IDEA 19: Take Part in Clinical Trials - Earn up to 10,000 Dollars
Before a drug is introduced to the public is must be rigorously tested. Clinical trails take place to test the effectiveness of the drugs as well as to find out if there are any side effects. Pharmaceutical companies require volunteers who are willing to take part in the clinical trials. These volunteers are compensated handsomely for their time and effort. The more involved the trial the more compensation is available.
To get started you need to do a search for the official Government Clinical Trials website. Be careful as there are a lot of bogus companies masquerading as real clinics who are only interested in conning you out of your money. Once you find the legal legitimate clinical trails you need to sign up to as many as you can and then wait for trials which are suited to you. Most clinical trials depending on how involved they are pay between $500 and $10,000 Dollars so its important to keep yourself updated as to what is going on.

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