This is Part 2 of the incredibly popular blog series on People
Giving Away Money. Here at Millionaires Giving Money we love to highlight
the billionaires, millionaires, philanthropists and celebrities who help people
in need all over the world. In Part 1 of People
Giving Away Money we looked at Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, George Soros,
Gordon Moore and Carlos Slim Helu and in this post we will be looking at 5 more
ridiculously generous billionaires who love giving money away.
Asking People for Money
Before you set your sights on contacting rich people giving away money you need to
understand that these people only help people who have a genuine need. If you’re
lazy and just want a handout it’s unlikely that you’ll get a response. Later on
in the post we’ll look at the proper etiquette when asking rich people for
money and the reason why so many people are turned down. A genuine need would
include help for military families, help for low income, help for individuals
and families experiencing financial despair as well as people who want to
further their education but have no funds. So now without further ado here are
the next 5 people giving money away.
People Giving Away Money
#6: Eli Broad
Number 6 in the list of people giving away money is
Eli Broad who is domiciled in the USA. Eli Broad is an amazing billionaire who
has donated over $3.5 Billion and has an estimated net worth of $6.3 Billion.
Eli Broad is a cutting edge thinker who can identify trends and capitalize to
make fortunes. Broad became extremely wealthy from home building and then in the
annuities and insurance industry. Eli Broad loves to give money to the
education sector and has concentrated his efforts on reforming public education.
Eli has also given money to individual educators, museums, and university. Eli
Broad has also funded medical research through his charitable foundation and
has controversially given more than $500 Million to stem cell research at MIT and
Harvard. You can contact Eli Broad for help and check out all the programs
available on his charitable foundation

The Eli & Edythe Broad Foundation
2121 Avenue of the Starts
30th Floor
Los Angeles
California 90067
Telephone: (310) 954 5000
#7: George Kaiser
George Kaiser is number 7 in the list of people giving away money. To date
George Kaiser has donated $3.3 Billion and has an estimated net worth of $10
Billion. George Kaiser is Tulsa’s wealthiest man and gives millionaires to
medical clinics all over the Tulsa region. George Kaiser has also helped Tulsa’s
public schools and developed childhood education centres. You can contact
George Kaiser or look into his charitable foundation if you need help with
money. If you live in the Tulsa area there is a big chance of getting help from
George Kaiser. You can find the contact details for Kaisers Family Foundation

George Kaiser Family Foundation
7030 S. Yale
Suite 600
Tulsa Oklahoma 74136
Telephone: (918) 392-1612
#8: Michael Bloomberg
Michael Bloomberg the Jewish Billionaire and New York’s
charismatic mayor is number 8 on the list of people giving away money.
Michael Bloomberg has an estimated net worth of $25 Billion and has donated
$2.8 Billion to help people in need in America. An amazing fact is that Michael
Bloomberg supports more than 850 charities and concentrates most of his energy
towards better gun control laws, smoking cessation, and New York art
Unfortunately I could not find any contact details for Michael
Bloomberg after searching high and low for a charitable foundation in his name.
I suppose Michael Bloomberg prefers to choose where to give his money rather
than listen to people who require individual help.
#9: Azim Premji
Number nine in the list of people giving away money is the little known Azim Premji who has an estimated net worth of $15.9 Billion.
Azim Premji has also donated over $2 Billion to help people in need in India
and Asia. Billionaire Premji started his Foundation in the early 2000’s with a
starting endowment of $125 million. Premji concentrates most of his philanthropic
effort towards India’s public school and teacher training in universities. The
Millionaires Giving Money Blog has a very big following in India so this is one
Billionaire Indian people can contact for help.

The Azim Premji Foundation
134 Doddakannelli
Next to Wipro Corporate Office
Sarjapur Road
Bangalore – 560035
Telephone: (91) 80 6614 4900
#10: James Stowers
James Stowers is another titan of philanthropy and is
number 10 in the list of people giving away money. According to Forbes James
Stowers has an estimated net worth of $100 Million but has donated $2 Billion
to help people in need all over the world. James Stowers made his incredible
fortune as a mutual fund operator and has since reached tycoon status. James
Stowers has given most of his money and efforts towards medical research in
Kansas City, Cancer, Diabetes, heart disease and other horrible debilitating
conditions. You can contact James Stowers through his charitable foundation
which is given below.

Stowers Institute for Medical Research
1000 E 50th Street
Kansas City
Missouri 64110
Telephone: (816) 926-4000
People Giving Away Money - Part 1
People Giving Money Away - Part 2
How to Ask Rich People for Money
The best way to approach people giving away money is
through their charitable foundation. While there’s no law against contacting
someone for help billionaires, millionaires, philanthropists and celebrities
prefer you to go through the proper channel. Research into the charitable
foundation and find programs or initiatives that can help. You can send an
email explaining your current situation and then ask the foundation to point
you in the right direction. You should also avoid making statements such as Need
money now and I Need money today as these brash statements really put
people off.
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