

Wednesday 4 January 2017

I Need Help With Free Food, Free Car and Rent During Christmas 2017

A While back I wrote a series of blog posts trying to help people get free food, free car and assistance for rent. These posts became incredibly popular which is why I thought I would re-introduce them in time for Christmas. If anyone does need assistance during the festive period please check out these blog posts to see if they can help. 

Christmas should be a joyous time, experiencing hardship during Christmas is something I wouldn't wish on my enemies. A lot of people choose not to ask for help and consequently go through the holidays experiencing misery. If you're reluctant to ask for help I would urge you to rethink your reasons for refusing help. If you're on a low income or have a large needy family you need to take advantage of all the incentives and help that's out there. Swallow your pride and ask for help.

If you've found these blog posts helpful please shoot an email over or leave a comment, if you know anyone who might benefit from these posts please share it with them. If there are any more suggestions or Christmas programs I've missed please leave a comment below. Merry Christmas.

1. I Need Help Buying Food I'm Desperate

2. Free Cars for Low Income Families

3. I Cant Pay My Rent This Month What Can I Do?

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  1. I need help with $$$. Am willing to sell one of my kidney. Proceeds are to help others who needs help like me..

  2. i need help with money behind on house payment due to my children being sick husband passing kideny stones not able to nuy christmas for kids my son will not be able to go to the washington trip with his school class i have made my self worry to it make me sick its christmas i might up being homeless due to this i am 3 months behind it will take 1500.00 to catch up i would be so appreciate it for your help thanks you can contact me at rubylc33@aol.com

  3. I am embraced to ask for anything.but its Christmas time and I am a single mother with a minimum income job. I have four children though only two are under 18 one is married and the other is attending baltate where I pay 260 a month to keep her in school.I would be very greatful for any help in my to of need. At this point ( December the 11th) I'm not even sure what's on the menu for Christ's day. Thank you for reading my story and god bless you and yours this holiday season

  4. Hello!
    My name is May. I am from the Latvian. I tried constantly to live in Spain for 3 years. But the ending of the return of Latvian. Because of the economic situation in Spain. I met a guy from America. We want to live together. I ask for your financial assistance in the case. My teeth are in critical condition, I want to fix it. I want to join some American studies at the University. I want the New Year to expect in America. Is it possible to get your help? My country does not help, because 3 years have not lived in Latvian. I am looking for support. I am please give me a chance to get a loan. From the heart please.

    My telephone number. : +371 25227008
    Home address: "Ozoli" Rubene, Kocenu novads, Valmiera rajons. Latvia, Lv-4227
    Skype: liepina7 (Maiya)
    E-mail address: liepinna.maija@gmail.com

    I sent you a letter, but I have not received a response.
    Thenk you!
    Merry Christmas!
    Maija Liepina

  5. Hi, my name is Jimmie i posted on here that me and my son are getting kicked out of our house two days after Christmas. I lost my job, i have a new one. But i got behind on bills. I just need two thousand to get caught up. I really can't stand the thought of being homeless. Ican give u my land lords number and proof of bills. Please can some one be my angel. I need one. U can email Me at george_jimmie68@yahoo.com.. thanks.

  6. I just need food, not money or gifts, just food

  7. I'm in need of money for christmas this will be the third christmas my family will go with out gifts,it been hard finding a job an i've fail down on my luck an it seems like theirs no wayout,i'm behind on all my bills,sometimes I just fell like killin myself,it's hard wen u just don't have no one at all,so if anyone see or get in time for Christmas please pleaspe help me an my three children,im so in tears as I right this,i've never did this be for,it's so hurtful you can reach me my email is ;stacy.wash@yahoo.com an thanks

  8. i need help with money for this christmas i jus started a green card process and right now i hav no money i still have over 3000 dollars to come up with to finish . my rent isnt paid not enough food, dont hav clothes because there to small, i dont have a job , my husband job isnt a high paying job and we have alot of things we want to do. build a beautiful home and have a lovely car. and we dont have enogh money to do any of those things when we try to save it finishes because there is always somethin to pay for . please i need help , also we want a baby but its to hard on us to have a baby so we hav to stay without a baby . i could be reached at sexy-beauty-14@hotmail.com or ghettopimpwifey17@hotmail.com

  9. When I saw everyone else on here asking for help I felt so bad for them that I stopped feeling bad for myself.. I have been feeling so alone and lost in my mess that I had no thought that anyone could be going through the same as me. I now see that there is so many of us in the same boat. I lost my job four days before Thanksgiving, I was a cook for a hotel. I hurt my back at home could not go to the doctor because my ins at work had not kicked in yet, only had two weeks to go. I was laid up for about a week. I was still in a lot of pain but needed to get back to work, no matter the pain. Well they were not having that. They Said I have to be able to pick up my 40 pounds. Well I did sign the paper work saying I could, when I first started there it was in my paper work. I can not even pick up 20 pounds right now as it is. I broke my back 13 years ago fell about three stories. But after a year of hell I got back upon my feet, but the back will always be a pain in my life. Well so much for that job. I have gone out and been online every day trying to find a job. I am use to waitress work in nice places but noting so far. I even went to subway, hamburger places and still nothing yet, I would love to work in anyone of these places I am so not a picky person. I applied for food stamps and they said yes I can get it. Well that was three weeks ago and still no card in the mail. I applied for a free phone that was also three weeks ago. I hated to do it but one has to eat and I had to get a phone because of jobs and I knew mine would be cut off. Well that happened today. I am thinking my cable and online will go next. Had to spend $75 of my jan- 1st rent to buy food for a month. I do not think I will ever eat beans, eggs, and rice again once I get back to my life, I mean I would, but after eating it for almost a month I would rather not for awhile. I am single 53 and alone so xmas really was pretty sad for me. All my kids are over seas right now, so the last thing they needed was a messed up xmas knowing mom was going through this, you know. I even emailed a church today asking them to pray for me because maybe just me doing it alone was not enough. But we are all so many so I am going to add all of you out there in my prayers, and I am going to pray really loud!!!!! And if you do not hear back from me on here it's because of getting cut off line. If anyone can help me I would be so grateful and will pay it forward once I am on my feet. Thank you Susie McGee in SA. TX. Email susieq78240@yahoo.com And this is my 80 year old mothers # 210-695-3767. We are not close but I think she would take the call as long as she does not have to help. Sad but true. Good luck everyone and God bless us all..........

  10. Hello Everybody,
    My name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of S$250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of S$250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius,via email:(urgentloan22@gmail.com) Thank you.


    1. Name Of Applicant in Full:……..
    2. Telephone Numbers:……….
    3. Address and Location:…….
    4. Amount in request………..
    5. Repayment Period:………..
    6. Purpose Of Loan………….
    7. country…………………
    8. phone…………………..
    9. occupation………………
    11.Monthly Income…………..

    Email Kindly Contact: urgentloan22@gmail.com


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