If you're looking to supplement your income then take the time to read the following posts too. These posts include strategies and ideas to create multiple passive income streams which are legal and legitimate. I myself have used these strategies to supplement my income impressively.
Who is Eligible for Financial Assistance?
There are a select group of people who are eligible for help from people giving away money. If you're experiencing financial despair, disabled, have health problems, single parent, low-income, large family, disaster victim, or domestic abuse victim you have a genuine need and can contact rich millionaires who give away money.Also if you want to improve your quality of life and standard of living by furthering your education and training you could get in touch with charitable foundations run by people giving money away. Most of these foundations offer scholarship programs, business support programs and a chance to train to further your career. These charitable foundations are run by millionaires giving money as well as philanthropists giving away money.
Rich People Giving Away Money
Rich Millionaires such as Warren Buffett, Bill & Melinda Gates have pledged most of their wealth to help people in need. Oprah Winfrey has given away more than $50 Million to help African-American people who are experiencing poverty by giving them money for education and training. Ellen DeGeneres has given away free houses and cars away to her fans who are struggling with money. You can find a full list of millionaires, billionaires, celebrities and philanthropists giving money away on lists such as the (1) Giving Pledge, (2) Forbes Philanthropy List, & (3) Business Week Rich List. I have included the contact details of rich people giving money away if you are thinking of contacting them for help. Remember you must have a genuine need before you contact these millionaires giving money.
505 5th Avenue South, Suite 900
Seattle, WA 98104
Lisa Arnold, Manager, Grants & Library Program
Phone: (206) 342-2085
The Susan Buffett Foundation (Scholarships)
222 Kiewit Plaza
Omaha Nebraska 68131
Telephone: (402) 943-1383
People Giving Away Free Money
Rich people who want to give away money are always prepared to listen to your story, if they do end up helping you then it’s great for their publicity when Ellen DeGeneres gave away a free house to one of her fans her publicity and ratings went off the charts. When Bill Gates and Warren Buffett pledged most of their wealth away Forbes magazine did a piece on how great they are and how they’ll be remembered as the greatest philanthropists ever. There are many reasons why people give money away. Sometimes giving money to a worthy cause can give them the lift they need to become more successful in life.Most of the time philanthropists and millionaires giving money away prefer to be contacted via their charitable foundation. You can contact these rich people for money by emailing them or sending a letter through the post. A recent trend involves creating a YouTube Video asking philanthropists for money and then sharing the video with friends and family. Individuals such as Craig Rowin were able to secure a million dollar donation from rich people just by simply asking for money from rich people and making statements such as I Need Money Now!. Here are some more contact details for millionaires giving money.
51 Vista Lane
Stanford California CA 94305
Telephone: (650) 566-5100
Fax: (650) 326-0278
People Who Want to Donate Money
People who give away money can be contacted in different ways. These people want attention and like to hear a story they can donate to. If you’re interested you can easily find a list of rich people in the Forbes 400 Philanthropist List. From this list, you can find the foundations and charities that are run by these rich people and contact them by email or letter.
1635 Market Street, 17th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Email: Info@JBJSoulFoundation.Org
Telephone: (215) 636-0420
I Want to Give Money Away to People

If you're desperate for help and require urgent financial assistance then financial help from the Government should be available. You should visit USA.Gov for more information, some of the help available include mortgage assistance programs, financial help for self-employed, financial assistance for pensioners and debt management and debt consolidation advice.
There are rich people, millionaires, billionaires, celebrities, and philanthropists out there giving money to help people in need. These rich people like to help less fortunate people with genuine needs. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain if you contact rich people who give money away.
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