The Millionaires Giving Money blog receives emails
everyday asking the following question - How do I contact Warren Buffett. Buffett the Billionaire philanthropist
who has been under the Forbes radar for 4 decades has pledged to give almost
all of his wealth to help people in need. Most of the money will go to the Bill
& Melinda Gates Foundation to be distributed to worthy causes. Warren Buffett’s
contact details are very sought after because he is one generous rich billionaire. The
billionaire has always given vast amounts of money to help people in need.
In this post I will be sharing some ideas on how to
contact Warren Buffett directly. Most of these ideas on contacting Warren
Buffett are already being used today. Most people who do manage to get in touch
with the billionaire are often giving advice, mentorship and even financial
assistance on some occasions. So without further ado here are all the Warren
Buffett contact info’s I could find on the internet.
1: Warren Buffett Contact through Berkshire Hathaway Companies
Berkshire Hathaway Companies is an investment company Warren
Buffett uses to buy and sell its shares. Berkshire Hathaway was originally a
loss making textiles factory until Warren Buffett bought the controlling share
and turned the company around. You can contact Warren Buffett's email address
through Berkshire Hathaway using the following emails and address.
Warren Buffett Contact Details
3555 Farnam Street
Suite 1440
Omaha, NE 68131
Official Home Page
It is a long shot
however you could try permutations of Warren Buffets name along with the
Berkshire Hathaway extension. A lot of people tried this with Bill Gates and were able to guess his email address, you could try the same process to get Warren Buffett's email. Here is an example that could work. If you can work out his email address you will know how to contact Warren Buffett directly! Just imagine how your life would change if you could reach out to the billionaire and engage in meaningful dialogue.
2: Contact Warren
Buffett Foundation
As the largest wealth
donor in history Warren Buffett has decided not to create his own foundation.
Warren Buffett has chosen to give 99% of his wealth to the Susan Buffett
Foundation and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Warren has remarked that
the Gates Foundation is already scaled and doing a great job and that’s the
best place for the money. As a board member of the Foundation you could contact
the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with an email addressed to Warren
Buffett. Here are the contact details below. You could also try permutations of
Warren Buffets name to see if you can guess the email address e.g.
Alternative Warren Buffett Foundation Contact
& Melinda Gates Foundation - Main Office
500 Fifth Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98109
(206) 709-3100
3: Warren
Buffett Facebook Page
My research has revealed
Warren Buffet has a Facebook page. It is speculative whether this page belongs
to Warren Buffett however it over 610,000 likes which gives it some
credibility. You can follow the Billionaire on this page and send a friend
request. You could also leave meaningful comments after any Facebook entries the
philanthropist posts. By leaving meaningful comments there is an outside chance
that the comments could be read by the man himself and then he just might reach
out to you.
Quick Note: I have posted some of the best resources of Millionaires Giving Money at the end of this post. Be sure to check the posts which give legal ideas to make $5000, $2000 and $200 quickly.
4: Contact Warren through
After asking myself how can I
contact Warren Buffett I realised that he has a legitimate Twitter account.
Unlike his Facebook page which is unconfirmed his Twitter account is 100%
legitimate. Already the Billionaire has 833,000 followers after just 5 tweets.
Once strategy to reach out is to leave meaningful responses to his Tweets and
then involve him in Twitter exchanges. There is a chance that your comment
could be read. Give yourself a credible name and keep it consistent through the
social media that you use.
5: Contact Warren Buffett
as a Shareholder
The Berkshire Hathaway
annual general meeting is a great opportunity to meet Warren Buffett. Along
with Charlie Monger and the rest of the Berkshire Hathaway shareholders this AGM
is crazy and held in a Stadium in Omaha. The Oracle of Omaha loves to meet his
shareholders. If you can buy some of his Berkshire Hathaway A or B shares you will
be invited to this event and it’s the perfect opportunity to reach out.
6: Warren Buffett
Contact Information Email
This is a long shot but
you could try Warren Buffets contact information using various different email
accounts. For example you could take the Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail and Outlook
extension and try permutations of his name. Some of the permutations you could
try include Warren.Buffett, W.Buffett, and Warren.B. This is an extreme long shot
however this strategy has worked when finding Bill Gates’s email address.
7: Leave a Comment on
This Post
Warren Buffett enjoys
browsing the web and like everyone may do a search for his own name. If you
were the first few to leave a comment on this page and Warren was to find it
there is an outside chance that he might reach out to you. Strategies like this
have worked when people have tried to contact Oprah Winfrey. Be the first to leave
a comment along with your contact details and see if it works. This is an
outside chance but it just may work.
8: Become a Business
Expert to Meet Warren Buffett
Every year Warren
Buffett invites MBA enrolled business students to his office in Omaha Nebraska
where they discuss all the strategies to make business successful. Warren likes
to keep up to date with all things business by inviting the very best people.
This is like a mastermind session where people get together to get ahead. There
is a 90 minutes question answer session held by Warren Buffett in which he
answers all reasonable questions. This is the perfect time to reach out to him for
advice and mentorship or even investment. If you were to enrol into an MBA
course there is a good chance you could meet the Oracle of Omaha if you become
an expert in your field.
9: Warren Buffett International
Contact Details
While you may not want
to complete a MBA to meet Warren Buffett International fans could contact the
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through their international offices. The Bill
& Melinda Gates foundation has offices in China, India and London. You
could address a letter to Warren Buffett through these foundations and hope
that the letter is forwarded to him. You must keep your expectations in check
because Warren Buffett receives thousands of letters/emails and tweets every
day. It is impossible for Buffett to respond to everyone. Keep your messages short
and sweet and make yourself stand out from the crowd.
Bill Gates Charity Address
Europe and Middle
East Office (Mailing Address)
Victoria Street
(0) 207 798 6500
China Office
India Office
10: Susan Buffett Foundation
Warren Buffett’s late wife
Susan Buffett (RIP) ran her own foundation awarding outstanding teachers and awarding
college scholarships to exceptional students. While Warren Buffett does not
have direct control over this Foundation he is a part of it as it bears his
name. You could try writing a letter and address it to Warren Buffett in the
hope that the letter is forwarded to him.
Susan Buffett Foundation
222 Kiewit Plaza
Omaha, NE
Telephone: (402)
Warren Buffett Contact
Contact Warren Buffett
This is the most definitive
list of all the ways to contact Warren Buffett. This list will be updated as
soon as I find more ways to contact the Billionaire philanthropists. You will not
find another comprehensive or accurate list like this anywhere on the internet.
Feel free to like this page and share it with anyone who wants to get in
contact with Warren Buffett to ask for mentorship, advice or even financial assistance. If you want to seek billionaire or millionaire help then its worth reaching out to the Oracle of Omaha. If you need immediate help and need money now its unlikely that you'll get any money, instead focus on building a long term relationship so you can get long term billionaire/millionaire help.
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Here are some of the most popular posts of Millionaires Giving Money. These incredibly popular posts have received the best feedback because they offer legitimate ideas to make money. All the ideas listed here are completely doable and they are completely legal. You will have to put some hard work in but you can make a lot of money.
I Need $5000 Right Now - An incredible popular post offering ideas on how to make $5000 right now. Some of the ideas are risky such as going on clinical trials and selling eggs.
I Need $200 Right Now - Another popular post which offers the readers of Millionaires Giving Money no nonsense ideas on how to make $200 quickly. These ideas are common sense ideas but very effective.

I Need $2000 Right Now - Another popular post outlining all the ways to generate some extra income on the side.
I Need $50,000 Right Now - Another post which proves that millionaires do give money! Craig Ronin was able to secure $1 million donation by just asking for it. You can learn how to ask for $50,000 here!