IDEA 20: Create Viral Videos on YouTube
This is one of my favourite ideas which I have not quite mastered. When a YouTube video is shared exponentially it becomes a viral video. Viral videos are those which are extremely funny or moving and compels the viewer to share the video with all of their friends, family and contacts. This sharing process is repeated a few hundred times until the video receives a record number of views.
To get started all you need to do is research and watch viral videos. Once you've watched a dozen you will find a recurring theme. Using this theme you can create another video and then share it with as many people as you can. You should notice your views rising rapidly if you have truly created a viral video. If you haven't created a viral video be patient and try again, the more you practice the better you will become at creating excellent videos. Once you've created the videos you need to post them on YouTube and then monetize the content using the Google Adsense Advertising Service. The more advertisements that are placed on your video the more money you will make. One such video which involved two children biting each other went viral to reach 500,000,000 views worldwide. The publisher of the video was able to monetize the content using Google Adsense and has since made over $250,000 in advertising revenue.

Hi my name is Ruby iam from Toronto Canada,and im writing today to ask for finacial help ,i would like to be honest even thow im imbarased to tell you some of these things im going to give you a little imput on my life just to give you a more open mind and im definately not trying to make you feel sorry for me so please dont think thas my intentions my life went down hill when i met my first boyfreind and the father of my two daughters aged 26 and 29 now, i dont blame everything on him but to make it short i was draged into crime drugs and abuse this went on for over 20 years then one day i found out my mother had stomach cancer she got sick and at the time i was on stipulations not to be in her biulding do to something that happened wen i hade my own place there anyway my probation oficer was trying to changeit so i could see her since she couldnt travell she was the only family member that saw my heart and not my problem she was my everything anyway wen she died i believe i part of me died with her but one thing that came out of it positive was i stop my lifestye and chose a diferent path got a place went on methidone and havnt bin to jail since i lost her in 2010 oct,15th for some reason i had more family in my life as an addict now since her passing iv bin alone trying to do better on my own i became depresed and tryed to slit my throught 3 times i wanted to be with her and stop feeling alone.Igot on odsp disabilty from the goverment i got my one bedroom apartment and bin doing good and havent lost my place since its bin over 5 years i believe but as time went on not knowing how to manage my money it got me to get a loan i payedit and reloaned since july of this year it is from money mart well since Christmas and the time of year my mom passed im stuck to pay it especially since they want it all at once i owe rogers 244 dollars also i only get 1,200 a month so i was trying to find a way to get help with this before i have a mental break down i havent beged even when i needed aplace to lay my head at night when i had problems so its hard for me to belitle myself right now i hope you can understand so im asking someone who can aford to help me even if i have to pay back in time please if you can find it in your heart to help me this one time im not materialistic and dont have a disire to be rich only to have food a roof over my head and cloths on my back and that even seems far feched im so tired if being depesed and alone can someone give me some advise with the help im asking for i pray every night and ask the lord why am i still being punished for my passed or am i im so confused its not even funny im sorry im not begging im just so down in life im afraid so with all thats bin said i pray theres someone out threr that will respond to me i would give both my legs to just feel normal with no stress or depresion of finance thank you for even reading this Ruby.
Hi my name is Ruby iam from Toronto Canada,and im writing today to ask for finacial help ,i would like to be honest even thow im imbarased to tell you some of these things im going to give you a little imput on my life just to give you a more open mind and im definately not trying to make you feel sorry for me so please dont think thas my intentions my life went down hill when i met my first boyfreind and the father of my two daughters aged 26 and 29 now, i dont blame everything on him but to make it short i was draged into crime drugs and abuse this went on for over 20 years then one day i found out my mother had stomach cancer she got sick and at the time i was on stipulations not to be in her biulding do to something that happened wen i hade my own place there anyway my probation oficer was trying to changeit so i could see her since she couldnt travell she was the only family member that saw my heart and not my problem she was my everything anyway wen she died i believe i part of me died with her but one thing that came out of it positive was i stop my lifestye and chose a diferent path got a place went on methidone and havnt bin to jail since i lost her in 2010 oct,15th for some reason i had more family in my life as an addict now since her passing iv bin alone trying to do better on my own i became depresed and tryed to slit my throught 3 times i wanted to be with her and stop feeling alone.Igot on odsp disabilty from the goverment i got my one bedroom apartment and bin doing good and havent lost my place since its bin over 5 years i believe but as time went on not knowing how to manage my money it got me to get a loan i payedit and reloaned since july of this year it is from money mart well since Christmas and the time of year my mom passed im stuck to pay it especially since they want it all at once i owe rogers 244 dollars also i only get 1,200 a month so i was trying to find a way to get help with this before i have a mental break down i havent beged even when i needed aplace to lay my head at night when i had problems so its hard for me to belitle myself right now i hope you can understand so im asking someone who can aford to help me even if i have to pay back in time please if you can find it in your heart to help me this one time im not materialistic and dont have a disire to be rich only to have food a roof over my head and cloths on my back and that even seems far feched im so tired if being depesed and alone can someone give me some advise with the help im asking for i pray every night and ask the lord why am i still being punished for my passed or am i im so confused its not even funny im sorry im not begging im just so down in life im afraid so with all thats bin said i pray theres someone out threr that will respond to me i would give both my legs to just feel normal with no stress or depresion of finance thank you for even reading this Ruby.