I received an email from a Millionaires Giving Money reader asking how to make 700
dollars fast and it got me thinking about how to make 700 dollars in a
week. Most of the money I need now comes from passive income from money making
ideas. First off it is possible to make 700 dollars in 7 days and it can be done
legally and legitimately. These ways to make money might be unusual but
they are quick ways to generate some serious cash in 7 days. None of the first 7 ideas involve applying for loans or credit cards or payday loans and you won’t
even have to do a credit check. Ideas 8, 9 and 10 look at taking out short term loans. So without further ado here are some of the best ways to get cash fast.
<---Note: Feel free to share these ideas with other people who
might find it useful through Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest.com. If
you’ve acted on these ideas and made money please leave a comment below or
contact me direct as it’s always nice to hear from readers of the Millionaires
Giving Money Blog. So without further ado here are 7 ways to make 700 dollars
fast. Finally all the resources and useful links for this post can be found on
the Resources Page which can be located on the menu above. Also be sure to check out all the other label such as I Need Money Right Now, Get Free Money and Financial Despair. The posts within these labels are the most popular and have proven to be the most helpful for the readers of Millionaires Giving Money.
How Can I Make 700 Dollars Fast?
#1: Make 700 Dollars Fast:Sell Blood and Plasma to Make Money
You can seriously make 700 dollars fast by selling blood and plasma. When I thought about how to make 700 dollars in a week I immediately
thought about donating blood, plasma and platelets to clinics in order to
generate residual income. If you’re healthy you can donate twice a week and receive
up to $100 compensation depending on your blood type. If you have a rare blood
type you could demand even more money. Donating blood involves a small medical
and screening test to show that your body is healthy enough to donate. The screening
of the blood will decide whether the donation is free of diseases so it can be
given to other recipients. Donating blood and plasma is a great way to get cash fast.
#2: How to Make 700 Dollars in a Week: Make Money in Clinical Trials

If you are willing to
spend a day in a clinic then the average payout is $100. If you want to involve
yourself in more lengthy scientific and medical research then you could end up
earning up $10,000. Pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer, Bristol Myers
Squibb and Astra Zeneca are prepared to pay handsomely in terms of compensation
for trying out their new drugs. This is a great way to make 700 dollars fast if
you need money in a week.
#3: How to make 700 Dollars by Donating Sperms and Ovulating Eggs

#4: Make Money in the Stock Market
Whenever I need to make 700 doIlars fast I consider the stock market but I understand there are risks being taken that could wipe out everything. There are ways to make quick cash in a day. If you can find a trend
in the stock market or forex market and use high leveraged financial
instruments such as options, futures and contracts for differences (CFD’s) you
could easily make this amount. Beware that you could lose more than you put in.
This idea is only for those who are highly disciplined and can control their
impulses and identify trends and opportunities to capitalise. These people should know how to buy low and sell high. You also need knowledge in money management.
#5: Make Money Doing Chores in Your Neighbourhood
I also started thinking about how to make 700 dollars
fast for kids and the easiest way to do this is by doing odd jobs and chores in
your neighborhood. Think of all the services that you can provide to your
neighbors. This might include babysitting, mowing the lawn, cleaning, pet
sitting or even small decorating jobs. Create a leaflet or a pamphlet and then
hand out to people who live on the same street. You could easily generate $100
in a week which could contribute to the 700 dollars you need.
#6: Make Money by Asking Millionaires for Help
Most people think asking millionaires for money is a
waste of time. You might be surprised to know that people like Craig Rowin
became a millionaire just by asking millionaires for a donation. You can find
the full story on Forbes who verified the donor and the recipient. Craig Rowing
got his donation by asking specific millionaires, billionaires and
philanthropists for 1 million dollars.
The video Rowin created on YouTube was professional
and polished and just asked for help without looking too needy or desperate for
money, avoid making statements such as Help need cash now! and Please tell me
how I can make fast cash now – these statements are a major turn off for rich
people who had to graft for their fortune.
Craig Rowin also asked corporate philanthropy departments
for help. You too can ask millionaires, billionaires, celebrities and
philanthropists for help. Try creating YouTube videos specifically requesting
for financial assistance from people like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Oprah
Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres.
#7: Make 700 Dollars Fast by Trying out New Products
Large companies and multinationals are paying customers
and clients handsomely to try out their new products and services. Banks
accounts, credit cards, financial software, new apps are all paying money so
that people can try out their products and review them. If you can find several
of these products and try them out you could easily make 100 dollars in 7 days
which would contribute to your 700 dollar target. You can find details of all
the products and services which pay on the resources page of millionaires
Giving Money.
How to Make 700 Dollars Fast
More Ways to Make 700 Dollars Fast
This post has become very popular which is why I thought I would update it (26 August 2014). Here are some of my best ways to get cash fast through short term borrowing. These ideas should only be considered after you've tried some of the above suggestions.#8: Get Cash Loans
If you need to get some funds together quickly you should consider short term loans such as payday loans. Before you borrow any money it is important to know if you can afford the repayments. You need to complete a financial statement to see what your income and outgoings are. If you have surplus income this is what you can use to service the short term borrowing. Remember to understand how much you are borrowing and how much you will be repaying as well as the APR rate. Finally use a loan comparison site to find the best deal.#9: Sell Specialist Items at Cash Converters
Everyone has specialist technology items such as cellphones and laptops and these items have good value. One of the other ways to get cash fast is to make a list of all the electrical items you no longer use and then go to a service like Cash Converters to sell the items to get fast cash. On average every family has between $100 and $1000 dollars worth of electrical items which they no longer use. Selling some of these items could help you raise the money you need.
#10: Pawn Gold, Silver and Other Items
I don't really like to recommend pawning however if you need 700 dollars fast and you're running out of ideas this is something you might want to consider. One of the ways to get fast cash is to gather all your valuables. This would include all gold, silver, necklaces, bracelets, designer watches etc. Make a list of all your valuables and itemise them in order of importance and have them valued at a pawn store. Once you know the pawn value you can pick the items you feel comfortable selling or loaning on.
As always fill out a income and expenses statement to know how much disposable income you have at the end of the month. When you find out what your disposable income is you will know in advance how much loan repayment you can afford. Avoid pawning all items for a massive loan which you cannot service because all your valuables will be taken away and melted if you repeatedly miss your loan payments.
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