Did you know that the athlete Michael Jordan has an estimated
net worth of one billion dollars? This fact alone inspired me to write this
special post on athlete billionaires and millionaires giving away money. In
this post I’ll be sharing the names and contact details of footballers, basketball
players, soccer players, golf pros as well as Formula One Drivers. As always feel
free to share this special Millionaires Giving Money Blog post with other
people who might find it entertaining or resourceful and be sure to share the
contents on social media!
I Need Money Now
One mistake that people make when asking millionaires for
money is they jump into the deep end dumping their problems on rich people
expecting them to help. They use dialogue such as I want money or I need money NOW
which admittedly irritates anybody. Rather than asking for money straight away a
better strategy is to reach out to these billionaire and millionaire athletes
and ask them for advice mentoring and inspiration.
If you can create a rapport
with these rich people your life will almost certainly improve and not just
financially. You will begin to think positive and you’ll crush your poverty
mentality altogether. So without further ado here are five athlete billionaires
and millionaires giving away money.
Athlete Billionaires & Millionaires Giving Away Money
#1: Michael Jordon: Net Worth: $1 Billion Dollars

Michael Jordan is an amazing athlete and a genuinely
compassionate and generous individual. In 1985 he started the Michael Jordan
Foundation which later became the James R. Jordan Foundation. The mission of
the foundation was to create networks of support for families and communities
which strengthen family ties and motivate youth to do well in academics despite
being in underserved communities. You can reach out to Michael Jordan on the
contact details below.
Michael Jordan Contact Details
James R. Jordan Foundation
PO Box 11698
Chicago, IL 60611
Telephone: (312) 751 9696
Email: info[at]JamesJordanFoundation[dot]com
James R. Jordan Foundation
PO Box 11698
Chicago, IL 60611
Telephone: (312) 751 9696
Email: info[at]JamesJordanFoundation[dot]com
#2: Michael Schumacher: Net Worth: $800+ Million Dollars

Not only does Michael Schumacher have speed in his blood
he also has a good dose of generosity. Schumacher supports a number of charities
including UNICEF, ChildLine, and the Red Cross and has donated tens of millions
over the years. This is a truly genuine individual out to help people. After
searching high and low I’ve managed to find the contact details for Michael Schumacher
detailed below.
Michael Schumacher Contact Details
The MS Office S.A.
Avenue Du Mont-Blanc 14b
1196 Gland
Telephone: (+49) 711-72 64 60 (Germany)
The MS Office S.A.
Avenue Du Mont-Blanc 14b
1196 Gland
Telephone: (+49) 711-72 64 60 (Germany)
#3: Vince McMahon: Net Worth: $750 Million Dollars

Vince put WWE formerly WWF
on the world stage using the hugely entertaining Wrestle mania, Summer Slam and
Royal Rumble wrestling matches.
As the years have passed Vince McMahon has developed a
genuinely generous side helping people all over America and the world. McMahon
has donated money to the Fishburne Military School, Sacred Heart University as
well as to the Donald Trump Charity. If you need help and want to reach out to
Vince McMahon you can do so on the contact details given below. Remember to build a rapport before you ask a millionaire for a donation.
Vince McMahon Contact Details
WWE, Inc.
1241 East Main Street
CT 06902
Telephone: (203) 328-2560
WWE, Inc.
1241 East Main Street
CT 06902
Telephone: (203) 328-2560
#4: Tiger Woods: $550 Million Dollars

Like the majority of athlete millionaires Tiger Woods has
used his fortune to DO good in the world. The pro golfer created the Tiger Woods
Foundation in 1996 and along with his father started donating money to help underserved
students with college access. Since creating the foundation Tiger and his
father have donated millions to young people to deliver unique experiences and
educational innovation to youths worldwide. Tiger is a truly amazing person.
You too can reach out to Tiger using the contact details given below.
Tiger Woods Contact Details
Tiger Woods Foundation
121 Innovation Drive
Suite 150
California 92617
Tiger Woods Foundation
121 Innovation Drive
Suite 150
California 92617
#5: Magic Johnson: Net Worth: $500+ Million Dollars

The Magic Johnson Foundation works hard to help people
pave the way to a better tomorrow by empowering, offering resources; and
inspiring change to improve underserved communities. Magic Johnson concentrates
most of his efforts in offering HIV/AIDS initiatives, scholarship programs and
community empowerment centers. If you want to reach out to Magic Johnson you can
do so on the contact details given below. Before you contact these amazing people try to learn how to contact millionaires the right way.
Magic Johnson Contact Details
Magic Johnson Foundation
9100 Wilshire Boulevard
Ste. 700 East
Beverly Hills
California 90212
Telephone: (310) 581-6374
Magic Johnson Foundation
9100 Wilshire Boulevard
Ste. 700 East
Beverly Hills
California 90212
Telephone: (310) 581-6374
Athlete Billionaires and Millionaires Giving Away Money
If you need help in life or want inspiration there’s nothing stopping you from reaching out to these amazing athletes to ask them for help, inspiration and mentorship. Once you build a rapport these billionaires and millionaires are more than likely to offer you financial assistance. Don’t make the mistake of diving into the deep end making statements such as Give Me $10,000 Dollars, or I need money now, dialogue like that is more than likely to stop a millionaire from replying to you.I really hope this special post from the Millionaires Giving Money Blog was helpful and entertaining. As always please feel free to share this post with other people who might find it entertaining and don’t forget to share Athlete Millionaires Giving Away Money on social media. Good Luck and God Bless.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Fouzia Bannu Khan ,am 24 year old female from India,am a single mother.I am writing to ask for financial assistance. My ten -year-old son , Ashu, was diagnosed with a kidney condition.Am a single mother i lost my Husband a year ago,I have no job, We stay in a one small on rent of $ 20 dollars per month, Before my husband died we had a little savings that is what we have been depending on,now is finished.Due to this i can not afford to give treatment to my son but only to see him die. I wish i could have the courage to write down all my sad life to you,its so worst than i can write to you. Despite all of these problems , Ashu still manages to carry a positive attitude and make every attempt to make others laugh. He loves playing soccer and basketball.
I am attempting to raise funds for Ashu'a treament. The funds received will go on his treatment,it cost us $ 4000 dollars
I am requesting any assistance that you may be capable of giving, whether it is monetary support, publicity surrounding his condition, or a donation. I understand that you may receive many letters, like this one, requesting for financial support, and I honestly understand if you are not able to assist at this point in time.
Thank you so much for time and consideration, asha.khan300@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteMy name is Fouzia Bannu Khan ,am 24 year old female from India,am a single mother.I am writing to ask for financial assistance. My ten -year-old son , Ashu, was diagnosed with a kidney condition.Am a single mother i lost my Husband a year ago,I have no job, We stay in a one small on rent of $ 20 dollars per month, Before my husband died we had a little savings that is what we have been depending on,now is finished.Due to this i can not afford to give treatment to my son but only to see him die. I wish i could have the courage to write down all my sad life to you,its so worst than i can write to you. Despite all of these problems , Ashu still manages to carry a positive attitude and make every attempt to make others laugh. He loves playing soccer and basketball.
I am attempting to raise funds for Ashu'a treament. The funds received will go on his treatment,it cost us $ 4000 dollars
I am requesting any assistance that you may be capable of giving, whether it is monetary support, publicity surrounding his condition, or a donation. I understand that you may receive many letters, like this one, requesting for financial support, and I honestly understand if you are not able to assist at this point in time.
Thank you so much for time and consideration, asha.khan300@gmail.com
Hi, my name is Patricia! Im not asking for money would just rather if someone donated some lumber and building supplies, bUT if that's not possibe yout could donate the money to me on your care.com. We're a family of 7 in desperate need of building materials to repair our fire damaged house. We found a contractor that said he'd do the whole house for $2,000 but we have 2 furnish all the supplies. It's hard for us to buy everything needed at wholesale prices because we put ALL of our money into the house when we bought it and we have 5 kids ages 6,5,2,1, and 8 weeks old. Here's our story, I hope you get a chance 2 read it bc I feel like it was negligence and sonething could've and should've been done the first time...2 explain our situation a little, we had a grease 🔥 but my fiancé and some other men who were out front the house watching the MLK Jr parade helped him get it out before fire dept got there and all was fine or do we thought fire dept got there admitted 2 feeling a Hotspot n kitchen ceiling asked if we had a attic had another fireman get ladder stuck his head n the attic came down and said whoo it's smokey as I don't know what up there but all they did was put a big fan in the front door to blow the smoke out said smoke n attic was from grease fire and all was fine cleared us to go back n the house, my fiancé asked 3 times so u telling me if my pregnant fiancé, 4 kid's, and myself go in there and lay down and go to sleep everything will be ok and the fire chief said yea everything's fine, all 3 times so we took pics of the little damage it cause which was the wall behind the stove and cabinets over stove and smut on the ceiling and walls, sent them pics 2 my fiancés mom bc she works at Lowe's and could tell us what we needed to fix the damage and clean the smut with, the girls and me were gone stay there while my fiancé went to Lowe's which was 40 mins away I was 9 mnths pregnant and sleepy but something told me get the baby's and go with him so I did, while my fiancé was in Lowe's neighbors started calling his phone back to back saying the house blazing, flames coming out the roof in the back of it, so we rushed 2 get back home only 2 find out from our Neighbors that when the fire department first got there they were poking holes all in the side of the house which is what caused the fire 2 spread 2 the back of the house and they were busting windows out meanwhile the neighbors were telling them there's a woman that lives there that's pregnant and has 4 kid's which the firemen already knew that bc they had just cleared us to go back in the house 2 hours earlier also in the fire report it said unknown if any body's inside but they didn't take the ax to the door until 30 minutes after being there then the neighbor's said they left in the middle of fighting the fire, they said they had to go get water, neighbors also took pictures of the fire, they even got pics showing a fireman just standing outside our fence watching the fire and nobody spraying water....now I feel like this was a racial issue bc I'm white, my fiancés black, & our kids are mixed. I could be wrong but something don't quiet add up and a lot of people have said the same thing. They even had 2 be called back out a 3rd time bc the fire had started back AGAIN! But thanks to God we're here, we're alive, and breathing! Thank you for your time reading and may God bless you!