I’ve just realised there are women billionaires giving
money away. The Millionaires Giving Money Blog is full of male billionaires
who give money so I thought I would highlight some of the wealthiest women who
give money to people. In this special post we will take a closer look at the
philanthropists and then I’ll share any contact details I find for them. If you
are experiencing hardship or need help with money then you could contact
these women billionaires personally or through their charitable foundation. It
really does work!
I Need Money
You must have a genuine need if you’re seeking help from
women billionaires that give money. Most requests for help are declined
because there are so many people trying to deceive these billionaires into
giving them money. If you have a genuine need and need money then there is a
possibility that these philanthropists and organisations could help. If you need
money now you might be better off contacting charity organizations or
looking for public assistance from the government. So NOW without further ado
here are the women billionaires that give away money.
Women Billionaires Giving Away Money
#1: Christy Walton

Christy Walton gives money away through the Walton Family
Foundation, the organization concentrates their energies towards K12 education
reform, freshwater and marine conservation and quality of life initiatives in
our home region. You can contact Christy Walton on the details given below.
Christy Walton Contact Details
The Walton Family Foundation
PO Box 2030
Bentonville, AR 72712
Telephone: (479) 464 1570
The Walton Family Foundation
PO Box 2030
Bentonville, AR 72712
Telephone: (479) 464 1570
#2: Alice Walton

#3: Laurene Powell Jobs
Number three in the list of women billionaires that
give money is Laurene Powell Jobs who is the widow of the late great Steve
Jobs of Apple Inc. Laurene Powell Jobs has an estimated net worth of 16 billion
dollars and now focuses her attention on helping students as well as social
reform using entrepreneurship. Laurene Powell Jobs is also one of the largest
donors to the Hilary Clinton Presidential Run.

Laurene Powell Jobs Contact Details
The Emerson Collective
Email: info@emersoncollective.com
The Emerson Collective
Email: info@emersoncollective.com
#4: Anne Cox Chambers

Ann Cox Chambers Contact Details
Anne Cox Chambers Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 105720
Atlanta Georgia
United States 30348-5720
Anne Cox Chambers Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 105720
Atlanta Georgia
United States 30348-5720
#5: Abigail Johnson

Abigail Johnson donates large amounts of
her own personal money to the Fidelity Foundation which funds charities that can
add lasting measurable value. After searching high and low for the organizations
contact details I was able to come up with an email address which is outlined
Abigail Johnson Contact Details
Fidelity Foundation
Email Address: info@FidelityFoundation.org
Fidelity Foundation
Email Address: info@FidelityFoundation.org
Women Billionaires Giving Away Money
In the future I will be posting more special posts highlighting amazing women billionaires that give money to people. Before you contact these organizations asking for help it’s important that you have a genuine need. Find a charitable foundation which is sympathetic to your needs and contact them for help.Make sure you come across well and do not use brash language such as I need money now and I need money quick. If you’re sceptical about billionaires giving money then don’t be! If you do a little research you will find stories on YouTube and the internet of how millionaires giving money have helped lots of people in need. I really hope this post has inspired you to improve the quality of your life! Good Luck.
Hi my nam is Tajuana Dunkley and i have the virus hiv. I'm asking for a donation. I need the Bob Beck protocol equipment. I cannot afford the items. Im asking for the donation for I have no friends or family that would help me with the support. The Bob Beck protocol would help increase my immune system. Please help with the donation, I want to live a little longer. Contact address p.o box San Diego, California 92112 email tajuana.dunkley@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteHi my name is Tajuana Dunkley .I have hiv. I m asking for a donation. I need a Bob Beck protocol equipment to better my immune system. I cannot afford one and im asking for help. Please contact me at p.o box 122904 San Diego, California 92112
ReplyDeleteBismillah Rahmaanir-Raheem
ReplyDeleteAssallamu aleikum
May Allah the Al-might,The Creator,The Exalted and the Preserver
His blessing and peace be upon you in this worldly life and the Here After life..How Beautiful is Allah subhaanahu wa ta 'aala? Our minds cannot comprehend His Beauty. How Perfect is He? How Kind? How Loving? How Generous? How so extremely Merciful? There is noway we can ever understand. It is simply beyond our small and meagre capabilities.My dear brother let me hope this letter finds you in a good and healthy condition.My name is kayondo swaliki am in India but a from Uganda. Am writing to you with a heavy heart and with tears gushing from my eyes due to the sadness i carry with me always. My life is filled with sadness but i hope with Allah's blessing and your support i will be able to put a smile on my face once again. My troubles started when i lost my father,since then life turned up side down in terms of financial support. i know its not appropriate to address to you in this manner.But I have a broken heart and a painful sad life.Am suffering from multiple problems in my life ,sickness ,debts ,food.clothes,shelter am leaving with my friends who have supported in food and sleeping but they are going leaving,I do not have anyone in my life to help me,am jobless and my education stopped ,i was pursuing my MBA degree final year but due to my father's lose i stopped because of fees.My pain is increasing day after day.Am also suffering from stomach complications but i do not have money for check ups.I can not explain well my life its so bad,.I wish i could show you the clear picture of it.This is in short of it but is more worse than i can express it.I only ask God and you to help me over come my problems. I need to complete my MBA and get a job so that i can help my mother who is sick.I need $4000 dollars to complete my MBA degree,to pay for my debts and pay treatment for my mother.I have no place where to stay,i beg for your support.I know am asking for too much help from you since you barely know me or believe if am telling the truth.But in God's name am telling the truth.Am asking for your forgiveness is my letter makes you feel uncomfortable.I wish i had a way to share with you the true picture of my life.I pray to God that you doing fine.Thank you for reading my letter. kayondo07@gmail.com
Hello friend,i know its not appropriate to address to you in this manner,it would have been more better if i had contacted you by phone but i do not have your number or by your email but i do not have your email.I have a broken heart and a painful and sad life.Am suffering from multiple problems in my life ,disease ,debts ,depression,recently i got electric shock where my hands and face were burnt and more worse to that i do not have anyone in my life to help me,am jobless,no where to sleep ,no food,no money.My pain is increasing day after day,due to pressure from people i have to pay,the money i got from them was for my treatment ,they threaten to hurt me.On addition that i have kidney stones of which i need treatment.I can not explain well my life its so bad,.I wish i could show you the clear picture of it.This is in short of it but is more worse than i can express it.I only ask God and you to help me over come my problems,I need $ 4000 dollars to solve my problems .i feel ashamed to ask since am a man.I just need to have a happy life.I hope and pray that you will help me,but my friend my life is truly is bad,it feels like death.kayos2011@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteMy name is Fouzia Bannu Khan ,am 24 year old female from India,am a single mother.I am writing to ask for financial assistance. My ten -year-old son , Ashu, was diagnosed with a kidney condition.Am a single mother i lost my Husband a year ago,I have no job, We stay in a one small on rent of $ 20 dollars per month, Before my husband died we had a little savings that is what we have been depending on,now is finished.Due to this i can not afford to give treatment to my son but only to see him die. I wish i could have the courage to write down all my sad life to you,its so worst than i can write to you. Despite all of these problems , Ashu still manages to carry a positive attitude and make every attempt to make others laugh. He loves playing soccer and basketball.
I am attempting to raise funds for Ashu'a treament. The funds received will go on his treatment,it cost us $ 4000 dollars
I am requesting any assistance that you may be capable of giving, whether it is monetary support, publicity surrounding his condition, or a donation. I understand that you may receive many letters, like this one, requesting for financial support, and I honestly understand if you are not able to assist at this point in time.
Thank you so much for time and consideration, asha.khan300@gmail.com
Hi, my name is Justin Walker. I had a
ReplyDeleteStumbled across your website as a blessing, I wanted to email you directly to your foundation hoping I can get threw to you out of desperation and hope. God willing you get to this email and I can reach out to you with open arms. I'm currently in a position in witch I never imagined I would be, I just recently lost both my parents to a reck about a week ago and I am currently now stuck at the age of 25 with everything this world will throw at me by myself and with no further guidance. This was a complete disater to my life. Neither of my parents had a life insurance policy and left me with over 45,000$ in debt. I've currently been working on getting there funerals paid for but have been struggling to do so as far as car washes and lemonade stands it seems as if I may never get thers. I'm really lost and confused and sad at this time and don't have anyone else I can ask for help now, witch I'm not one to do so but I've came to the point of a deep depression In witch I can not move. I'm currently 8,000$ short on funding to funral home I'm extremely worried and sad about not laying them to rest in a proper way so I can say my good bye. I just wanted to reach out to you and see if there is anything you might be able to help me with at this point. God knows I need the help right now and I promise to you Mr Gates I will do anything and everything to repay you for your time and help, not sure what I can do to repay you for considering my request if you will. But I will most definitely pay it forward and this will be a blessing I will always and forever remember for eternity. Well I wish to hear from you soon god bless you and your family and foundation Mr Gates your a wonderful man and have a great aspect of life. Thanks agian sir, Justin Walker.
If my bank account information is needed it's hear for you god bless. Account#99910200338726453
Bank Name: Green Dot Bank
Justin Walker
2300 Stern Dr Apt#215
Las Cruces NM 88005
i am unemployed now,i am searching the job but i can not found it,so please help me with some money for job searching and my daily need,God bless you!
ReplyDeletemy paypal id is-philipdisouza@rediffmail.com