Where Can I Find Free Money for Single Moms?
Living in poverty is hard when you're a single mom looking to make ends meet. On The Millionaires Giving Money Blog we like to help as many people as possible to fight poverty and non more so than single hardworking moms. I recently received an email from Lucy a single mother with the following question which as always got me thinking!
I'm a Single Mom and I Need Money to Pay Bills. Is there anywhere I can find free money for single moms so I can get myself out of poverty and give me child a better standard of living. I look forward to hearing from you.
Fortunately there is a lot of help available and if you keep looking and working hard you will eventually get yourself and your child out of poverty. I put together 10 places where you can get free money and supplement your income to take charge of your finances. So without further ado here are 10 ways to get free money for single moms.
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10 Ways to Find Free Money for Single Moms
#1: Free Food For Single Mums
Most single mums with low incomes are eligible for the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program. SNAP for short is also known as the Food Stamps program. Normally what happens is you apply for food stamps and then you are given vouchers to spend in approved grocery stores. These grocery stores then redeem the vouchers from the US Government.
If you haven't already applied for Food Stamps it's the first thing you need to do to find free money for single moms. Rather than spend your hard earned money on groceries you can live exclusively on food stamps and save whatever you earn. Normally what most people do is spend more when they are eligible for food stamps. If you can cover all your groceries with food stamps you can save what you earn and get yourself out of poverty.
Resources: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps)#2: Free Housing for Single Moms
Single moms with low incomes are eligible for help with most or all of their housing costs. The Housing and Urban Development Department run by the Government know as HUD for short helps single moms experiencing poverty with subsidized housing. If you're paying full rent as a mother this is something that you need to do because you'll be able to save so much in rent and use the savings to lift yourself out of poverty.
You can either apply for subsidized housing where the payment goes directly to the landlord. You can also choose to get a section 8 voucher which gives you a certain amount of money which you can use towards rent for a specific property. The best way to use this free money is to cover 70% of your rent payment by living in a modest apartment. Any extra money you earn you should save to lift yourself out of poverty.
Resources: Rental Assistance Program for Single Moms
#3: Free Energy for Single Moms
The cost of heating your home during the winter and cooling your home during the summer can cost us an arm and a leg. Fortunately the US Government have a program called LIHEAP which stands for Low Income Heating Energy Assistance Program. With this program the Government offers subsidies and payments to help warm your home in Winter and cool your home during the summer.
Again if you haven't done this its something you need to do now because the cost of heating and cooling a home is high especially if you have children. If you can get help towards your energy costs you will be able to save money and consequently lift yourself out of poverty eventually.
Resources: Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program#4: Temporary Assistance for Single Moms
The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program known as TANF for short is a program which offers small installments of cash on a monthly basis for basic needs such as Food, Shelter, Clothes for a maximum period of 60 months or 5 years.
If you're a unemployed single mother with children under the age of 19 you will be eligible for this grant. Again to get yourself out of poverty you need to use this money responsibly and try and save as much as you can to get yourself out of poverty.
Resources: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families#5: The Women Infant and Children's Program
Mothers and children in need of nutritional assistance may be eligible for the WIC program which is administered by the Federal Government. The program offers vouchers to single women who are either pregnant or have children under the age of 5. If you are eligible then the programs offers 6 to 12 months worth of assistance where TANF recipients and prioritized.
To determine eligibility the size of the household and income is taken into account. If you are eligible for the TANF program its worth applying for the WIC program to get additional support. Remember the more help you get the more you can save and get yourself out of poverty.
Resources: Women Children & Infant Program#6: Free Money for unemployed Single Moms
Single mother who are out of work through no fault of their own will be eligible for unemployment benefits to help them through the transition of finding another job. The welfare benefit pays single mothers who are out of work around 36% of the average weekly wage for a period of 26 weeks or 6 months. To make an application head to USA.Gov to see how to apply in your state.
Again if you are eligible for this free money you should use it responsibly. The reason why some single mothers never seem to get out of poverty is because they have a habit of spending every penny that comes their way. Things are hard but by saving you will be making the future easier.
Resources: Unemployment Benefits#7: Free Health Insurance for Single Moms
Single moms that do not have medical insurance and have earnings 138% below the Federal Poverty Level will qualify for Medicaid. With the Medicaid Program you will receive health coverage from vision to dentistry and will help meet the cost of expensive health bills. For individual single mothers on low income the limit is $15,856 and for a family of four its $32,499.
If you don't currently have medical insurance it's very important that you apply straightaway to avoid expensive medical bills. You should be able to find your local Medicaid Office details online for the state you live in. Medical Bills can bankrupt families and individuals so it's important that you get the cover you are eligible for.
#8: Free Money for Child Care
Single moms may be eligible for free money towards child care costs. The CCAP or Child Care Assistance Program for Single Moms is a State funded initiative that helps single moms and qualifying families to help with child care costs while working, training or schooling.
Nearly all the costs are met by the program depending on the circumstances which are based on income and the size of the family. This program is a fantastic opportunity for single moms to get qualified or schooled so they can improve their prospects for the future. By earning more money with better qualifications they can rise out of poverty quicker.
#9: Free Money from Religious Organizations for Single Moms
Religious organizations such as Mosques, Churches and Synagogues help single mothers to make ends meet. These religious organizations usually have a discretionary fund to help vulnerable people who turn to them in their time of need. You will need to contact these organizations and ask to meet the head so you can ask them for assistance. These organizations can help you meet the cost of living, eating and even help single mothers by educating to rise out of poverty.
#10: Free Money from Businesses for Single Moms
Businesses also have discretionary funds to help the community. Some large businesses like Merck, Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer have prescription assistance programs to help single mothers meet the cost of prescriptions. Other businesses such as Wal-Mart and McDonald's help individuals and organizations with money for the community. To get started contact all these businesses and ask them for help to see what kind of a response you get. Don't ask for a handout and instead ask for assistance to lift yourself out of poverty.
Where Can I Find Free Money for Single Mothers?
If you're a single mother experiencing poverty then help will be available for you. There are a lot of programs from the Government from Unemployment Benefits to the SNAP program. What every single mother experiencing poverty must to is apply for these benefits and make excellent use of the money.
If you are eligible for help and do get free money it's very important that you use this money responsibly. Save as much money as you can and stretch your income as far as you can. Any money that you save will go towards lifting yourself and your family from poverty and hardship. I really hope this post helps you and I hope you apply for all the help you are eligible for. If you want more information please leave a comment below and if you found this post useful please share with other people and subscribe to The Millionaires Giving Money Blog.

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