We love to highlight people giving away money on
the Millionaires Giving Money Blog. In Part 1we highlighted Bill Gates, Warren
Buffett, George Soros, Gordon Moore, and Carlos Slim Helu. In Part 2 we took a
closer look at billionaires such as Eli Broad, Azim Premji and George Kaiser.
In this post we will look at the next 5 people
giving money away. These amazing people love helping people in need and you
can contact then through their charitable foundation to see if you can get
help. I will be providing all the contact details of the people that give
money. So without further ado here are the next 5 rich people who give
money away.
People Giving Away Money (11 to 15)
#11: Li Ka-Shing (Hong Kong)
Li Ka-Shing came out of nowhere in 2005 after he sold his
stake in CIBC. Ka-Shing has an estimated net worth of over $25 Billion and has
donated an astonishing $1.65 Billion to help people all around the world. We have
a lot of Hong Kong and Asian readers in the Millionaires Giving Money Community
so if you’re looking for financial assistance it might be worth contact
the foundation for help. Li Ka-Shing concentrates most of his philanthropic
energies towards children’s center, hepatitis, avian flu, and medical
education. One of his most notable contributions was a $40 million gift towards
building a Medical Center at the University of California. You can contact the
Li Ka-Shing Foundation on the contact details below.

Li Ka-Shing Foundation
7/F. Chueng Kong Center
2 Queen’s Road Central
Hong Kong
Telephone: (852) 2128 8888
Email: General@LKSF.Org
#12: Herbert Sandler
Herbert Sandler is number 12 in the list of people
giving away money. Herb Sandler became incredibly wealthy after the Sandler
family sold Bay Area Bank they originally founded to Wachovia Bank for a
whopping $25 Billion just before the credit crisis in 2006. Now the wealthy
family concentrate their energies towards philanthropy and helping less
fortunate people who want the opportunity to progress. Herb Sandler concentrates
most of his energy towards civil libraries and scientific research which
benefits low income families. You can contact the Herb Sandler Foundation and
ask for help on the following contact details.

The Sandler Foundation
4 Embarcadero Center STE 3150
San Francisco
California 94111-4113
#13: Ted Turner
Ted Turner is number 13 in the list of people giving
away money and has an estimated net worth of $2 Billion. Ted Turner has
donated over $1.5 Billion to date and has helped people all over the world
especially in America. Ted Turner created his wealth out of nothing by building
his cable television network. Ted Turner is not without controversy and has
been known to criticise other billionaire philanthropists who refuse to share their
money while they are alive. Ted Turner concentrates most of his philanthropic funding
to causes within the United Nations and has given just over $900 million to
date. You can contact the Ted Turner foundation if you want to inquire about
any help that may be available on the details below.

Turner Foundation, INC.
133 Luckie Street NW
2nd Floor
Atlanta Georgia 30303
Telephone: (404) 681 9900
#14: Paul Allen
Paul Allen is number 14 in the list of people giving
away money and has an estimated net worth of over $15 Billion. The
billionaires who shot to fame after cofounding Microsoft with Bill Gates has
donated over $1.45 billion to help people in need all over the world. Some of
Paul’s most notable contribution includes funding neuroscience, animal health,
and Washington State University. Paul Allen famously remarked that it’s
important to give at home which implies he prioritises supporting American
people and charities. You can contact the Paul Allen Foundation to see what
help is available on the contact details below.

The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation
505 5th Avenue South, Suite 900
Seattle, WA 98104
Telephone: (206) 342 2085
#15: Dietmar Hopp – German
For all our German audience on the Millionaires Giving
Money Blog we have Dietmar Hopp who is number 15 in the list of people that
give away money. Hopp became incredibly famous and wealthy after he cofounded
the profitable German software company SAP with some of his IBM friends. Notably
in 1995 Hopp donated 70% of his SAP holdings to fund his Dietmar Hopp
Foundation. Dietmar Hopp has an estimated net worth of $5.5 Billion and has
donated well over $1.2 billion to help people in Germany. Dietmar Hopp
concentrates most of his giving to cancer research, youth sport and the Rhein-Neckar
region where he spent his youth. If you’re in Germany then its worth contacting
the foundation to see what help is available for people with genuine needs.

Dietmar Hopp Stiftung gGmbH
Raiffeisenstrasse 51
68789 St. Leon-Rot
Telephone: (+49) 6227 8608550
Asking Rich People for Money
The best way to ask these people who give money away
for help is through their charitable foundation. You can either research the
organisation website to find grants and programs or contact details of
charities they support. You can also write or email these foundations and explain
your circumstances and ask for any help that’s available.
When contacting these
organizations its important to remain professional and polite at all times.
Avoid using brash language such as I need money now or please give me
money. These statements will put off even the most generous people as it
reeks of deception and laziness. If you are in need of money now then contact
other organisations such as churches, charities, family & friends and government
welfare programs.
People Who Give Money - Part 3
People That Give Away Money - Part 4
People Who Give Money - Part 3
People That Give Away Money - Part 4
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