Help is definitely available and if your unemployed, experiencing hardship, financial despair or are struggling with your finances or need urgent financial help there are programs available to help you. I would recommend that you bookmark this article as I'm going to make it very comprehensive, also feel free to share it with others who might benefit from it. I will also continually add any assistance programs that I can find in an attempt to make this the most information article on the internet when it comes to getting money for school and college. If you need money urgently then take a look at these legal and legitimate money making ideas to help supplement your income.
I Need Money Now
Money for School - Student Loans
If you need money for school then you should consider a Federal loans to students or parents. Stafford Loans are great if you want to go to college, one of the criticism is that the repayment of these loans usually make it really hard for students to repay the money once they get a job. Although private student loans are a viable option to get into college the loan rates and interest make people think twice about studying. The income based repayment plan and consolidation options really help however it's important to check what other options there are before you apply for these loans or get you parents to cosign these loans. Remember to always read the loan terms and discharge of student loans information that might be available before you take on the loan.
IBRInfo- If you're looking for information on Income Based Repayment Programs then IBR Info can help you, this service offers information about how to use your income to work out how much you could potentially borrow. The information given here is invaluable because it will help you to determine whether you can afford the loan or not. If you need money for school then this is a resource you should check out.
The United N College Fund - This is a private organization that you could apply to, the organization offers scholarships and internship programs to 39 member colleges and offers them to low income families with little or no prospects. Although the name might be misleading, anyone can apply for this scholarship program. There is a chance to get free money for school so its definitely worth checking out.
Coca Cola Scholars Foundation - This is one of the largest scholarship foundation in the world and offers $3.4 million to 1400 student's in American and around the world. This is one of the best resources if you need money for graduate school.
Student Aid Alliance - This is not really student aid but an organization which pushes for increased federal student aid. Supporting these groups will show congress that there is an overwhelming demand for more funding when it comes to helping people go to college.
FastWeb - This is a really great service that you must use. The website offers a scholarship and internship matching service, all you have to do is put your details in and the site will find a scholarship that you can apply for. The more scholarships you find the more you could apply to potentially giving you the opportunity to study for free.
CollegeScholarship.Org - This site helps student locate potential scholarships and internships, the organization is dedicated to listing all the scholarship programs in America so every student has the chance to apply for a scholarship.
Scholarship America - This is one of the best places you can look for a scholarship for school or college. If has a mission to mobilize America as a great nation through education support and scholarships, they want to make post-secondary education accessible to all.
FinAid - If you want all the information on scholarships, internships, fellowships on one page you can find all the information on the site. This is where you can do your research to find the right scholarship, internship or fellowship for your needs. The information also contains Government money for school so its definitely worth checking out.
Council for Opportunity in Education - This organization is committed to helping everyone get more opportunities if they want to go to college, their aim is to lower college fees and make grants, scholarships, internships, and fellowships available to more people. They particularly help low income first generation students and those with disabilities.
Institute for College Access & Success - This is another non profit organization that works behind the scenes to make college education cheaper and more accessible, they particularly minority support people of all backgrounds. They also support research, analysis and advocacy.