1. Ask Millionaires For Help - Yes You Can
This is a long shot but it has been done, you've heard stories about how Donald Trump, Oprah, Ellen give away money well now it's your turn to ask. Send a hardship letter to ask many millionaires as you can and ask them for $100 dollars or more, state your need and explain why you need urgent financial assistance. If you can send out 200 professional emails then there is an outside chance you might reach your goal. Remember when you ask for online financial aid be completely honest, don't bend the truth however tempting it may be. Also provide supporting statements about why you really need the money.
If you're skeptical about this strategy then check out Craig Rowing the internet phenomenon who was able to get a donation for one million dollars just by asking millionaires for help on YouTube, it really does work.
2. Ask Celebrities For Help
The same as above, you need to find the names and contact details of celebrities and send them letters or emails asking them for help. The more celebrities you can reach the more money you can make. Again ask for donations of $100 or more and send out to at least 100 celebrities (I told you this was going to be hard). Your hardship email or letter should be tear jerking and compelling, it needs to make the celebrity reach into their tight pockets and give you an instant donation.
Some of the celebrities who have a proven track record in giving include Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, and even Jon Bon Jovi. Oprah has given away free vehicles, homes and even education scholarship while Jon Bon Jovi runs a foundation specifically for low-income families who are experiencing financial despair.
3. Ask All The Charities for Help
Charities can help. If you've got 20 charities in your area and they all give you a $100 donation then you've made $2000 already.The key is to be organized and make a list of at least 50 charities, call them one by one and sell your hardship to them, tell them you need help and ask for $100 and nothing else, some of these charities will refuse and some will say yes. Even if 25 of these charities say yes you've made $2500 already.
Some of the charities you can ask for help include the Salvation Army, YMCA, and smaller local charities who offer clothes, food, furniture, and appliance assistance. If you can get help towards these items you can save an awful lot of money.
4. Ask Local Businesses
Make a list of all the local businesses in the area, try to get the details for about 50 entrepreneurs in your area. Again call them one by one and explain that you are in hardship and need $100 right now, explain that you're a member of the community and are experiencing extreme financial hardship. Tell them this is their chance to do something good and you're prepared to offer your services in arrears.
5. Ask Billionaires for Money

I Need 5000 Dollars Right Now
Making $5000 very quickly is hard and takes a lot of determination, some of the ideas mentioned here will work but really depends on why you need the money. The majority of the time you will be able to raise the money as long as you've got a legitimate need. Remember you need to be bold, determined and be willing to step outside of your comfort zone to make things work for you. Did you enjoy this article? was it a load of bull? share your thoughts below.
Here is the Set of Guides with Ideas to Make Money.
1. I Need 100 Dollars Right Now What Can I Do?
2. I Need 200 Dollars Right Now What Can I Do?
3. I Need 1000 Dollars Right Now What Can I Do?
4. I Need 2000 Dollars Right Now What Can I DO?
5. I Need 5000 Dollars Right Now What Can I Do?
If your situation is desperate and you need urgent financial assistance you should visit the USA.Gov website to request financial help from the Government. You could get help with military financial assistance, mortgage assistance programs, and advice on debt consolidation and debt management.