt I have gas light water and rent with that trying to take care of my son its so hard sometimes I get so depressed I ask Jesus why does he have me here when I can't even provide for me and my child its always something the holidays are coming and I can't even get my son thanksgiving or Christmas or any thing he doesn't know that I can't afford anything Right now I have a three bedroom home that I help build with habitat for humanity I don't want to loose my home because its all I have to leave for my son it hurts I'm just reaching out seeing if you all could help some how its been rough I have faith in the lord but its hard and I'm just at my wits end I'm 33 years old and again my son is 9 years old he's such a good boy I'm trying for him thank you in advance if you can if you all can't help just please can you direct me to someone that can I think my home is like 4,000 in debt I have been making payments the best way I can 770-771-4905 shamira Hollis Shamiraahollis@gmail.com

  30. Hello ,
    Am Mrs Cynthia corvin . Am a lady with a great testimony I live in USA and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of $360,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a mother with 2 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of $360,000.0.Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs cynthia corvin, that refer you to him. contact Mr.Ferooz,via email:- feroozsuptoo@outlook.com

  31. First of all, thank you for even reading my email. I got this information off of Millionaires Giving Money website, I hope this information is accurate, but if not I am truly sorry for disturbing you. My name is Andre, I am 51yrs old, and I have gotten myself in some serious debt. I can’t blame anybody but myself. I got all these credit cards and store cards and just spent unwisely. Before I know it I had max out all my cards. I have a job and pay my bills on time, but by the time I pay my mortgage, car note, car insurance, credit cards, utilities, and get groceries, the rest I have left over, I use for gas and to help out my mother. I make at least the minimum payment on credit cards so it won’t affect my credit. I tried to get a loan but I have so many credit cards with revolving accounts nobody will give me a loan. The ones that did say yes the APR was between 23-27%. The interest earned on credit cards is what’s killing me. My family (Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister) etc., are in no position to help. I understand that you receive many letters, like this one, requesting for financial support, and I honestly understand if you are not able to assist at this point in time. But if you did it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and patience. You can contact me at aadams1810@gmail.com. Have a blessed Day.

  32. Hello, My name is Diana Stuart I am a 54 year old female, I'm very dependent person I try to help others when I can but at my present state that has become limited is there anyone out there that can help me fix my vehicle or give me a newer one, I use my current vehicle to take my mom to the doctor, the store, and any other place she may need it is in rough shape and I don't have the funds to fix it or get a newer one. I don't care what it looks like within reason as longs as the motor is sound or has no other mechanical issues. It would be greatly appreciated if anyone could help. Thank you, Diana Stuart Portland Tn. 37148 dstboxerz@yahoo.com

  33. FOR YOUR REQUIRED QUICK AFFORDABLE LOAN, EMAIL dawsonlewisloancompany@yahoo.com

    Hello, I am Sandra Alice currently living in New jersey city, USA. I am a widow at the moment with two kids and i was stuck in a financial situation in June 2015 and i needed to refinance and pay my bills. I tried seeking loans from various loan firms both private and corporate but never with success, and most banks declined my credit. But as God would have it, I was introduced to a Man of God a private loan lender who gave me a loan of $105,000USD and today am a business owner and my kids are doing well at the moment, if you must contact any firm with reference to securing a loan without collateral , no credit check, no co signer with just 2% interest rate and better repayment plans and schedule, please contact Dawson lewis He doesn’t know that am doing this but am so happy now and i decided to let people know more about him and also i want God to bless him more.You can contact him through his email: (dawsonlewisloancompany@yahoo.com) Or TEL:+14105016847


  34. hi im jennifer
    i am 24 years old i just recently left out of a bad realationship it was abusive i have a 3 in a half month old baby .
    im living with my parents right now . i would like to see if you could mabey give us some money .
    my parents are in debt and really need help paying off loans and i really need to get stuff for my baby . i left with a diaper bag of stuff and a suit case for me and my baby i only have 3 pairs of pants and 2 shirts that i left with i really need to get me and my baby stuff . and my parents could really use the help to pay off debts that they have can you please help us out . we could use about 45,000 - 70,000 what ever you can help us with that would be really nice please help us thank you . please email me at jenalbertshumatelove16@gmail.com
    my adress is po box 701 coldwater mi 49036

  35. Hi,

    Here's the link to the file:


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    After explain the whole story, I wasn't able to publish due to the length. So, instead of feeling like I wasted my time we're trying to figure out which parts of my story or more important than the others, I cut and pasted it into a Word document and created a link instead.

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